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Message #00394
Re: Field for Geo Location?
I like the idea of geo location. however, If I look after the 12 OpenERP
projects I participated, I think barely 4 or so would care about such a
At the end, I tend to think the following:
- as we already talked recently we don't have any EAV framework ( ) in OpenERP
currently, meaning every new core field will bloat the whole ERP, so would
GIS coordinates (not sure if those would be eligible to EAV here but if some
other fields were to, then adding fields would be easier anyway).
- so if we start adding right into the core fields that are debatable, we
open the door to people asking a lot more somewhat useful fields that might
be just as useful as GIS (or even more) in the name of consistency.
- yes OpenERP still makes it a pain in the ass to add extra fields by
means of modules inside business objects such as sale.order.line,
invoice.order.line, stock.move or account.move.line in
a consistent way across all other existing modules (of course you often
manage to get your key process working, but that's not the same than overall
consistency), because those objects tend to be instantiated in lots of
places sometimes in fat dirty non over-ridable methods (although I had some
basic clean up merged in v6 fortunately). So this justify the to add fields
in those objects right into the core, until OpenERP standard addons make it
easier to do that with modules. I think this the reason why the double unit
management is implemented into the core for instance, although largely
broken (we can discuss that later eventually if you want to clean it for v6,
we did some stuff in v5). Now, objects like partners and addresses are
not instantiated so much in large dirty non over-ridable methods. This means
that we could add it in a standard base module.
At the end, I'm not telling that GIS shouldn't be into the core, I'm just
telling: because of some OpenObject current limitations, we do have a "field
scalability issue" and a limit should be put somewhere, I'm pretty sure that
GIS related fields are close to that limit. On the contrary, unlike other
business objects, partners and addresses seems pretty easy to extend in a
module. So may be a solution could be to add a standard addons module adding
those properties. BTW, if you guy implement my idea of degradable iframes to
URL's into the GTK clients, a cool feature would be a Google Map view of the
partner location right into the partner view that would degrade to a link
into a link to the map in the GTK client.
Raphaël Valyi
Founder and ERP Consultant
+55 21 3010 9965
On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 5:41 AM, P. Christeas <xrg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thursday 22 July 2010, you wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I think OpenERP lacks a true GIS data support, but I think we should
> > provide a complete solution that will handle common GIS problematics,
> like
> > WGS encoding, and projection, shape management, points and basic query.
> > Postgres provide the most advanced GIS support in relational database
> > world with The postGIS extension. Most of the OpenGeo Consortium
> standard
> > are supported. The best way to dos this is to integrate the support of
> > geom type directly in OpenERP ORM.
> >
> > I have started to write a spec document in collaboration with our GIS
> > business unit team (Camptocamp also is an OpenSource WebGIS solution
> > editor). I will share it when it will be complete enough and maybe
> provide
> > of small proof of concept.
> >
> Perhaps you are giving it a further push.. (not bad)
> My idea is to just support a type for a Geo. "point", that is, the simplest
> data..
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