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openerp-expert-framework team
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Message #00116
Re: Important bug needs attention
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 9:46 PM, Albert Cervera i Areny
> A Divendres, 22 de gener de 2010, Cloves Almeida va escriure:
> > Bug
> >
> >
> >
> > is very serious - it breaks atomicity on a transaction creating multiple
> > objects. And might be the source to other bug reports. And apparently it
> > is an easy to solve one.
> Is there something we can do from the framework list that hasn't been done
> already?
Yes, Tiny promised to read/interact with those list, but they are not doing
it (yet). I won't blame them, they might be flooded as usual.
Alternatively, as they requested me to set up a bit the community
interaction, if nobody does it before, I'm going to spot that one on the
list of the things I'll personally report them by phone on next phone call.
But they have very little availability so I try to really spare my calls and
limit the points I report them even if this is very frustrating.
Now, simple to fix+very critical deserves a lot of attention because if
there is consensus on the fix, then for Tiny it doesn't take much to do it,
so they should absolutely do it. I regret Launchpad doesn't offer something
like a resolution difficulty level. At some points, that's even
understandable that very trivial fixes like unicode stuff get more priority
than more important bugs and in the case of both easiness and criticity it
should absolutely makes it way in.
Anybody here disagrees about the proposed patch?
PS1: we are sometimes bashing Tiny because of his low reactivity toward
those expert teams they asked, but did you noticed that serious server
exception refactoring branch work
great news! Don't hesitate to try to push related merges there...
PS2: I'm personnaly working a bit on my little spare time on a community
decision making tool. I started that project actually 2 years ago and it
does something nobody ever did: it's like a StackOverFlow or system but instead of just counting raw votes numbers
which disperse the ideas and barely build a connex representative graph, it
propagates votes with an attenuation factor, much like the Google pagerank
(it uses the pagerank on steroid algorithm internally; I think I've read
like 3 phD's to build those algo., and and jump-started on JRuby by 2006...)
and it also clusters opinions groups, suggests live cluster merges and
position revision, like in syndical/political debate if you like...
As I'm involved with OpenERP, like you I have really little spare time. But
eventually I'll finish it. I can't imagine a better tool to ask an open
question to 500+ people and get a ranked + clustered vision of it instantly,
as scientific as the scientific ranking of scientific publications
citations, it might be a great tool for legimating community based decisions
if I have the opportunity to finish it. Now, I'm sorry, I invested too much
time on it to release it open source. Also the value, lies much more in the
central server than in the openness. So it's going to be Saas system, free
to use in most situations, with a public API and even open source clients
(well I would be happy to open it if I can foresee an open business model
for it, I just can't it's like building an open source youtube and thinking
it's a sustainable activity..). In any case, I consider OpenERP a higher
priority to me because it's what pay the bills so far.
> >
> > CJ
> >
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> --
> Albert Cervera i Areny
> Mòbil: +34 669 40 40 18
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