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Re: Regarding Unreconciling Partially paid entries.


Hi Jay,

in my opinion one should not create new accounting entries just to balance the financial figures for the debtor or creditor account. One should use the functionality of unlinking the (partial) reconciliation instead, like vra proposed in the provided patch.
That way the transactions keep clean and one does exactly what needs to 
be done, un-reconciling before changing the status of the corresponding 
invoice or payment.
Otherwise one will run into troubles later on as the transaction is 
still in status (partial)reconciled and ugly fixing functionality is 
needed to overcome the problems that will raise later on due to adding 
reverse entries.
I will vote for the patch, not for reverse entries.


Jay (Open ERP) schreef:
Hello Expert,

Currently We are working on a critical issue which lets the user cancel
any partially paid invoice.

However, that has been solved(but not committed) with this link :

The issue is, On the Account Entries, there is a wizard named
'Unreconcile Entries'.

This particular wizard only unreconciles the FULLY reconciled entries.
But, in case of partially paid invoice, we have partial reconciled id
linked to some credit accounting entry. There is currently no way to
unreconcile them.

One of the accounting expert has recommended to create a reverse entry
for this partially reconciled entry for the balancing act.

Isnt it fair to unreconcile (reconciled + partially reconciled) entries
from the  'unreconcile' wizard rather than creating revrse entries?

Waiting for your precious feedback.


Met vriendelijke groet,

*Veritos - Open Source Business Solutions
Jan Verlaan CPIM*



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