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Message #00145
Re: [Blueprint postgres-osv-memory] Alternative implementation of osv_memory using PostgreSQL
The TEMPORARY TABLE are create in RAM if the temp_buffer parameter is
sufficient if not, the table is store on the disk
Le 10/02/10 16:25, P. Christeas a écrit :
>> +
>> + Why a new backend ?, in PostgreSQL we can used tempory table to do this,
>> with this syntax + CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test ....
>> + There are store in RAM and automaticaly delete when commit
>> + A particularity is that a many temporary table can the same name, each
>> transaction see their table.
> Temporary tables of Postgres do have a serious limitation: they only exist for
> the life of one pg connection. So, they would be lost if the server needs to
> restart (same as osv_memory), but also if a different psycopg2 cursor is
> selected.
> I do like to implement things in Postgres, but we just need to make sure these
> 2 conditions are met.
Christophe Chauvet
Directeur Technique/Technical Manager
27 Avenue Jean Mantelet
61000 Alençon, France
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