openerp-expert-accounting team mailing list archive
openerp-expert-accounting team
Mailing list archive
Message #01932
Anglo Saxon Accounting and Returns
Hi all,
Quick question.
Under Anglo- Saxon Accounting rules, Income and Expenses are realized when
I sell a product.
When I get a return from a customer, shouldn't Anglo Saxon reverse the
Income and Expenses, and return the product to Inventory in the accounting?
I don't think OpenERP currently does this. Am I missing something?
[image: Ursa Information Systems]
*Greg Mader - President*
Ursa Information Systems
1881 Commercenter Drive E, Suite 104
San Bernardino, California, 92408
*Office: 1-855-URSA ERP x 700
1-855-877 2377 x 700
Mobile: 1-909-499-1126*

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