openerp-expert-accounting team mailing list archive
openerp-expert-accounting team
Mailing list archive
Message #00730
Re: It is really needed that the debit and credit are positive?
David Mitchell wrote:
OpenERP appears to be built with the “contra-accounting” approach. So
the rule is to reverse transactions (e.g. an invoice) you have to
create a “Credit Memo”. The default behavior for transaction reversal
is to disallow negative transactions - obviously with the code you
identified below.
In many countries negative transaction lines are looked upon
unfavorably by auditors and the expectation is that transactions are
reversed using contra accounting. Based on our knowledge these
countries include (but are not limited to): United Kingdom, and the
United States, etc. <--I believe Spain falls here as well - but you
would know better than us on this one.
Great reply, David, I'm impressed :)
It's good to know that the concepts I expressed have proper names:
"contra-accounting" and "storno-accounting".
On Spain the recommended method (AFAIK; I'm a developer, not an
accountant) would be "contra-accounting", at least it is the one used on
the accounting books I have seen.
But (it seems) nothing prevents using the "storno" accounting, and some
accountants are used to it, at least for some operations (they would use
storno for undoing/fixing an accounting entry, but would use contra if a
credit note needs to be issued to the customer).
So Spain would be in the gray zone.
Personally, I’d like to see the system stabilized using
contra-accounting first (and run really really well) – and then if
there is demand – have the system support storno accounting leveraging
the work already done – if there is any.
Contra-accounting is more formal, and (as Nhomar says) seems to be
allowed anywhere, so it is a good default. But I don't think it would be
so hard to support both options on OpenERP*.
* Maybe is just enough to disable that constraint, add the storno option
to the journals and the invoice refund wizard, and review the accounting
reports to make sure they display the negative values properly.
Thanks for your reply!
Borja López Soilán
Pexego Sistemas Informáticos S.L.
Avenida de Magoi 66 - 27002 Lugo (España)
Tel./Fax 982801517
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