openerp-expert-framework team mailing list archive
openerp-expert-framework team
Mailing list archive
Message #00117
Re: Important bug needs attention
A Divendres, 22 de gener de 2010, Raphaël Valyi va escriure:
> Yes, Tiny promised to read/interact with those list, but they are not doing
> it (yet). I won't blame them, they might be flooded as usual.
> Alternatively, as they requested me to set up a bit the community
> interaction, if nobody does it before, I'm going to spot that one on the
> list of the things I'll personally report them by phone on next phone call.
> But they have very little availability so I try to really spare my calls
> and limit the points I report them even if this is very frustrating.
Given the limited resources, this sounds really good to me. Thanks for
clarifying, Raphaël.
Albert Cervera i Areny
Mòbil: +34 669 40 40 18