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Re: Akretion's work on report_intrastat


Hi Alexis,

In the Netherlands we are going to be forced in the near future to report only via XBRL. XBRL stands for e*X*tensible *B*usiness *R*eporting *L*anguage. It is one of a family of "XML" languages which is becoming a standard means of communicating information between businesses and on the internet. See http://www.xbrl.org and http://www.sbr-nl.nl/wps/wcm/connect/sbr-nl/sbr-nl/nl/Home/ and http://www.xbrl-nederland.nl/

For the Netherlands we can report now with XBRL to:
Voor de Belastingdienst: (Tax-governement)

   * Aangifte Omzetbelasting (OB)
   * Aangifte Vennootschapsbelasting (VpB)
   * Verkorte aangifte Vennootschapsbelasting vanaf belastingjaar 2008
   * Aangifte Inkomstenbelasting (IB)
   * Verkorte aangifte inkomstenbelasting voor ondernemers vanaf
     belastingjaar 2010
   * Opgave Intracommunautaire Prestaties (ICP)

Voor het CBS: (Country-statistics)

   * Opgaven productiestatistieken
   * Opgaven Investeringsstatistieken
   * Opgaven Korte termijnstatistieken

Voor de Kamer van Koophandel: (Chamber of Commerce)

   * Jaarrekeningen

Voor de banken: (Banks)

   * Kredietrapportages

Several countries have already mandatory XBRL as reportlanguage, including US, China en India. United Kingdom and Belgium are almost finished and the rest of Europe is following now. So I guess it would be wise that a taskforce/project would be the right choice to investigate the requerements for OpenERP as we soon have to comply to this reporting standard for most countries in the same way.

Met vriendelijke groet,

*Veritos - Open Source Business Solutions
Jan Verlaan CPIM*

Op 24-02-11 11:31, Alexis de Lattre schreef:
Dear OpenERP friends,

Some French-speakers may already be aware of Akretion's work on
report_intrastat, to make it possible to make the customs declaration
for product (DEB) and service (DES) that French company have to do every
month. Here is the post in the forum where we spoke about this :


This work is used by Anevia in production to make it's DEB and DES every
month. Anevia uses the XML export feature for DEB and DES to avoid
re-typing the information on the website of the French customs
authorities where this information must be supplied every month by
French companies.

I have several points/questions to submit to the expert-accounting
community about my work :

1) Apart from France, do other EU countries oblige companies to do the
kind of declaration that the module report_intrastat is supposed to
provide ?
If yes, do these countries use the INSTAT XML format for the product
declarations ? This INSTAT XML format is described here :


This format has been designed by the European Committee for
Standardization : http://www.cen.eu/

2) Apart from France, do other EU countries oblige companies to declare
every month the services that they sell without VAT to other EU
companies ?

In France, since January 2010, all companies must make such a
declaration called "DES" ; the declaration contains the VAT number of
the EU company who bought the service without VAT and the amount in euro
of this service.

Here are the details of the "DES" declaration (page in French) :

3) Currently, my work is a "fork" of the report_intrastat module for
OpenERP v5 and is hosted here :

This is not ideal because :
- it's not convenient at all to replace a module by another module of
the same name
- my new version of the module supports the product AND the service
declaration. Some service companies may only need the service
declaration, and they don't want all the new objects or fields added for
the specific needs of the product declaration (for example, they would
not need the report.intrastat.code object).
- at least the service XML export is not an EU standard and is specific
to France (but maybe it will be standardized in the future !)

So, depending on the answers on point 1 and 2, I plan to have a new
organisation of the modules.

For example, if the answer to point 1 and 2 is yes, then I would adopt
the following organisation :
* report_intrastat_base
This module would contain the basic objects which are needed by both the
product and service declaration, such as the boolean field "intrastat"
on res_country and the object report.intrastat.type.
This module would "conflict" with the standard "report_intrastat" module
from the addons. So a user who would like to use Akretion's
implementation of report_intrastat would need to uninstall the
report_intrastat module from the addons first.
* report_intrastat_product
This module would depend on "report_intrastat_base" and on "stock".
It would contain the view "report_intrastat" (that I should rename
"report_intrastat_product") and the code for the INSTAT XML file export.
* report_intrastat_service
This module would depend on "report_intrastat_base" only. It would
contain the view "report_intrastat_service".
* report_intrastat_service_fr
This module would depend on "report_intrastat_service" and would contain
the XML export for "DES", which is a format specific to France.

If the answer to point 1 and 2 is different, then I would adapt my plans
for the organisation of the modules.

4) I don't think that we will achieve to merge it with the official
modules in the near future. We already tried to propose a merge of our
work on report_intrastat, but it was refused by Tiny :

So I think I will continue to maintain these modules independently from
the official report_intrastat module in the short term. But, in the mid
term, a merge with the official version would make things easier for
OpenERP users. So, if there are some remarks that I should take into
account to make it easier for a merge in the mid-term, then I would be
happy to hear about them now.

I am waiting for your feedback. I plan to make an official release of
Akretion's work on report_intrastat in the coming weeks, but I want to
make the reorganisation of the modules before that. That's why I would
need to get your feedback shortly.


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