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openerp-expert-framework team
Mailing list archive
Message #00105
Re: Removing context
A Dijous, 14 de gener de 2010, Albert Cervera i Areny va escriure:
> A Dijous, 14 de gener de 2010, Christophe Simonis va escriure:
> > > I know that sounds like a big change but I can't avoid thinking on how
> > > many bug reports we would have avoided (and will avoid) just because
> > > developers keep forgeting passing context argument.
> > >
> > > It's true that there're lots of modules out there but most of them
> > > could be updated with simple regular expressions.
> > >
> > > Of course, it also provides cleaner code and avoids typing a little bit
> > > of code :P
> >
> > I think it's a great idea, but that also mean that the xmlrpc and netrpc
> > layers have to be rewritten...
> Are you sure? We implemented Pyro and not only it is very little code but
> also doesn't handle context anywhere...
Albert Cervera i Areny
Mòbil: +34 669 40 40 18
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