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Re: account_constraints check date in fiscal year


On 03/28/2014 05:17 PM, Bidoul, Stéphane wrote:
Hi experts!

In module account_constraints, there is a check that the date of the move is in the same fiscal year as the period.

Here in Belgium I meet accountants saying that, while exceptional, it is perfectly valid to enter a supplier invoice with a date in previous fiscal year while forcing the period in current fiscal year.

How would you recommend dealing with this situation? Should account_constraints be split in more granular modules implementing subsets of constraints so we can chose the one that are applicable in our regions?

Hello Stéphane,
otherwise, you could make the constraints optional, based on company or user group settings.


Lorenzo Battistini
Tel (CH): +41 91 210 23 40
Tel (IT): +39 011 198 25481

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