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Re: [Openerp-community-leaders] [Openerp-community] New Community Organization for OpenERP


Dear Community,

The following person are now invited to be part of the "OpenERP Community Reviewer" team:

- Camptocamp Community Reviewer (Alexandre Fayolle, Guewen Baconnier, Nicolas Bessi, and me)
- Nhomar Hernandez (Vauxoo)
- Raphaël Valyi (Akretion)
- Stefan Rijnhart (Therp)
- Olivier Dony (OpenERP)
- Borja López Soilán (Neoplus)
- Omar (Pexego)
- Maxime Chambreuil (Savoir faire linux)
- Jordi Esteve (Zikzakmedia)

This team is now part of all other " * Core Editors" team specific to project (like Project Core Editors, Account Core Editors, Sale Core Editors,...). The goal is to have a basis of strong community members in all specific team. I created a mailing list for those community reviewer (as suggested by Stefan R.) :  openerp-community-reviewer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

All implied person in the specifics team's projects can apply to be part of it and will be accepted if members agree. This way, we'll have the possibility to include people on specific topic through specific team, or for all project through community reviewer. 

This is a start, but I'm aware that we'll not gonna handle all the community with less than 15 people... Interested and invested people, please apply !

Regarding the team like "Camptocamp Community Reviewer" or "Vauxoo Community Reviewer", I think it should be ok to have team as long as their members are endorse/agreed by others. Everybody should be able to manage their staff as their ease. I added the Camptocamp reviewer as part of the "OpenERP Community Reviewer" for that. Now, I'll ask like anybody else if I want to add a new person here, I promise ;)

I also took time to update the doc.openerp.com in the "Community Contributor Teams" section regarding the last discussed topics.

@Nhomar: For your "Vauxoo Community Reviewer" team, it's less clear for me, that's why I don't add all your team here, don't take it personally ;). I had a look and saw 9 people including you. For what I know of them, I can approve:
 - you ;)
 - Moisés López
 - Isaac López Zúñiga
 - Tulio Ruiz
Would you create another team for them if it's easiest for you to manage. What do you think ? For now, I include you at least !

@Alexis : I think we should always make MP, if no review land in time, well... Warn people you gonna merge it anyway. If still no answer => merge yourself. This at least give the possibility to other to review, and I think it's a good habit to take ! Moreover, you'll be part of the team that handle your module at least, so you'll be able to do it in time... This will not land in the same situation than with OpenERP MP....

@Normunds & @ Pieter : Community review is a matter of dialog ! The purpose of merge proposal is to improve quality, decrease regressions and bugs, improve people's skills. This is not about saying people how to do. Just give opinion and feed-back. Having a review on your code is always good cause you cannot see everything... If author choose a way of doing thing, he can explain why in his merge proposal. OpenERP Community Reviewer will be "good" people that try to make the best out of each contribution ;) !

Best regards,



Joël Grand-Guillaume 
Division Manager
Business Solutions

Camptocamp SA
PSE A, CH-1015 Lausanne

Phone: +41 21 619 10 28
Office: +41 21 619 10 10
Fax: +41 21 619 10 00
Email: joel.grandguillaume@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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