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Re: Removing context


A Dijous, 14 de gener de 2010, Christophe Simonis va escriure:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 14/01/10 15:56, Albert Cervera i Areny wrote:
> > A Dijous, 14 de gener de 2010, Albert Cervera i Areny va escriure:
> >> A Dijous, 14 de gener de 2010, Christophe Simonis va escriure:
> >>>> I know that sounds like a big change but I can't avoid thinking on how
> >>>> many  bug reports we would have avoided (and will avoid) just because
> >>>> developers keep forgeting passing context argument.
> >>>>
> >>>> It's true that there're lots of modules out there but most of them
> >>>> could be  updated with simple regular expressions.
> >>>>
> >>>> Of course, it also provides cleaner code and avoids typing a little
> >>>> bit of  code :P
> >>>
> >>> I think it's a great idea, but that also mean that the xmlrpc and
> >>> netrpc layers have to be rewritten...
> >>
> >> Are you sure? We implemented Pyro and not only it is very little code
> >> but also doesn't handle context anywhere...
> Yes, I am.
> The signature of the *execute* method is
>   def execute(self, db, uid, passwd, object, method, *args)
> How will you extract the context from *args ?

Oh I see, I misunderstood you. 

Of course, remote calls should give context as the first parameter after 
method in all calls. Again, making it required would be a good thing IMHO.

> - --
> Simonis Christophe
> Quality & Support Manager
> Open ERP - Tiny SPRL
> Chaussée de Namur, 40
> B-1367 Gérompont
> Tel: +
> Web: http://openerp.com
> Blog: http://christophe-simonis-at-tiny.blogspot.com
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Albert Cervera i Areny
Mòbil: +34 669 40 40 18
