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Re: [account_asset] improvement indications needed


Grzegorz Grzelak (Cirrus.pl) escribió:
Hello I am working on account_asset improvement. I am rather rewriting
it. It should be ready in one month for stable extra. Specification is
mainly in:


and relevant bug report.

I have a big doubt about Time method.

Question 1. Please answer if any country uses depreciation intervals
like 12, 6, 3 or 2 month not synchronizing them with end of year? I
mean: Is the country where you buy asset in September 2010, you choose
depreciation interval one year or half year and depreciation posting is
made in September 2011 or in March 2011?

I see in english accounting guides (only I can read) that it is like in
PL that even if you choose year or half year depreciation first
depreciation posting is made in last period of the year (December or 4
quarter). It seems it should be common.
According to the Spanish General Accounting Plan (called P.G.C.E. on Spain) the 'amortization'* accounts (280/281/282) are credited yearly ("Se abonara por la dotacion _anual,_ con cargo a la ...") against the expenses accounts (680/681/682). This is done at the end of the fiscal year (December).
* The spanish accounting plan differences between amortizations (value 
loss due to aging) and depreciations ([revertible] value loss due to 
other causes, like stock exchange losses)
Question 2. I don't seem but: Is any country where depreciation
calculation starts from different period than next to purchase period? I
mean maybe not from next period but from the same period as purchase
period or starts from exact date of purchase (production etc.).
I think (I'm not accountant) that's just the case on Spain. I understand that for your asset bought in September 2010 it's first 'amortization' posting would be done in December 2010 (prorated for 3 months).
I found this 
interesting example:
   * Asset bought on March 20th.
         o Using the 'decreasing digits method' for 12 years and an
           initial value of *1000000*.
           year 1 = digit *12*, year 2 = digit *11*, year 3 = digit
           10... year 12 = digit 1; sum of 'digits' = 1+2+3...+12 = *78*
         o Being *287* the days between March 20th and December 31th
           (*78* days from January to March 20th).
   * First year: On December the value loss would be:
     (*1000000* * *12* / *78*) * *287*/365 = 120969.44
     (initial value * digit / sum_of_digits) * days/days_in_year

   * Second year: On December the value loss would be:
     Up to March 19th: (*1000000* * *12* / *78*) * *78*/365 = 32876.71
      From March 20th: (*1000000* * *11* / *78*) * *287*/365 = 110888.65
     Total = 32876.71 + 110888.65 = 143764.76

   * Third year (and after): Same as the second year, but using "11"
     and "10" (or the corresponding ones) as the 'digits'.

All the best.
I hope it is useful :)

Borja López Soilán

Pexego Sistemas Informáticos S.L.
Avenida de Magoi 66 - 27002 Lugo (España)
Tel./Fax 982801517
