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Re: Pool: Countries with separate Invoice numbers and Journal numbers


Hello Everybody,

I think OpenERP SA has changed something that was not a problem into the
version 5 :

Quentin, you have explain to me that you have done this modification because
you would like to simplify the number of fields on an entry view .... => for
my point of view the problem is not the number of information we have on an
entry line, but the meaning/translation ot them.....=> in accounting we have

- *document number *(or internal number if you prefer => invoice number) =>
this number should normally not have gap => that mean we should not DELETE
(there is a difference between delete and cancel...) an invoice
- *entry number* => only for accounting purpose (historical need perhaps,
but needed) => could have gap => only one journal or more depending the
habit of the accountant
- *external reference* => normally this is the reference that our partner
(supplier, customer) need to have for his organisation => this is often
asked by client to specify their PO number for example or for us to put into
the supplier invoice number to make search.
- *source document* => (on invoice, not on entry) explain from which
document the actual entry has been created (eg : SO number, PO number,
etc...) => it is really very important and very useful
- *entry description*

With the 6 version, you would like to merge the document number and the
entry number to make it more simple..... I think you are wrong. In fact all
these information are usefull for the management => we just have to define
very clearly what field for what information.

Second problem => if you merge some fields => what about migration from 5 to
6 version ?????

I think the version 5 was working well for all needs => the only problem
could be for companies that would like to have no gap on entry number => for
that we just have to specify that the entries can not been cancel.

*My proposition :*

   - Keep the v5 functionalities but rename the fields like above
   - Create a module if people would like to change to what you have now
   into version 6 (a minority of people will use it)
   - Nice to have : create a new module to add a check box on sequence to be
   able to specify that we can reuse a not used number into the sequences => so
   no more number gap ;-)


Luc Maurer


Camptocamp SA
1015 Lausanne

Mobile :   +41 79 606 07 73
Direct :   +41 21 619 10 12
Centrale : +41 21 619 10 10
Fax :      +41 21 619 10 00

Camptocamp France SAS
Savoie Technolac
48 avenue du Lac du Bourget
73372 Le Bourget du Lac

Direct : +33 479 44 44 95
Centrale : +33 479 44 44 94
Fax : +33 479 44 44 94

