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Re: [Blueprint numeric-type] Numeric type in framework


On 3 Feb 2010, at 11:12 , Albert Cervera i Areny wrote:
> A Dimecres, 3 de febrer de 2010, Xavier (Open ERP) va escriure:
>>  xmo
>>  ------------------------------
>>  It's OK for me not to provide to_*  features. 
>>  For the money type why not, it can even be stored in a numeric entry in
>> database. For my point of view one of the big advantage of money type
>> would be to be able to set a uniform quantize policy (may be it may be set
>> in a field parameter)  in term of reading and writing money, this should
>> be also be true in term of end user widget. 
>>  On other point with the numerical widget will be to thing of the
>>  different available way to input the data because python Decimal support
>>  a lot of string input.
> IMHO a Money type is not the way to go. After all, one may want/need to avoid 
> the issues brought by float type in other cases, not only when working with 
> money.
As I already pointed out on the blueprint (is it dead? Was it deleted? I can't reach it anymore), having a money type doesn't preclude from having a decimal one (the money type can be independent from or a subtype of the decimal one), and it's a common pattern to implement money-specific operations (quantize policies, or custom monetary widgets in the clients, which Nicolas pointed out on the blueprint)

> On the PostgreSQL side, the money type doesn't receive the same attention 
> other types receive. See, for example the TODO items for money type:
> http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Todo#MONEY_Data_Type
Interesting. Then again, the money type could be solely a python-side detail, backed by a generic Numeric db column.

Xavier Morel
OpenERP - Tiny SPRL
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