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Message #01070
Re: New connectors
On 12/17/2012 02:10 PM, Maxime Chambreuil wrote:
I am not yet familiar with what Celery and RabbitMQ does, but in the scenario where we would use them, what would be in the openobject-extension project ? What would we put in the OpenERP connectors projects (if still necessary)?
Celery and RabbitMQ won't (I think) never be implemented in
base_external_referentials (openobject-extension), I really want to
avoid external dependencies. The connectors should be simple to install
and configure (not the case actually).
base_external_referentials and base_sale_multichannels are actually
sparsely pluggable, their 'inheritance' architecture doesn't allow much
replacement of a piece a code by another. Work will be done on that too.
So at end, a basic queue implementation could be replaced by any
implementation which respect the same interface.
Maybe the experience will show that a queue based on PostgreSQL is
sufficient for all installations and there will be no need for a more
advanced queue implementation. Otherwise, ideally the installation of an
additional openerp addon could replace the basic queue. (RabbitMQ
supports thousands of messages per seconds, while Magento can take
nearly 7 seconds to update 1 product, don't be too oversized :-)
In a general manner concerning the connectors, I started some months ago
a analysis of the current state of the connectors and what could/should
be done to improve the situation. It resulted in a document that you can
find at link [1]. A second document [2] is a brief start of "what needs
to be done" in first place.
We'll start to work on more detailed specifications in some time.
If you want to continue the discussion, I suggest to move on the
magentoerpconnect list: magentoerpconnect-community@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I cross-post my message on the magento list so everyone on the latter
will be informed about that.
(by the way, I did an utterly rough PoC of Celery / RabbitMQ in OpenERP [3])