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Re: why Tiny cannot make an OERPScenario clone, so please just use it!



unless Tiny points to a better link, I would say the Launchpad project is
this one:

Hope this helps

Raphaël Valyi

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 1:07 PM, Joël Grand-Guillaume <
joel.grandguillaume@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> I wonder if I can get the URL of the Launchpad branch "test.openobject.com
> "...
> I spend time to find it, but without success :(
> Please give me a hand.
> Regards,
> Joël
> P.S. I release the OERPScenario 0.4, including tax support in invoice,
> better Helpers, and tag for each supported LP bug (--tag=bugNUMBER). See it
> there : https://launchpad.net/oerpscenario
> Le 24 févr. 2010 à 12:09, Joël Grand-Guillaume a écrit :
> Hi Fabien,
> I propose to integrate the OERPScenario in the continuous integration
> server. So that each commit passes the OERPScenario tests:
>  http://test.openobject.com/
> Good to ear :) !
> Can you handle the update the LP branch of the integration server to add
> the process of the OERPScenario ? I propose between step 6 and step 7:
>  http://test.openobject.com/builders/stableOfficial/builds/463
> The integration server code is a branch on LP, but Ihave to say I don't
> rember which one it is. If you don't find it I will ask the developers.
> Please give me a hand... I don't find it...
> We must also update the community/developper guide. We will do it for
> yaml, I propose that you do it for OERPScenario. It's also a branch
> lp:openobject-doc
> Ok for me
> Thank you all for the good contributions and propositions for improvement.
> You are welcome ! As you consider our work it's always a pleasure ! Think
> on other good community project
> also, like Poweremail, report Openoffice, Magento connector, ... I think
> they deserve something too !
> We really appreciate this time you communicate on our contributions. This
> should be like this every time
> a partner suggest something good...  Saying:
> "OpenERP SA decided, with the collaboration of partner XXX, to do YYY"
> This won't cost you anything, and will just value the partner work, encourage
> them to innovate and
> spend "free hours" on some new ideas. Currently, we don't get something
> that good for all our
> suggestions. You just claim on Twitter :
> "We are changing our development methodology to be more BDD (
> http://bit.ly/r7L4). We will crite test scenario before each devs.
> about 3 hours ago  <https://twitter.com/fpopenerp/status/9567189077>via
> web"
> "We" ... just means OpenERP SA...
> This is true at the end, but who just push you to that reflexion ?
> Camptocamp.... The same happens on Launchpad &
> Bazaar, Mako report, all the financial views we provide you, the financial
> report and so on... Not a word in the whole
> communication channel....
> I mean, this is just a matter of respect to recognize those kind of things,
> and I'm not the only frustrated guy on this topic. What I say is
> we (the community) expect from you (OpenERP SA) to recognize our work, and
> communicate on the good things this or
> this partner did. Don't appropriate your-self all the good idea...
> Well, I finish my rant :)
> Thanks you for considering our work, I hope this will be like this in the
> future.
> Regards,
> Joël
> Joël Grand-Guillaume wrote:
> Hello,
> Well, everything has been said then... We'll do as you said Fabien. Good
> to have both systems.
> Just one more things you're definitely wrong : Real test case won't be
> just recorded by
> your module recorder, and a test case will be done ! Otherwise,others
> might have thought about
> this !!! I mean, as good as the module recorder is, it will never
> produce a test case just like this.
> Anyway, go ahead now and stop discussing stuff...
> I understand you want to promote both system, so I expect now to have
> the needed infrastructure
> put that in place.
> - What do you suggest ensure OERPScenario will be run before every
> release of 5.0.x ?
> - Where would you communicate about the existing testing systemS of
> OpenERP ?
> - How do we organize our-self to provide the community the opportunity
> to invest their-self
>  in the testing process ?
> Thanks to follow my questions.
> Best regards,
> Joël
> Le 24 févr. 2010 à 08:14, Fabien Pinckaers a écrit :
> Hello,
> I think it's important to note that OERPScenario and Yaml allows to do
> exactly the same things:
> * both allows to call Python code. In yaml, you can do something like:
> !python
>   self.search(cr, uid, ...)
>   ...
> * both allows to reuse preceeding tests. In OERPScenario you define
> reuseable regex, in YAML you define anchor and aliases.
> * both allows to write tests in two steps:
> 1. a functional describe the test
> 2. a developper code/implement the test
> -> in yaml it's in one file, in OERPScenario it's in two files, linked
> by regexes.
> Here are the real difference:
> 1. OERPScenario is more based on code, whereas yaml is more based on
>  data
> 2. As YAML is purely data, tests can be generated by the module
>  recorder, in OERPScenario every test requires development (usualy
>  quite simple, 2 lines of code) -> so no need to ask a developer
>  to implement at all.
> 3. OERPScenario has a very clean and beautiful output, YAML has a text
>  output, but not beautiful at all
> 4. OERPScenario is more complex to learn than YAML, which is just
>  another way of encoding current .XML files of OpenERP
> 5. YAML is a uniq system for (demo) data and tests
> Non-devs people will NEVER EVER be able to write tests case in a
> technical way ! this is why someone smart invent the Gherkin syntax...
> With this, business people only care on the Scenario, tech people
> about coding it...
> Yes, you can. Selenium does it.
> We can also do it through the module recorder in OpenERP. Quite easy:
> click on start recording, do all your operations, click on stop
> recording and it gives you the yaml file. So, you don't need the tech
> people to develop it.
> With YAML, you can also do the same than in OERPScenario:
> 1. A non-dev write the tests case:
> -
> Given I have created a partner named "Demour SA" with the following
> addresses:
>          | Luc  |
>          | Marc |
> -
>   Then I expect the partner credit to be 0
> -
>   And when I change the partner name to "Demour sa"
> -
>   Then I expect the partner name to be "Demour sa"
> 2. The technical implements each test between each lines to finally get
> this: http://piratepad.net/mATgKAXiac
> I think we can speak hours to argue on both solutions. Both are good and
> both have disadvantages and advantages. Here is my conclusions for our
> company:
> * We promote both
> * In v5.0, OERPScenario is the only solution
> * In future versions and trunk, YAML only will be used by our developers
> for demo data and tests
> I suppose C2C and Rvalyi will use OERPScenario for v5 and trunk and
> that's good. -> We will may be find twice as more bugs.
> Both solutions may answer different needs:
> 1. As the editor, we have to take the easiest solution and fastest
>  solution to develop tests, integrated in OpenERP
> 2. As an implementer, you probably need a clean output for your tests so
>  that you can show them to your customers.
> One thing is sure, let's stop this small fighting "You must use this,
> not this one" or "This one is better". Let's just start promoting both.
> Let's start another debate :)
> - do we also have to use selenium to test the client interface ?
> thanks,
> --
> Fabien Pinckaers
> CEO Tiny - OpenERP Editor
> Chaussée de Namur 40
> B-1367 Grand-Rosière
> Belgium
> Phone: +
> Fax: +
> Web: http://openerp.com
> Great Achievements Start With Tiny Investments
> -- Marty, 2005
> --
> *Joël Grand-Guillaume** *
> *Division Manager*
> *Business Solutions*
> *
> *
> *Camptocamp SA*
> PSE A, CH-1015 Lausanne
> www.camptocamp.com <http://www.camptocamp.com>
> Phone: +41 21 619 10 28
> Office: +41 21 619 10 10
> Fax: +41 21 619 10 00
> Email: joel.grandguillaume@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:joel.grandguillaume@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx<joel.grandguillaume@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >
> http://www.camptocamp.com/fr/business-solutions/formations
> --
> Fabien Pinckaers
> CEO Tiny - OpenERP Editor
> Chaussée de Namur 40
> B-1367 Grand-Rosière
> Belgium
> Phone: +
> Fax: +
> Web: http://openerp.com
> Great Achievements Start With Tiny Investments
>  -- Marty, 2005
> --
> *Joël Grand-Guillaume** *
> *Division Manager*
> *Business Solutions*
> *
> *
> *Camptocamp SA*
> PSE A, CH-1015 Lausanne
>  www.camptocamp.com
> Phone: +41 21 619 10 28
> Office: +41 21 619 10 10
> Fax: +41 21 619 10 00
> Email: joel.grandguillaume@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> http://www.camptocamp.com/fr/business-solutions/formations
> --
> *Joël Grand-Guillaume** *
> *Division Manager*
> *Business Solutions*
> *
> *
> *Camptocamp SA*
> PSE A, CH-1015 Lausanne
>  www.camptocamp.com
> Phone: +41 21 619 10 28
> Office: +41 21 619 10 10
> Fax: +41 21 619 10 00
> Email: joel.grandguillaume@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> http://www.camptocamp.com/fr/business-solutions/formations
