openerp-expert-accounting team mailing list archive
openerp-expert-accounting team
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Message #01691
Journal Item Import via CSV
Good day,
I am working to determine a method for importing journal items using a csv
For example the customer has a payroll entry he/she needs to import
bi-weekly. We created an example file for import which includes all the
proper accounts for the entry.
The imported fields include: name,,, account_id,
debit, credit, date, period_id, move_id and ref
The issue I have encountered is the move_id field causes an error on import
- without the move_id I can import the file however the imported lines
because separate entires which are unbalanced because they are not
"batched" together.
To combat this situation I have been able to create a false move and then
use that in the file for import however this is not a very good solution.
I'm hoping this group of experts has determined a method for importing
journal items via csv using the move_id field or some other method to keep
the lines "batched" together?
Any feedback is appreciated.
Thank you.
Laurie Chrostowski
Business Analyst
NovaPoint Group, LLC
(586) 330-9170
skype: lchrostowski
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