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Re: OpenERP v6 order lines to invoice lines relations...


I had to make a ton of noise, but fortunately OpenERP S.A. reverted it in
commit odo@xxxxxxxxxxx-20100804185919-imyt8sm0bzzsbmf6

Hopefully one day they start sorting out their internal code review
process/hiring process and stop picturing themselves as the ultimate
"quality authority" everybody should pay for.
It's a bit tiring to see how much effort is required to get sanity
refactoring get merged in the trunk versus how they can easily commit
nonsense code internally, a bit far from how open source leads to quality...


Raphaël Valyi
Founder and ERP Consultant
+55 21 3010 9965


2010/8/4 Raphaël Valyi <rvalyi@xxxxxxxxx>

> Hello folks,
> I think I explained it pretty much there:
> http://www.openobject.com/forum/post59620.html#59620
> Thoughts?
> Raphaël Valyi
> Founder and ERP Consultant
> +55 21 3010 9965
> http://www.akretion.com
>  <http://www.akretion.com.br/>

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