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Problems with openjdk crash when building eclipse for raspbian and possiblly debian armhf


I maintain a debian derivative called raspbian which aims to rebuild debian for the raspberry pi and other armv6 hardware (though other than the Pi there doesn't seem to be much popular armv6 hardware arround). Note that while we target armv6 hardware we use armv7 hardware for our build machines.

Recently i've been trying to build eclipse for raspbian jessie and getting errors like.


# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  Internal Error (os_linux_zero.cpp:285), pid=29049, tid=1092191344
#  fatal error: caught unhandled signal 11
# JRE version: 7.0_25-b30
# Java VM: OpenJDK Zero VM (23.7-b01 mixed mode linux-arm )
# Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# /eclipse-3.8.1/hs_err_pid29049.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please include
# instructions on how to reproduce the bug and visit:
#   http://icedtea.classpath.org/bugzilla
dh_auto_build: ant provision.cvs died with signal 6
make[1]: *** [override_dh_auto_build] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/eclipse-3.8.1'
make: *** [build] Error 2
dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules build gave error exit status 2

That particular error is from an attempt with an openjdk-7 package based on the latest version in debian sid with a minor patch to stop it setting off our armv7 contamination checker (versioned as 7u25-2.3.12-1+rpi1)but i've also had similar failures with older versions of openjdk-7 and with openjdk-6.

I've also seen similar issues over in debian sid. The most recent eclipse upload succeeded but the previous two failed so I'm not sure if that was a fluke. There don't appear to have been any relavent changes to the eclipse package in the most recent upload and previous versions that failed.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  Internal Error (os_linux_zero.cpp:285), pid=29049, tid=1092191344
#  fatal error: caught unhandled signal 11
# JRE version: 7.0_25-b30
# Java VM: OpenJDK Zero VM (23.7-b01 mixed mode linux-arm )
# Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please include
# instructions on how to reproduce the bug and visit:
#   http://icedtea.classpath.org/bugzilla

---------------  T H R E A D  ---------------

Current thread (0x41204c88):  JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_Java, id=29051, stack(0x4101a000,0x41199000)]

Stack: [0x4101a000,0x41199000],  sp=0x410da79c,  free space=769k
Java frames:
 0x41194ed0: stack_word[3]         = 0x454cff18
 0x41194ed4: stack_word[2]         = 0x454d2688
 0x41194ed8: stack_word[1]         = 0x454d2688
 0x41194edc: stack_word[0]         = 0x454cfd70
 0x41194ee0: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41194ee4: istate->_bcp          = 0x62def4f1 (bci 105)
 0x41194ee8: istate->_locals       = 0x41194f34
 0x41194eec: istate->_constants    = 0x62e79818
 0x41194ef0: istate->_method       = java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(Z)[Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;
 0x41194ef4: istate->_mdx          = 0x62e91950
 0x41194ef8: istate->_stack        = 0x41194ecc
 0x41194efc: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41194f00: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41194f04: (istate->_result)     = 0x41194ed0
 0x41194f08: (istate->_result)     = 0x41194ec0
 0x41194f0c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41194ed0
 0x41194f10: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41194f14: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41194ee0
 0x41194f18: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41194ecc
 0x41194f1c: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41194ee0
 0x41194f20: istate->_self_link    = 0x41194ee0
 0x41194f24: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41194f28: next_frame            = 0x41194f80

 0x41194f2c: local[2]              = 0x454cff18
 0x41194f30: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x41194f34: local[0]              = 0x454cfd70
 0x41194f38: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41194f3c: istate->_bcp          = 0x62dede73 (bci 11)
 0x41194f40: istate->_locals       = 0x41194f84
 0x41194f44: istate->_constants    = 0x62e79818
 0x41194f48: istate->_method       = java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;
 0x41194f4c: istate->_mdx          = 0x41194f0c
 0x41194f50: istate->_stack        = 0x41194f2c
 0x41194f54: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41194f58: istate->_result       = 0x454cfe70
 0x41194f5c: (istate->_result)     = 0x454cfe70
 0x41194f60: (istate->_result)     = 0x41204c88
 0x41194f64: istate->_prev_link    = 0x6377306f
 0x41194f68: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41194f6c: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41194f38
 0x41194f70: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41194f24
 0x41194f74: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41194f38
 0x41194f78: istate->_self_link    = 0x41194f38
 0x41194f7c: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41194f80: next_frame            = 0x41194fd0

 0x41194f84: local[0]              = 0x454cfd70
 0x41194f88: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41194f8c: istate->_bcp          = 0x63775449 (bci 9)
 0x41194f90: istate->_locals       = 0x41194fe8
 0x41194f94: istate->_constants    = 0x63776338
 0x41194f98: istate->_method       = sun.org.mozilla.javascript.FunctionObject.getMethodList(Ljava/lang/Class;)[Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;
 0x41194f9c: istate->_mdx          = 0x41194f60
 0x41194fa0: istate->_stack        = 0x41194f80
 0x41194fa4: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41194fa8: istate->_result       = 0x41194fb4
 0x41194fac: (istate->_result)     = 0x410daa20
 0x41194fb0: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000001
 0x41194fb4: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41195000
 0x41194fb8: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41194fbc: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41194f88
 0x41194fc0: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41194f74
 0x41194fc4: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41194f88
 0x41194fc8: istate->_self_link    = 0x41194f88
 0x41194fcc: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41194fd0: next_frame            = 0x41195034

 0x41194fd4: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x41194fd8: local[4]              = 0x00000000
 0x41194fdc: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41194fe0: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41194fe4: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x41194fe8: local[0]              = 0x454cfd70
 0x41194fec: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41194ff0: istate->_bcp          = 0x6370a411 (bci 1)
 0x41194ff4: istate->_locals       = 0x411950b4
 0x41194ff8: istate->_constants    = 0x6370fb60
 0x41194ffc: istate->_method       = sun.org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject.buildClassCtor(Lsun/org/mozilla/javascript/Scriptable;Ljava/lang/Class;ZZ)Lsun/org/mozilla/javascript/BaseFunction;
 0x41195000: istate->_mdx          = 0x41195058
 0x41195004: istate->_stack        = 0x41194fe4
 0x41195008: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x4119500c: istate->_result       = 0x454cfd70
 0x41195010: (istate->_result)     = 0x41204c88
 0x41195014: (istate->_result)     = 0x62deb568
 0x41195018: istate->_prev_link    = 0x4119505c
 0x4119501c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195020: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41194fec
 0x41195024: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41194fd0
 0x41195028: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41194fec
 0x4119502c: istate->_self_link    = 0x41194fec
 0x41195030: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195034: next_frame            = 0x41195100

 0x41195038: local[31]             = 0x00000000
 0x4119503c: local[30]             = 0x00000000
 0x41195040: local[29]             = 0x00000000
 0x41195044: local[28]             = 0x00000000
 0x41195048: local[27]             = 0x00000000
 0x4119504c: local[26]             = 0x00000000
 0x41195050: local[25]             = 0x00000000
 0x41195054: local[24]             = 0x00000000
 0x41195058: local[23]             = 0x00000000
 0x4119505c: local[22]             = 0x00000000
 0x41195060: local[21]             = 0x00000000
 0x41195064: local[20]             = 0x00000000
 0x41195068: local[19]             = 0x00000000
 0x4119506c: local[18]             = 0x00000000
 0x41195070: local[17]             = 0x00000000
 0x41195074: local[16]             = 0x00000000
 0x41195078: local[15]             = 0x00000000
 0x4119507c: local[14]             = 0x00000000
 0x41195080: local[13]             = 0x00000000
 0x41195084: local[12]             = 0x00000000
 0x41195088: local[11]             = 0x00000000
 0x4119508c: local[10]             = 0x00000000
 0x41195090: local[9]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195094: local[8]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195098: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119509c: local[6]              = 0x00000000
 0x411950a0: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x411950a4: local[4]              = 0x00000000
 0x411950a8: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x411950ac: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x411950b0: local[1]              = 0x454cfd70
 0x411950b4: local[0]              = 0x454c6708
 0x411950b8: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411950bc: istate->_bcp          = 0x6376a21a (bci 26)
 0x411950c0: istate->_locals       = 0x41195110
 0x411950c4: istate->_constants    = 0x6376a5f8
 0x411950c8: istate->_method       = sun.org.mozilla.javascript.LazilyLoadedCtor.buildValue0()Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x411950cc: istate->_mdx          = 0x00000000
 0x411950d0: istate->_stack        = 0x411950a4
 0x411950d4: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411950d8: istate->_result       = 0x4119511c
 0x411950dc: (istate->_result)     = 0x62e61540
 0x411950e0: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x411950e4: istate->_prev_link    = 0x411950b0
 0x411950e8: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411950ec: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411950b8
 0x411950f0: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411950a4
 0x411950f4: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411950b8
 0x411950f8: istate->_self_link    = 0x411950b8
 0x411950fc: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195100: next_frame            = 0x4119515c

 0x41195104: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195108: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119510c: local[1]              = 0x454cfd70
 0x41195110: local[0]              = 0x454cf180
 0x41195114: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195118: istate->_bcp          = 0x6376a429 (bci 1)
 0x4119511c: istate->_locals       = 0x41195160
 0x41195120: istate->_constants    = 0x6376a5f8
 0x41195124: istate->_method       = sun.org.mozilla.javascript.LazilyLoadedCtor.access$000(Lsun/org/mozilla/javascript/LazilyLoadedCtor;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41195128: istate->_mdx          = 0x62e93e57
 0x4119512c: istate->_stack        = 0x4119510c
 0x41195130: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195134: istate->_result       = 0x41195100
 0x41195138: (istate->_result)     = 0x411950f4
 0x4119513c: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195100
 0x41195140: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41195100
 0x41195144: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195148: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195114
 0x4119514c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x4119510c
 0x41195150: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195114
 0x41195154: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195114
 0x41195158: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x4119515c: next_frame            = 0x411951ac

 0x41195160: local[0]              = 0x454cf180
 0x41195164: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195168: istate->_bcp          = 0x6376b5ec (bci 4)
 0x4119516c: istate->_locals       = 0x411951b0
 0x41195170: istate->_constants    = 0x6376b7d0
 0x41195174: istate->_method       = sun.org.mozilla.javascript.LazilyLoadedCtor$1.run()Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41195178: istate->_mdx          = 0x62de1360
 0x4119517c: istate->_stack        = 0x4119515c
 0x41195180: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195184: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41195188: (istate->_result)     = 0x4119514c
 0x4119518c: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195150
 0x41195190: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41195150
 0x41195194: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195198: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195164
 0x4119519c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x4119515c
 0x411951a0: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195164
 0x411951a4: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195164
 0x411951a8: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411951ac: next_frame            = 0x411951bc

 0x411951b0: local[0]              = 0x454cfd60
 0x411951b4: call_wrapper          = 0x410dad98
 0x411951b8: frame_type            = ENTRY_FRAME
 0x411951bc: next_frame            = 0x41195208

 0x411951c0: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411951c4: istate->_bcp          = 0x00000000
 0x411951c8: istate->_locals       = 0x4119520c
 0x411951cc: istate->_constants    = 0x62e6a4e8
 0x411951d0: istate->_method       = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Ljava/security/PrivilegedAction;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x411951d4: istate->_mdx          = 0x00000000
 0x411951d8: istate->_stack        = 0x00000002
 0x411951dc: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411951e0: istate->_result       = 0x454cfc60
 0x411951e4: (istate->_result)     = 0x41204c88
 0x411951e8: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x411951ec: istate->_prev_link    = 0x411951b8
 0x411951f0: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x4dc95a10
 0x411951f4: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411951c0
 0x411951f8: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411951bc
 0x411951fc: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411951c0
 0x41195200: istate->_self_link    = 0x411951c0
 0x41195204: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195208: next_frame            = 0x41195258

 0x4119520c: local[0]              = 0x454cfd60
 0x41195210: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195214: istate->_bcp          = 0x6376a0af (bci 15)
 0x41195218: istate->_locals       = 0x4119525c
 0x4119521c: istate->_constants    = 0x6376a5f8
 0x41195220: istate->_method       = sun.org.mozilla.javascript.LazilyLoadedCtor.buildValue()Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41195224: istate->_mdx          = 0x411951e4
 0x41195228: istate->_stack        = 0x41195208
 0x4119522c: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195230: istate->_result       = 0x410dad00
 0x41195234: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000001
 0x41195238: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195284
 0x4119523c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41204c88
 0x41195240: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195244: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195210
 0x41195248: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195200
 0x4119524c: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195210
 0x41195250: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195210
 0x41195254: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195258: next_frame            = 0x411952b0

 0x4119525c: local[0]              = 0x454cf180
 0x41195260: monitor[0]->_lock     = 0x00000001
 0x41195264: monitor[0]->_obj      = 0x454cf180
 0x41195268: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x4119526c: istate->_bcp          = 0x63769f13 (bci 59)
 0x41195270: istate->_locals       = 0x411952c4
 0x41195274: istate->_constants    = 0x6376a5f8
 0x41195278: istate->_method       = sun.org.mozilla.javascript.LazilyLoadedCtor.init()V
 0x4119527c: istate->_mdx          = 0x00000000
 0x41195280: istate->_stack        = 0x41195258
 0x41195284: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195288: istate->_result       = 0x454cfc28
 0x4119528c: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41195290: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41195294: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41195260
 0x41195298: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x4119529c: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195260
 0x411952a0: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x4119524c
 0x411952a4: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195268
 0x411952a8: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195268
 0x411952ac: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411952b0: next_frame            = 0x41195310

 0x411952b4: local[4]              = 0x00000000
 0x411952b8: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x411952bc: local[2]              = 0x454c6db0
 0x411952c0: local[1]              = 0x454cf180
 0x411952c4: local[0]              = 0x454cf180
 0x411952c8: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411952cc: istate->_bcp          = 0x6376afe2 (bci 114)
 0x411952d0: istate->_locals       = 0x41195328
 0x411952d4: istate->_constants    = 0x6376b268
 0x411952d8: istate->_method       = sun.org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject$GetterSlot.getValue(Lsun/org/mozilla/javascript/Scriptable;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x411952dc: istate->_mdx          = 0x41195338
 0x411952e0: istate->_stack        = 0x411952c0
 0x411952e4: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411952e8: istate->_result       = 0x63737080
 0x411952ec: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x411952f0: (istate->_result)     = 0x411952bc
 0x411952f4: istate->_prev_link    = 0x411952a8
 0x411952f8: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411952fc: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411952c8
 0x41195300: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411952b0
 0x41195304: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411952c8
 0x41195308: istate->_self_link    = 0x411952c8
 0x4119530c: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195310: next_frame            = 0x41195374

 0x41195314: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195318: local[4]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119531c: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195320: local[2]              = 0x454cf180
 0x41195324: local[1]              = 0x454c6708
 0x41195328: local[0]              = 0x454cf218
 0x4119532c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195330: istate->_bcp          = 0x6370e25d (bci 21)
 0x41195334: istate->_locals       = 0x41195388
 0x41195338: istate->_constants    = 0x6370fb60
 0x4119533c: istate->_method       = sun.org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject.getImpl(Ljava/lang/String;ILsun/org/mozilla/javascript/Scriptable;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41195340: istate->_mdx          = 0x00000000
 0x41195344: istate->_stack        = 0x41195320
 0x41195348: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x4119534c: istate->_result       = 0x62e1ae81
 0x41195350: (istate->_result)     = 0x411953a0
 0x41195354: (istate->_result)     = 0x62e62530
 0x41195358: istate->_prev_link    = 0x62e1aee0
 0x4119535c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195360: istate->_stack_base   = 0x4119532c
 0x41195364: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195318
 0x41195368: istate->_monitor_base = 0x4119532c
 0x4119536c: istate->_self_link    = 0x4119532c
 0x41195370: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195374: next_frame            = 0x411953d4

 0x41195378: local[4]              = 0x454cf218
 0x4119537c: local[3]              = 0x454c6708
 0x41195380: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195384: local[1]              = 0x454c4448
 0x41195388: local[0]              = 0x454c6708
 0x4119538c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195390: istate->_bcp          = 0x63708564 (bci 4)
 0x41195394: istate->_locals       = 0x411953e0
 0x41195398: istate->_constants    = 0x6370fb60
 0x4119539c: istate->_method       = sun.org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject.get(Ljava/lang/String;Lsun/org/mozilla/javascript/Scriptable;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x411953a0: istate->_mdx          = 0x63729718
 0x411953a4: istate->_stack        = 0x41195378
 0x411953a8: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411953ac: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x411953b0: (istate->_result)     = 0x411953f8
 0x411953b4: (istate->_result)     = 0x62e79818
 0x411953b8: istate->_prev_link    = 0x62df0a80
 0x411953bc: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411953c0: istate->_stack_base   = 0x4119538c
 0x411953c4: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195378
 0x411953c8: istate->_monitor_base = 0x4119538c
 0x411953cc: istate->_self_link    = 0x4119538c
 0x411953d0: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411953d4: next_frame            = 0x4119542c

 0x411953d8: local[2]              = 0x454c6708
 0x411953dc: local[1]              = 0x454c4448
 0x411953e0: local[0]              = 0x454c6708
 0x411953e4: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411953e8: istate->_bcp          = 0x63728dda (bci 82)
 0x411953ec: istate->_locals       = 0x41195444
 0x411953f0: istate->_constants    = 0x6372b768
 0x411953f4: istate->_method       = sun.org.mozilla.javascript.IdScriptableObject.get(Ljava/lang/String;Lsun/org/mozilla/javascript/Scriptable;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x411953f8: istate->_mdx          = 0x41204c88
 0x411953fc: istate->_stack        = 0x411953d4
 0x41195400: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195404: istate->_result       = 0x62e61540
 0x41195408: (istate->_result)     = 0x62de1468
 0x4119540c: (istate->_result)     = 0x62f0f1d0
 0x41195410: istate->_prev_link    = 0x62ed2f20
 0x41195414: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195418: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411953e4
 0x4119541c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411953d4
 0x41195420: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411953e4
 0x41195424: istate->_self_link    = 0x411953e4
 0x41195428: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x4119542c: next_frame            = 0x41195490

 0x41195430: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195434: local[4]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195438: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119543c: local[2]              = 0x454c6708
 0x41195440: local[1]              = 0x454c4448
 0x41195444: local[0]              = 0x454c6708
 0x41195448: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x4119544c: istate->_bcp          = 0x63726833 (bci 3)
 0x41195450: istate->_locals       = 0x411954a0
 0x41195454: istate->_constants    = 0x6372bd08
 0x41195458: istate->_method       = sun.org.mozilla.javascript.ImporterTopLevel.get(Ljava/lang/String;Lsun/org/mozilla/javascript/Scriptable;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x4119545c: istate->_mdx          = 0x633f5a10
 0x41195460: istate->_stack        = 0x41195438
 0x41195464: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195468: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x4119546c: (istate->_result)     = 0x411954b0
 0x41195470: (istate->_result)     = 0x62e61540
 0x41195474: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x41195478: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x4119547c: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195448
 0x41195480: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195438
 0x41195484: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195448
 0x41195488: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195448
 0x4119548c: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195490: next_frame            = 0x411954ec

 0x41195494: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195498: local[2]              = 0x454c6708
 0x4119549c: local[1]              = 0x454c4448
 0x411954a0: local[0]              = 0x454c6708
 0x411954a4: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411954a8: istate->_bcp          = 0x6370d0bd (bci 5)
 0x411954ac: istate->_locals       = 0x411954fc
 0x411954b0: istate->_constants    = 0x6370fb60
 0x411954b4: istate->_method       = sun.org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject.getProperty(Lsun/org/mozilla/javascript/Scriptable;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x411954b8: istate->_mdx          = 0x41195494
 0x411954bc: istate->_stack        = 0x41195494
 0x411954c0: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411954c4: istate->_result       = 0x63732b78
 0x411954c8: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x411954cc: (istate->_result)     = 0x411954ac
 0x411954d0: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x411954d4: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411954d8: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411954a4
 0x411954dc: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195494
 0x411954e0: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411954a4
 0x411954e4: istate->_self_link    = 0x411954a4
 0x411954e8: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411954ec: next_frame            = 0x41195548

 0x411954f0: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x411954f4: local[2]              = 0x454c6708
 0x411954f8: local[1]              = 0x454c4448
 0x411954fc: local[0]              = 0x454c6708
 0x41195500: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195504: istate->_bcp          = 0x63727a47 (bci 39)
 0x41195508: istate->_locals       = 0x41195560
 0x4119550c: istate->_constants    = 0x6372bbe8
 0x41195510: istate->_method       = sun.org.mozilla.javascript.TopLevel.cacheBuiltins()V
 0x41195514: istate->_mdx          = 0x411954e4
 0x41195518: istate->_stack        = 0x411954f4
 0x4119551c: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195520: istate->_result       = 0x636f0af0
 0x41195524: (istate->_result)     = 0x636ef3a0
 0x41195528: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x4119552c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x41195530: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195534: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195500
 0x41195538: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411954ec
 0x4119553c: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195500
 0x41195540: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195500
 0x41195544: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195548: next_frame            = 0x411955ac

 0x4119554c: local[5]              = 0x454cb830
 0x41195550: local[4]              = 0x454c6c28
 0x41195554: local[3]              = 0x00000006
 0x41195558: local[2]              = 0x00000008
 0x4119555c: local[1]              = 0x454cfcc0
 0x41195560: local[0]              = 0x454c6708
 0x41195564: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195568: istate->_bcp          = 0x636f4981 (bci 281)
 0x4119556c: istate->_locals       = 0x411955d0
 0x41195570: istate->_constants    = 0x63701b50
 0x41195574: istate->_method       = sun.org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime.initStandardObjects(Lsun/org/mozilla/javascript/Context;Lsun/org/mozilla/javascript/ScriptableObject;Z)Lsun/org/mozilla/javascript/ScriptableObject;
 0x41195578: istate->_mdx          = 0x00000000
 0x4119557c: istate->_stack        = 0x4119555c
 0x41195580: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195584: istate->_result       = 0x41195548
 0x41195588: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195548
 0x4119558c: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000002
 0x41195590: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000001
 0x41195594: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195598: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195564
 0x4119559c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195544
 0x411955a0: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195564
 0x411955a4: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195564
 0x411955a8: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411955ac: next_frame            = 0x4119561c

 0x411955b0: local[8]              = 0x454cef88
 0x411955b4: local[7]              = 0x454c4948
 0x411955b8: local[6]              = 0x00000020
 0x411955bc: local[5]              = 0x00000001
 0x411955c0: local[4]              = 0x454c6a68
 0x411955c4: local[3]              = 0x454c7178
 0x411955c8: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x411955cc: local[1]              = 0x454c6708
 0x411955d0: local[0]              = 0x454c6100
 0x411955d4: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411955d8: istate->_bcp          = 0x636ec4db (bci 3)
 0x411955dc: istate->_locals       = 0x41195628
 0x411955e0: istate->_constants    = 0x636f0af0
 0x411955e4: istate->_method       = sun.org.mozilla.javascript.Context.initStandardObjects(Lsun/org/mozilla/javascript/ScriptableObject;Z)Lsun/org/mozilla/javascript/ScriptableObject;
 0x411955e8: istate->_mdx          = 0x4119562c
 0x411955ec: istate->_stack        = 0x411955c4
 0x411955f0: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411955f4: istate->_result       = 0x6372b768
 0x411955f8: (istate->_result)     = 0x637289b0
 0x411955fc: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41195600: istate->_prev_link    = 0x411955e0
 0x41195604: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195608: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411955d4
 0x4119560c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411955c4
 0x41195610: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411955d4
 0x41195614: istate->_self_link    = 0x411955d4
 0x41195618: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x4119561c: next_frame            = 0x41195674

 0x41195620: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195624: local[1]              = 0x454c6708
 0x41195628: local[0]              = 0x454c6100
 0x4119562c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195630: istate->_bcp          = 0x6372668b (bci 3)
 0x41195634: istate->_locals       = 0x41195684
 0x41195638: istate->_constants    = 0x6372bd08
 0x4119563c: istate->_method       = sun.org.mozilla.javascript.ImporterTopLevel.initStandardObjects(Lsun/org/mozilla/javascript/Context;Z)V
 0x41195640: istate->_mdx          = 0x6372c718
 0x41195644: istate->_stack        = 0x4119561c
 0x41195648: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x4119564c: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41195650: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195630
 0x41195654: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41195658: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41195624
 0x4119565c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195660: istate->_stack_base   = 0x4119562c
 0x41195664: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195618
 0x41195668: istate->_monitor_base = 0x4119562c
 0x4119566c: istate->_self_link    = 0x4119562c
 0x41195670: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195674: next_frame            = 0x411956d0

 0x41195678: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119567c: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195680: local[1]              = 0x454c6100
 0x41195684: local[0]              = 0x454c6708
 0x41195688: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x4119568c: istate->_bcp          = 0x63726452 (bci 18)
 0x41195690: istate->_locals       = 0x411956dc
 0x41195694: istate->_constants    = 0x6372bd08
 0x41195698: istate->_method       = sun.org.mozilla.javascript.ImporterTopLevel.<init>(Lsun/org/mozilla/javascript/Context;Z)V
 0x4119569c: istate->_mdx          = 0x62df8b80
 0x411956a0: istate->_stack        = 0x41195678
 0x411956a4: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411956a8: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x411956ac: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x411956b0: (istate->_result)     = 0x4119567c
 0x411956b4: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41195670
 0x411956b8: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411956bc: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195688
 0x411956c0: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195678
 0x411956c4: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195688
 0x411956c8: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195688
 0x411956cc: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411956d0: next_frame            = 0x41195728

 0x411956d4: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x411956d8: local[1]              = 0x454c6100
 0x411956dc: local[0]              = 0x454c6708
 0x411956e0: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411956e4: istate->_bcp          = 0x637256a5 (bci 13)
 0x411956e8: istate->_locals       = 0x41195738
 0x411956ec: istate->_constants    = 0x6372c048
 0x411956f0: istate->_method       = com.sun.script.javascript.RhinoTopLevel.<init>(Lsun/org/mozilla/javascript/Context;Lcom/sun/script/javascript/RhinoScriptEngine;)V
 0x411956f4: istate->_mdx          = 0x00000000
 0x411956f8: istate->_stack        = 0x411956d0
 0x411956fc: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195700: istate->_result       = 0x41195740
 0x41195704: (istate->_result)     = 0x636e35e0
 0x41195708: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x4119570c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x411956d8
 0x41195710: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195714: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411956e0
 0x41195718: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411956c4
 0x4119571c: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411956e0
 0x41195720: istate->_self_link    = 0x411956e0
 0x41195724: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195728: next_frame            = 0x4119578c

 0x4119572c: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195730: local[4]              = 0x454b4c18
 0x41195734: local[3]              = 0x454c6100
 0x41195738: local[2]              = 0x454c6708
 0x4119573c: local[1]              = 0x454c6708
 0x41195740: local[0]              = 0x454b4c18
 0x41195744: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195748: istate->_bcp          = 0x636e0e02 (bci 42)
 0x4119574c: istate->_locals       = 0x41195798
 0x41195750: istate->_constants    = 0x636e35e0
 0x41195754: istate->_method       = com.sun.script.javascript.RhinoScriptEngine.<init>()V
 0x41195758: istate->_mdx          = 0x41195738
 0x4119575c: istate->_stack        = 0x4119572c
 0x41195760: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195764: istate->_result       = 0x41195744
 0x41195768: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x4119576c: (istate->_result)     = 0x4119574c
 0x41195770: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x41195774: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195778: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195744
 0x4119577c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x4119572c
 0x41195780: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195744
 0x41195784: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195744
 0x41195788: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x4119578c: next_frame            = 0x411957e8

 0x41195790: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195794: local[2]              = 0x454c6100
 0x41195798: local[1]              = 0x454b4c18
 0x4119579c: local[0]              = 0x454b4c18
 0x411957a0: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411957a4: istate->_bcp          = 0x636de064 (bci 4)
 0x411957a8: istate->_locals       = 0x411957f0
 0x411957ac: istate->_constants    = 0x636deeb0
 0x411957b0: istate->_method       = com.sun.script.javascript.RhinoScriptEngineFactory.getScriptEngine()Ljavax/script/ScriptEngine;
 0x411957b4: istate->_mdx          = 0x63043860
 0x411957b8: istate->_stack        = 0x41195794
 0x411957bc: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411957c0: istate->_result       = 0x4119578c
 0x411957c4: (istate->_result)     = 0x4119577c
 0x411957c8: (istate->_result)     = 0x4119578c
 0x411957cc: istate->_prev_link    = 0x4119578c
 0x411957d0: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411957d4: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411957a0
 0x411957d8: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195794
 0x411957dc: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411957a0
 0x411957e0: istate->_self_link    = 0x411957a0
 0x411957e4: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411957e8: next_frame            = 0x4119583c

 0x411957ec: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x411957f0: local[0]              = 0x454b0730
 0x411957f4: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411957f8: istate->_bcp          = 0x636d823e (bci 150)
 0x411957fc: istate->_locals       = 0x41195860
 0x41195800: istate->_constants    = 0x636d8d98
 0x41195804: istate->_method       = javax.script.ScriptEngineManager.getEngineByName(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/script/ScriptEngine;
 0x41195808: istate->_mdx          = 0x411957d4
 0x4119580c: istate->_stack        = 0x411957ec
 0x41195810: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195814: istate->_result       = 0x411957d4
 0x41195818: (istate->_result)     = 0x454b42a8
 0x4119581c: (istate->_result)     = 0x454b42c0
 0x41195820: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41204c88
 0x41195824: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195828: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411957f4
 0x4119582c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411957e4
 0x41195830: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411957f4
 0x41195834: istate->_self_link    = 0x411957f4
 0x41195838: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x4119583c: next_frame            = 0x4119586c

 0x41195840: local[8]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195844: local[7]              = 0x454b04c8
 0x41195848: local[6]              = 0x454b4300
 0x4119584c: local[5]              = 0x454b0570
 0x41195850: local[4]              = 0x454b0730
 0x41195854: local[3]              = 0x454b42e0
 0x41195858: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119585c: local[1]              = 0x45480228
 0x41195860: local[0]              = 0x454a5a40
 0x41195864: call_wrapper          = 0x410db058
 0x41195868: frame_type            = ENTRY_FRAME
 0x4119586c: next_frame            = 0x411958b8

 0x41195870: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195874: istate->_bcp          = 0x00000000
 0x41195878: istate->_locals       = 0x411958c4
 0x4119587c: istate->_constants    = 0x631b11c0
 0x41195880: istate->_method       = sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41195884: istate->_mdx          = 0x62e76d60
 0x41195888: istate->_stack        = 0x62e767c0
 0x4119588c: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195890: istate->_result       = 0x62e1b450
 0x41195894: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41195898: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195858
 0x4119589c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x411958a0: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x4dd98770
 0x411958a4: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195870
 0x411958a8: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x4119586c
 0x411958ac: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195870
 0x411958b0: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195870
 0x411958b4: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411958b8: next_frame            = 0x41195910

 0x411958bc: local[2]              = 0x454b4298
 0x411958c0: local[1]              = 0x454a5a40
 0x411958c4: local[0]              = 0x454b4248
 0x411958c8: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411958cc: istate->_bcp          = 0x631b0e5f (bci 87)
 0x411958d0: istate->_locals       = 0x41195920
 0x411958d4: istate->_constants    = 0x631b11c0
 0x411958d8: istate->_method       = sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x411958dc: istate->_mdx          = 0x41195924
 0x411958e0: istate->_stack        = 0x411958b8
 0x411958e4: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411958e8: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x411958ec: (istate->_result)     = 0x411958c8
 0x411958f0: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x411958f4: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x411958f8: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411958fc: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411958c8
 0x41195900: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411958a8
 0x41195904: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411958c8
 0x41195908: istate->_self_link    = 0x411958c8
 0x4119590c: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195910: next_frame            = 0x4119596c

 0x41195914: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195918: local[2]              = 0x454b4298
 0x4119591c: local[1]              = 0x454a5a40
 0x41195920: local[0]              = 0x454b42a8
 0x41195924: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195928: istate->_bcp          = 0x631b14d6 (bci 6)
 0x4119592c: istate->_locals       = 0x41195978
 0x41195930: istate->_constants    = 0x631b1770
 0x41195934: istate->_method       = sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41195938: istate->_mdx          = 0x62e1b300
 0x4119593c: istate->_stack        = 0x41195914
 0x41195940: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195944: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41195948: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195914
 0x4119594c: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195904
 0x41195950: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41195914
 0x41195954: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195958: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195924
 0x4119595c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195914
 0x41195960: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195924
 0x41195964: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195924
 0x41195968: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x4119596c: next_frame            = 0x411959c4

 0x41195970: local[2]              = 0x454b4298
 0x41195974: local[1]              = 0x454a5a40
 0x41195978: local[0]              = 0x454b42c0
 0x4119597c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195980: istate->_bcp          = 0x62e1ae81 (bci 57)
 0x41195984: istate->_locals       = 0x411959d4
 0x41195988: istate->_constants    = 0x62e62530
 0x4119598c: istate->_method       = java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41195990: istate->_mdx          = 0x411959d4
 0x41195994: istate->_stack        = 0x4119596c
 0x41195998: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x4119599c: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x411959a0: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x411959a4: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x411959a8: istate->_prev_link    = 0x4119595c
 0x411959ac: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411959b0: istate->_stack_base   = 0x4119597c
 0x411959b4: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195964
 0x411959b8: istate->_monitor_base = 0x4119597c
 0x411959bc: istate->_self_link    = 0x4119597c
 0x411959c0: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411959c4: next_frame            = 0x41195a20

 0x411959c8: local[3]              = 0x454b42c0
 0x411959cc: local[2]              = 0x454b4298
 0x411959d0: local[1]              = 0x454a5a40
 0x411959d4: local[0]              = 0x454b4248
 0x411959d8: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411959dc: istate->_bcp          = 0x6312317d (bci 29)
 0x411959e0: istate->_locals       = 0x41195a34
 0x411959e4: istate->_constants    = 0x63123860
 0x411959e8: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.util.ReflectUtil.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x411959ec: istate->_mdx          = 0x411959c8
 0x411959f0: istate->_stack        = 0x411959c8
 0x411959f4: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411959f8: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x411959fc: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41195a00: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41195a04: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x41195a08: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195a0c: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411959d8
 0x41195a10: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411959bc
 0x41195a14: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411959d8
 0x41195a18: istate->_self_link    = 0x411959d8
 0x41195a1c: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195a20: next_frame            = 0x41195a80

 0x41195a24: local[4]              = 0x454b4248
 0x41195a28: local[3]              = 0x45480228
 0x41195a2c: local[2]              = 0x4dc95690
 0x41195a30: local[1]              = 0x454b3760
 0x41195a34: local[0]              = 0x454a5a40
 0x41195a38: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195a3c: istate->_bcp          = 0x636d707f (bci 7)
 0x41195a40: istate->_locals       = 0x41195a90
 0x41195a44: istate->_constants    = 0x636d7350
 0x41195a48: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.util.ReflectWrapper.invoke(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41195a4c: istate->_mdx          = 0x00000000
 0x41195a50: istate->_stack        = 0x41195a24
 0x41195a54: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195a58: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41195a5c: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195a14
 0x41195a60: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41195a64: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41195a30
 0x41195a68: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195a6c: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195a38
 0x41195a70: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195a24
 0x41195a74: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195a38
 0x41195a78: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195a38
 0x41195a7c: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195a80: next_frame            = 0x41195adc

 0x41195a84: local[3]              = 0x45480228
 0x41195a88: local[2]              = 0x4dc95690
 0x41195a8c: local[1]              = 0x454b3760
 0x41195a90: local[0]              = 0x454a5600
 0x41195a94: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195a98: istate->_bcp          = 0x636d446f (bci 39)
 0x41195a9c: istate->_locals       = 0x41195aec
 0x41195aa0: istate->_constants    = 0x636d6908
 0x41195aa4: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.util.optional.JavaxScriptRunner.createEngine()Lorg/apache/tools/ant/util/ReflectWrapper;
 0x41195aa8: istate->_mdx          = 0x636d65e8
 0x41195aac: istate->_stack        = 0x41195a80
 0x41195ab0: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195ab4: istate->_result       = 0x41195a90
 0x41195ab8: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41195abc: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41195ac0: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41195b04
 0x41195ac4: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195ac8: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195a94
 0x41195acc: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195a80
 0x41195ad0: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195a94
 0x41195ad4: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195a94
 0x41195ad8: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195adc: next_frame            = 0x41195b38

 0x41195ae0: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195ae4: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195ae8: local[1]              = 0x454a5600
 0x41195aec: local[0]              = 0x4549d080
 0x41195af0: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195af4: istate->_bcp          = 0x636d421a (bci 10)
 0x41195af8: istate->_locals       = 0x41195b5c
 0x41195afc: istate->_constants    = 0x636d6908
 0x41195b00: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.util.optional.JavaxScriptRunner.evaluateScript(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41195b04: istate->_mdx          = 0x4549f858
 0x41195b08: istate->_stack        = 0x41195ae8
 0x41195b0c: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195b10: istate->_result       = 0x636d5f1a
 0x41195b14: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195b5c
 0x41195b18: (istate->_result)     = 0x636d65e8
 0x41195b1c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x636d5f48
 0x41195b20: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195b24: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195af0
 0x41195b28: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195ad4
 0x41195b2c: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195af0
 0x41195b30: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195af0
 0x41195b34: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195b38: next_frame            = 0x41195ba8

 0x41195b3c: local[8]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195b40: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195b44: local[6]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195b48: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195b4c: local[4]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195b50: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195b54: local[2]              = 0x4dc958e0
 0x41195b58: local[1]              = 0x4549f8a0
 0x41195b5c: local[0]              = 0x4549d080
 0x41195b60: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195b64: istate->_bcp          = 0x636d4112 (bci 2)
 0x41195b68: istate->_locals       = 0x41195bb0
 0x41195b6c: istate->_constants    = 0x636d6908
 0x41195b70: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.util.optional.JavaxScriptRunner.executeScript(Ljava/lang/String;)V
 0x41195b74: istate->_mdx          = 0x41195b04
 0x41195b78: istate->_stack        = 0x41195b54
 0x41195b7c: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195b80: istate->_result       = 0x00000002
 0x41195b84: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195bd8
 0x41195b88: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41195b8c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x45480670
 0x41195b90: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195b94: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195b60
 0x41195b98: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195b54
 0x41195b9c: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195b60
 0x41195ba0: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195b60
 0x41195ba4: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195ba8: next_frame            = 0x41195bfc

 0x41195bac: local[1]              = 0x4549f8a0
 0x41195bb0: local[0]              = 0x4549d080
 0x41195bb4: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195bb8: istate->_bcp          = 0x636d1349 (bci 9)
 0x41195bbc: istate->_locals       = 0x41195c00
 0x41195bc0: istate->_constants    = 0x636d1b00
 0x41195bc4: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.Script.execute()V
 0x41195bc8: istate->_mdx          = 0x41195b88
 0x41195bcc: istate->_stack        = 0x41195ba8
 0x41195bd0: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195bd4: istate->_result       = 0x00000002
 0x41195bd8: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195c2c
 0x41195bdc: (istate->_result)     = 0x50d19130
 0x41195be0: istate->_prev_link    = 0x45480670
 0x41195be4: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195be8: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195bb4
 0x41195bec: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195ba8
 0x41195bf0: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195bb4
 0x41195bf4: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195bb4
 0x41195bf8: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195bfc: next_frame            = 0x41195c4c

 0x41195c00: local[0]              = 0x45471b90
 0x41195c04: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195c08: istate->_bcp          = 0x63008831 (bci 25)
 0x41195c0c: istate->_locals       = 0x41195c54
 0x41195c10: istate->_constants    = 0x630fd198
 0x41195c14: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute()V
 0x41195c18: istate->_mdx          = 0x41195be4
 0x41195c1c: istate->_stack        = 0x41195bfc
 0x41195c20: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195c24: istate->_result       = 0x41195be4
 0x41195c28: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000002
 0x41195c2c: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195c80
 0x41195c30: istate->_prev_link    = 0x50d19130
 0x41195c34: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195c38: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195c04
 0x41195c3c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195bf8
 0x41195c40: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195c04
 0x41195c44: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195c04
 0x41195c48: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195c4c: next_frame            = 0x41195ca0

 0x41195c50: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195c54: local[0]              = 0x454495a8
 0x41195c58: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195c5c: istate->_bcp          = 0x63676c5c (bci 36)
 0x41195c60: istate->_locals       = 0x41195cac
 0x41195c64: istate->_constants    = 0x63676e28
 0x41195c68: istate->_method       = sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor44.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41195c6c: istate->_mdx          = 0x41195cb0
 0x41195c70: istate->_stack        = 0x41195c50
 0x41195c74: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195c78: istate->_result       = 0x41195c38
 0x41195c7c: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000002
 0x41195c80: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41195c84: istate->_prev_link    = 0x50d89658
 0x41195c88: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195c8c: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195c58
 0x41195c90: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195c40
 0x41195c94: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195c58
 0x41195c98: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195c58
 0x41195c9c: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195ca0: next_frame            = 0x41195cf8

 0x41195ca4: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195ca8: local[1]              = 0x454495a8
 0x41195cac: local[0]              = 0x50d04ca0
 0x41195cb0: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195cb4: istate->_bcp          = 0x631b14d6 (bci 6)
 0x41195cb8: istate->_locals       = 0x41195d04
 0x41195cbc: istate->_constants    = 0x631b1770
 0x41195cc0: istate->_method       = sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41195cc4: istate->_mdx          = 0x62e91c50
 0x41195cc8: istate->_stack        = 0x41195ca0
 0x41195ccc: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195cd0: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41195cd4: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195ca0
 0x41195cd8: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195c90
 0x41195cdc: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41195ca0
 0x41195ce0: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195ce4: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195cb0
 0x41195ce8: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195ca0
 0x41195cec: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195cb0
 0x41195cf0: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195cb0
 0x41195cf4: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195cf8: next_frame            = 0x41195d50

 0x41195cfc: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195d00: local[1]              = 0x454495a8
 0x41195d04: local[0]              = 0x50d04ca8
 0x41195d08: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195d0c: istate->_bcp          = 0x62e1ae81 (bci 57)
 0x41195d10: istate->_locals       = 0x41195d60
 0x41195d14: istate->_constants    = 0x62e62530
 0x41195d18: istate->_method       = java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41195d1c: istate->_mdx          = 0x41195d60
 0x41195d20: istate->_stack        = 0x41195cf8
 0x41195d24: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195d28: istate->_result       = 0x45471b90
 0x41195d2c: (istate->_result)     = 0x454495a8
 0x41195d30: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41195d34: istate->_prev_link    = 0x63008349
 0x41195d38: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195d3c: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195d08
 0x41195d40: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195cf0
 0x41195d44: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195d08
 0x41195d48: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195d08
 0x41195d4c: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195d50: next_frame            = 0x41195dac

 0x41195d54: local[3]              = 0x50d04ca8
 0x41195d58: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195d5c: local[1]              = 0x454495a8
 0x41195d60: local[0]              = 0x45480670
 0x41195d64: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195d68: istate->_bcp          = 0x631c56ae (bci 518)
 0x41195d6c: istate->_locals       = 0x41195dd4
 0x41195d70: istate->_constants    = 0x631c59c0
 0x41195d74: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.dispatch.DispatchUtils.execute(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
 0x41195d78: istate->_mdx          = 0x41195dd0
 0x41195d7c: istate->_stack        = 0x41195d54
 0x41195d80: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195d84: istate->_result       = 0x454495a8
 0x41195d88: (istate->_result)     = 0x41204c88
 0x41195d8c: (istate->_result)     = 0x63008242
 0x41195d90: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41195dd4
 0x41195d94: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195d98: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195d64
 0x41195d9c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195d50
 0x41195da0: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195d64
 0x41195da4: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195d64
 0x41195da8: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195dac: next_frame            = 0x41195e20

 0x41195db0: local[9]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195db4: local[8]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195db8: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195dbc: local[6]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195dc0: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195dc4: local[4]              = 0x45471b90
 0x41195dc8: local[3]              = 0x45480670
 0x41195dcc: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195dd0: local[1]              = 0x4dd938f8
 0x41195dd4: local[0]              = 0x454495a8
 0x41195dd8: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195ddc: istate->_bcp          = 0x6300688e (bci 22)
 0x41195de0: istate->_locals       = 0x41195e34
 0x41195de4: istate->_constants    = 0x630fc9e0
 0x41195de8: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform()V
 0x41195dec: istate->_mdx          = 0x41195e34
 0x41195df0: istate->_stack        = 0x41195dd0
 0x41195df4: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195df8: istate->_result       = 0x6310e1a0
 0x41195dfc: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195dd8
 0x41195e00: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41195e04: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x41195e08: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195e0c: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195dd8
 0x41195e10: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195dc8
 0x41195e14: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195dd8
 0x41195e18: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195dd8
 0x41195e1c: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195e20: next_frame            = 0x41195e80

 0x41195e24: local[4]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195e28: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195e2c: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195e30: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195e34: local[0]              = 0x454495a8
 0x41195e38: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195e3c: istate->_bcp          = 0x6300bfc3 (bci 179)
 0x41195e40: istate->_locals       = 0x41195e98
 0x41195e44: istate->_constants    = 0x63055fb8
 0x41195e48: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute()V
 0x41195e4c: istate->_mdx          = 0x630157c0
 0x41195e50: istate->_stack        = 0x41195e30
 0x41195e54: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195e58: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41195e5c: (istate->_result)     = 0x62e88315
 0x41195e60: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195ea4
 0x41195e64: istate->_prev_link    = 0x630343b8
 0x41195e68: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195e6c: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195e38
 0x41195e70: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195e20
 0x41195e74: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195e38
 0x41195e78: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195e38
 0x41195e7c: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195e80: next_frame            = 0x41195ee4

 0x41195e84: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195e88: local[4]              = 0x454495a8
 0x41195e8c: local[3]              = 0x454495a8
 0x41195e90: local[2]              = 0x00000005
 0x41195e94: local[1]              = 0x4545b3e0
 0x41195e98: local[0]              = 0x45448080
 0x41195e9c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195ea0: istate->_bcp          = 0x6300c11b (bci 11)
 0x41195ea4: istate->_locals       = 0x41195ef4
 0x41195ea8: istate->_constants    = 0x63055fb8
 0x41195eac: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks()V
 0x41195eb0: istate->_mdx          = 0x41195ef4
 0x41195eb4: istate->_stack        = 0x41195e94
 0x41195eb8: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195ebc: istate->_result       = 0x41195e94
 0x41195ec0: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195ea0
 0x41195ec4: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41195ec8: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41195e7c
 0x41195ecc: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195ed0: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195e9c
 0x41195ed4: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195e8c
 0x41195ed8: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195e9c
 0x41195edc: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195e9c
 0x41195ee0: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195ee4: next_frame            = 0x41195f40

 0x41195ee8: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195eec: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195ef0: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195ef4: local[0]              = 0x45448080
 0x41195ef8: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195efc: istate->_bcp          = 0x630137d9 (bci 145)
 0x41195f00: istate->_locals       = 0x41195f64
 0x41195f04: istate->_constants    = 0x630194f0
 0x41195f08: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Ljava/util/Vector;)V
 0x41195f0c: istate->_mdx          = 0x62df8d10
 0x41195f10: istate->_stack        = 0x41195ef0
 0x41195f14: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195f18: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41195f1c: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195ee8
 0x41195f20: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195ecc
 0x41195f24: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41195ee8
 0x41195f28: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195f2c: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195ef8
 0x41195f30: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195ee4
 0x41195f34: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195ef8
 0x41195f38: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195ef8
 0x41195f3c: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195f40: next_frame            = 0x41195fb0

 0x41195f44: local[8]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195f48: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195f4c: local[6]              = 0x00000001
 0x41195f50: local[5]              = 0x45448080
 0x41195f54: local[4]              = 0x4545ded0
 0x41195f58: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41195f5c: local[2]              = 0x4545de40
 0x41195f60: local[1]              = 0x4545c890
 0x41195f64: local[0]              = 0x453ed9f8
 0x41195f68: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195f6c: istate->_bcp          = 0x632aea5b (bci 11)
 0x41195f70: istate->_locals       = 0x41195fbc
 0x41195f74: istate->_constants    = 0x632aecd8
 0x41195f78: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.helper.SingleCheckExecutor.executeTargets(Lorg/apache/tools/ant/Project;[Ljava/lang/String;)V
 0x41195f7c: istate->_mdx          = 0x41195f44
 0x41195f80: istate->_stack        = 0x41195f5c
 0x41195f84: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195f88: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41195f8c: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41195f90: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41195f94: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x41195f98: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195f9c: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195f68
 0x41195fa0: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195f50
 0x41195fa4: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195f68
 0x41195fa8: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195f68
 0x41195fac: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41195fb0: next_frame            = 0x41196008

 0x41195fb4: local[2]              = 0x4545c880
 0x41195fb8: local[1]              = 0x453ed9f8
 0x41195fbc: local[0]              = 0x4ddc50a8
 0x41195fc0: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41195fc4: istate->_bcp          = 0x630131e5 (bci 29)
 0x41195fc8: istate->_locals       = 0x41196010
 0x41195fcc: istate->_constants    = 0x630194f0
 0x41195fd0: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Ljava/util/Vector;)V
 0x41195fd4: istate->_mdx          = 0x00000000
 0x41195fd8: istate->_stack        = 0x41195fb0
 0x41195fdc: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41195fe0: istate->_result       = 0x41195fac
 0x41195fe4: (istate->_result)     = 0x41195f9c
 0x41195fe8: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41195fec: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41195fb8
 0x41195ff0: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41195ff4: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41195fc0
 0x41195ff8: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41195fac
 0x41195ffc: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41195fc0
 0x41196000: istate->_self_link    = 0x41195fc0
 0x41196004: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196008: next_frame            = 0x4119605c

 0x4119600c: local[1]              = 0x453f5cd8
 0x41196010: local[0]              = 0x453ed9f8
 0x41196014: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196018: istate->_bcp          = 0x632d914c (bci 684)
 0x4119601c: istate->_locals       = 0x41196094
 0x41196020: istate->_constants    = 0x632da5f8
 0x41196024: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Ant.execute()V
 0x41196028: istate->_mdx          = 0x62ea5cf9
 0x4119602c: istate->_stack        = 0x41196008
 0x41196030: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196034: istate->_result       = 0x62ea5d20
 0x41196038: (istate->_result)     = 0x62e76d60
 0x4119603c: (istate->_result)     = 0x4119601c
 0x41196040: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x41196044: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196048: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196014
 0x4119604c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196000
 0x41196050: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196014
 0x41196054: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196014
 0x41196058: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x4119605c: next_frame            = 0x411960e0

 0x41196060: local[13]             = 0x00000000
 0x41196064: local[12]             = 0x00000000
 0x41196068: local[11]             = 0x00000000
 0x4119606c: local[10]             = 0x00000000
 0x41196070: local[9]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196074: local[8]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196078: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119607c: local[6]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196080: local[5]              = 0x453c85d0
 0x41196084: local[4]              = 0x45434438
 0x41196088: local[3]              = 0x453f5cd8
 0x4119608c: local[2]              = 0x453f56e8
 0x41196090: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196094: local[0]              = 0x453ed860
 0x41196098: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x4119609c: istate->_bcp          = 0x63008831 (bci 25)
 0x411960a0: istate->_locals       = 0x411960e8
 0x411960a4: istate->_constants    = 0x630fd198
 0x411960a8: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute()V
 0x411960ac: istate->_mdx          = 0x41196078
 0x411960b0: istate->_stack        = 0x41196090
 0x411960b4: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411960b8: istate->_result       = 0x41196078
 0x411960bc: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000002
 0x411960c0: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196114
 0x411960c4: istate->_prev_link    = 0x50d19130
 0x411960c8: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411960cc: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196098
 0x411960d0: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x4119608c
 0x411960d4: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196098
 0x411960d8: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196098
 0x411960dc: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411960e0: next_frame            = 0x41196134

 0x411960e4: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x411960e8: local[0]              = 0x453e0588
 0x411960ec: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411960f0: istate->_bcp          = 0x63676c5c (bci 36)
 0x411960f4: istate->_locals       = 0x41196140
 0x411960f8: istate->_constants    = 0x63676e28
 0x411960fc: istate->_method       = sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor44.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41196100: istate->_mdx          = 0x41196144
 0x41196104: istate->_stack        = 0x411960e4
 0x41196108: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x4119610c: istate->_result       = 0x411960cc
 0x41196110: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000002
 0x41196114: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41196118: istate->_prev_link    = 0x50d89658
 0x4119611c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196120: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411960ec
 0x41196124: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411960d4
 0x41196128: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411960ec
 0x4119612c: istate->_self_link    = 0x411960ec
 0x41196130: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196134: next_frame            = 0x4119618c

 0x41196138: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119613c: local[1]              = 0x453e0588
 0x41196140: local[0]              = 0x50d04ca0
 0x41196144: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196148: istate->_bcp          = 0x631b14d6 (bci 6)
 0x4119614c: istate->_locals       = 0x41196198
 0x41196150: istate->_constants    = 0x631b1770
 0x41196154: istate->_method       = sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41196158: istate->_mdx          = 0x62e91c50
 0x4119615c: istate->_stack        = 0x41196134
 0x41196160: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196164: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41196168: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196134
 0x4119616c: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196124
 0x41196170: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41196134
 0x41196174: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196178: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196144
 0x4119617c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196134
 0x41196180: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196144
 0x41196184: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196144
 0x41196188: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x4119618c: next_frame            = 0x411961e4

 0x41196190: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196194: local[1]              = 0x453e0588
 0x41196198: local[0]              = 0x50d04ca8
 0x4119619c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411961a0: istate->_bcp          = 0x62e1ae81 (bci 57)
 0x411961a4: istate->_locals       = 0x411961f4
 0x411961a8: istate->_constants    = 0x62e62530
 0x411961ac: istate->_method       = java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x411961b0: istate->_mdx          = 0x411961f4
 0x411961b4: istate->_stack        = 0x4119618c
 0x411961b8: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411961bc: istate->_result       = 0x453ed860
 0x411961c0: (istate->_result)     = 0x453e0588
 0x411961c4: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x411961c8: istate->_prev_link    = 0x63008349
 0x411961cc: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411961d0: istate->_stack_base   = 0x4119619c
 0x411961d4: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196184
 0x411961d8: istate->_monitor_base = 0x4119619c
 0x411961dc: istate->_self_link    = 0x4119619c
 0x411961e0: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411961e4: next_frame            = 0x41196240

 0x411961e8: local[3]              = 0x50d04ca8
 0x411961ec: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x411961f0: local[1]              = 0x453e0588
 0x411961f4: local[0]              = 0x453f5c88
 0x411961f8: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411961fc: istate->_bcp          = 0x631c56ae (bci 518)
 0x41196200: istate->_locals       = 0x41196268
 0x41196204: istate->_constants    = 0x631c59c0
 0x41196208: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.dispatch.DispatchUtils.execute(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
 0x4119620c: istate->_mdx          = 0x41196264
 0x41196210: istate->_stack        = 0x411961e8
 0x41196214: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196218: istate->_result       = 0x453e0588
 0x4119621c: (istate->_result)     = 0x41204c88
 0x41196220: (istate->_result)     = 0x63008242
 0x41196224: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41196268
 0x41196228: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x4119622c: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411961f8
 0x41196230: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411961e4
 0x41196234: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411961f8
 0x41196238: istate->_self_link    = 0x411961f8
 0x4119623c: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196240: next_frame            = 0x411962b4

 0x41196244: local[9]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196248: local[8]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119624c: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196250: local[6]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196254: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196258: local[4]              = 0x453ed860
 0x4119625c: local[3]              = 0x453f5c88
 0x41196260: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196264: local[1]              = 0x4dd938f8
 0x41196268: local[0]              = 0x453e0588
 0x4119626c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196270: istate->_bcp          = 0x6300688e (bci 22)
 0x41196274: istate->_locals       = 0x411962c8
 0x41196278: istate->_constants    = 0x630fc9e0
 0x4119627c: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform()V
 0x41196280: istate->_mdx          = 0x411962c8
 0x41196284: istate->_stack        = 0x41196264
 0x41196288: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x4119628c: istate->_result       = 0x6310e1a0
 0x41196290: (istate->_result)     = 0x4119626c
 0x41196294: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41196298: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x4119629c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411962a0: istate->_stack_base   = 0x4119626c
 0x411962a4: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x4119625c
 0x411962a8: istate->_monitor_base = 0x4119626c
 0x411962ac: istate->_self_link    = 0x4119626c
 0x411962b0: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411962b4: next_frame            = 0x41196314

 0x411962b8: local[4]              = 0x00000000
 0x411962bc: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x411962c0: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x411962c4: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x411962c8: local[0]              = 0x453e0588
 0x411962cc: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411962d0: istate->_bcp          = 0x6300bfc3 (bci 179)
 0x411962d4: istate->_locals       = 0x4119632c
 0x411962d8: istate->_constants    = 0x63055fb8
 0x411962dc: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute()V
 0x411962e0: istate->_mdx          = 0x630157c0
 0x411962e4: istate->_stack        = 0x411962c4
 0x411962e8: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411962ec: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x411962f0: (istate->_result)     = 0x62e88315
 0x411962f4: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196338
 0x411962f8: istate->_prev_link    = 0x630343b8
 0x411962fc: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196300: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411962cc
 0x41196304: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411962b4
 0x41196308: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411962cc
 0x4119630c: istate->_self_link    = 0x411962cc
 0x41196310: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196314: next_frame            = 0x41196378

 0x41196318: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119631c: local[4]              = 0x453e0588
 0x41196320: local[3]              = 0x453e0588
 0x41196324: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196328: local[1]              = 0x453e86f0
 0x4119632c: local[0]              = 0x453e01a8
 0x41196330: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196334: istate->_bcp          = 0x6300c11b (bci 11)
 0x41196338: istate->_locals       = 0x41196388
 0x4119633c: istate->_constants    = 0x63055fb8
 0x41196340: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks()V
 0x41196344: istate->_mdx          = 0x41196388
 0x41196348: istate->_stack        = 0x41196328
 0x4119634c: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196350: istate->_result       = 0x41196328
 0x41196354: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196334
 0x41196358: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x4119635c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41196310
 0x41196360: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196364: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196330
 0x41196368: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196320
 0x4119636c: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196330
 0x41196370: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196330
 0x41196374: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196378: next_frame            = 0x411963d4

 0x4119637c: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196380: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196384: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196388: local[0]              = 0x453e01a8
 0x4119638c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196390: istate->_bcp          = 0x630137d9 (bci 145)
 0x41196394: istate->_locals       = 0x411963f8
 0x41196398: istate->_constants    = 0x630194f0
 0x4119639c: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Ljava/util/Vector;)V
 0x411963a0: istate->_mdx          = 0x62df8d10
 0x411963a4: istate->_stack        = 0x41196384
 0x411963a8: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411963ac: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x411963b0: (istate->_result)     = 0x4119637c
 0x411963b4: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196360
 0x411963b8: istate->_prev_link    = 0x4119637c
 0x411963bc: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411963c0: istate->_stack_base   = 0x4119638c
 0x411963c4: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196378
 0x411963c8: istate->_monitor_base = 0x4119638c
 0x411963cc: istate->_self_link    = 0x4119638c
 0x411963d0: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411963d4: next_frame            = 0x41196444

 0x411963d8: local[8]              = 0x00000000
 0x411963dc: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x411963e0: local[6]              = 0x00000001
 0x411963e4: local[5]              = 0x453e01a8
 0x411963e8: local[4]              = 0x453ecd68
 0x411963ec: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x411963f0: local[2]              = 0x453eccd8
 0x411963f4: local[1]              = 0x453ea3e0
 0x411963f8: local[0]              = 0x453866d0
 0x411963fc: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196400: istate->_bcp          = 0x632aea5b (bci 11)
 0x41196404: istate->_locals       = 0x41196450
 0x41196408: istate->_constants    = 0x632aecd8
 0x4119640c: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.helper.SingleCheckExecutor.executeTargets(Lorg/apache/tools/ant/Project;[Ljava/lang/String;)V
 0x41196410: istate->_mdx          = 0x411963d8
 0x41196414: istate->_stack        = 0x411963f0
 0x41196418: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x4119641c: istate->_result       = 0x00000002
 0x41196420: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41196424: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41196428: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x4119642c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196430: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411963fc
 0x41196434: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411963e4
 0x41196438: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411963fc
 0x4119643c: istate->_self_link    = 0x411963fc
 0x41196440: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196444: next_frame            = 0x4119649c

 0x41196448: local[2]              = 0x453ea3d0
 0x4119644c: local[1]              = 0x453866d0
 0x41196450: local[0]              = 0x4ddc50a8
 0x41196454: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196458: istate->_bcp          = 0x630131e5 (bci 29)
 0x4119645c: istate->_locals       = 0x411964a4
 0x41196460: istate->_constants    = 0x630194f0
 0x41196464: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Ljava/util/Vector;)V
 0x41196468: istate->_mdx          = 0x00000000
 0x4119646c: istate->_stack        = 0x41196444
 0x41196470: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196474: istate->_result       = 0x41196440
 0x41196478: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196430
 0x4119647c: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41196480: istate->_prev_link    = 0x4119644c
 0x41196484: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196488: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196454
 0x4119648c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196440
 0x41196490: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196454
 0x41196494: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196454
 0x41196498: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x4119649c: next_frame            = 0x411964f0

 0x411964a0: local[1]              = 0x4538e0e0
 0x411964a4: local[0]              = 0x453866d0
 0x411964a8: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411964ac: istate->_bcp          = 0x632d914c (bci 684)
 0x411964b0: istate->_locals       = 0x41196528
 0x411964b4: istate->_constants    = 0x632da5f8
 0x411964b8: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Ant.execute()V
 0x411964bc: istate->_mdx          = 0x41196488
 0x411964c0: istate->_stack        = 0x4119649c
 0x411964c4: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411964c8: istate->_result       = 0x41196488
 0x411964cc: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000002
 0x411964d0: (istate->_result)     = 0x45385f10
 0x411964d4: istate->_prev_link    = 0x45386538
 0x411964d8: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411964dc: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411964a8
 0x411964e0: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196494
 0x411964e4: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411964a8
 0x411964e8: istate->_self_link    = 0x411964a8
 0x411964ec: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411964f0: next_frame            = 0x41196574

 0x411964f4: local[13]             = 0x00000000
 0x411964f8: local[12]             = 0x00000000
 0x411964fc: local[11]             = 0x00000000
 0x41196500: local[10]             = 0x00000000
 0x41196504: local[9]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196508: local[8]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119650c: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196510: local[6]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196514: local[5]              = 0x515e9528
 0x41196518: local[4]              = 0x453c85b8
 0x4119651c: local[3]              = 0x4538e0e0
 0x41196520: local[2]              = 0x45385f10
 0x41196524: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196528: local[0]              = 0x45386538
 0x4119652c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196530: istate->_bcp          = 0x6367455a (bci 138)
 0x41196534: istate->_locals       = 0x41196594
 0x41196538: istate->_constants    = 0x63675b28
 0x4119653c: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.SubAnt.execute(Ljava/io/File;Ljava/io/File;)V
 0x41196540: istate->_mdx          = 0x62eff405
 0x41196544: istate->_stack        = 0x41196524
 0x41196548: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x4119654c: istate->_result       = 0x62eff440
 0x41196550: (istate->_result)     = 0x62f02718
 0x41196554: (istate->_result)     = 0x4119652c
 0x41196558: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x4119655c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196560: istate->_stack_base   = 0x4119652c
 0x41196564: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x4119651c
 0x41196568: istate->_monitor_base = 0x4119652c
 0x4119656c: istate->_self_link    = 0x4119652c
 0x41196570: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196574: next_frame            = 0x411965e0

 0x41196578: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119657c: local[6]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196580: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196584: local[4]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196588: local[3]              = 0x45385f10
 0x4119658c: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196590: local[1]              = 0x45385d00
 0x41196594: local[0]              = 0x4537f330
 0x41196598: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x4119659c: istate->_bcp          = 0x63674199 (bci 169)
 0x411965a0: istate->_locals       = 0x41196604
 0x411965a4: istate->_constants    = 0x63675b28
 0x411965a8: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.SubAnt.execute()V
 0x411965ac: istate->_mdx          = 0x4119658c
 0x411965b0: istate->_stack        = 0x41196588
 0x411965b4: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411965b8: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x411965bc: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000002
 0x411965c0: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196618
 0x411965c4: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x411965c8: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411965cc: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196598
 0x411965d0: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196584
 0x411965d4: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196598
 0x411965d8: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196598
 0x411965dc: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411965e0: next_frame            = 0x41196650

 0x411965e4: local[8]              = 0x00000000
 0x411965e8: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x411965ec: local[6]              = 0x00000000
 0x411965f0: local[5]              = 0x45385d00
 0x411965f4: local[4]              = 0x00000000
 0x411965f8: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x411965fc: local[2]              = 0x00000001
 0x41196600: local[1]              = 0x45385b60
 0x41196604: local[0]              = 0x4537f330
 0x41196608: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x4119660c: istate->_bcp          = 0x63008831 (bci 25)
 0x41196610: istate->_locals       = 0x41196658
 0x41196614: istate->_constants    = 0x630fd198
 0x41196618: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute()V
 0x4119661c: istate->_mdx          = 0x411965e8
 0x41196620: istate->_stack        = 0x41196600
 0x41196624: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196628: istate->_result       = 0x411965e8
 0x4119662c: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000002
 0x41196630: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196684
 0x41196634: istate->_prev_link    = 0x50d19130
 0x41196638: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x4119663c: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196608
 0x41196640: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411965fc
 0x41196644: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196608
 0x41196648: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196608
 0x4119664c: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196650: next_frame            = 0x411966a4

 0x41196654: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196658: local[0]              = 0x51623c50
 0x4119665c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196660: istate->_bcp          = 0x63676c5c (bci 36)
 0x41196664: istate->_locals       = 0x411966b0
 0x41196668: istate->_constants    = 0x63676e28
 0x4119666c: istate->_method       = sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor44.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41196670: istate->_mdx          = 0x411966b4
 0x41196674: istate->_stack        = 0x41196654
 0x41196678: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x4119667c: istate->_result       = 0x4119663c
 0x41196680: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000002
 0x41196684: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41196688: istate->_prev_link    = 0x50d89658
 0x4119668c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196690: istate->_stack_base   = 0x4119665c
 0x41196694: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196644
 0x41196698: istate->_monitor_base = 0x4119665c
 0x4119669c: istate->_self_link    = 0x4119665c
 0x411966a0: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411966a4: next_frame            = 0x411966fc

 0x411966a8: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x411966ac: local[1]              = 0x51623c50
 0x411966b0: local[0]              = 0x50d04ca0
 0x411966b4: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411966b8: istate->_bcp          = 0x631b14d6 (bci 6)
 0x411966bc: istate->_locals       = 0x41196708
 0x411966c0: istate->_constants    = 0x631b1770
 0x411966c4: istate->_method       = sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x411966c8: istate->_mdx          = 0x62e91c50
 0x411966cc: istate->_stack        = 0x411966a4
 0x411966d0: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411966d4: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x411966d8: (istate->_result)     = 0x411966a4
 0x411966dc: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196694
 0x411966e0: istate->_prev_link    = 0x411966a4
 0x411966e4: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411966e8: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411966b4
 0x411966ec: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411966a4
 0x411966f0: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411966b4
 0x411966f4: istate->_self_link    = 0x411966b4
 0x411966f8: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411966fc: next_frame            = 0x41196754

 0x41196700: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196704: local[1]              = 0x51623c50
 0x41196708: local[0]              = 0x50d04ca8
 0x4119670c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196710: istate->_bcp          = 0x62e1ae81 (bci 57)
 0x41196714: istate->_locals       = 0x41196764
 0x41196718: istate->_constants    = 0x62e62530
 0x4119671c: istate->_method       = java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41196720: istate->_mdx          = 0x41196764
 0x41196724: istate->_stack        = 0x411966fc
 0x41196728: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x4119672c: istate->_result       = 0x4537f330
 0x41196730: (istate->_result)     = 0x51623c50
 0x41196734: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41196738: istate->_prev_link    = 0x63008349
 0x4119673c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196740: istate->_stack_base   = 0x4119670c
 0x41196744: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411966f4
 0x41196748: istate->_monitor_base = 0x4119670c
 0x4119674c: istate->_self_link    = 0x4119670c
 0x41196750: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196754: next_frame            = 0x411967b0

 0x41196758: local[3]              = 0x50d04ca8
 0x4119675c: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196760: local[1]              = 0x51623c50
 0x41196764: local[0]              = 0x45384e80
 0x41196768: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x4119676c: istate->_bcp          = 0x631c56ae (bci 518)
 0x41196770: istate->_locals       = 0x411967d8
 0x41196774: istate->_constants    = 0x631c59c0
 0x41196778: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.dispatch.DispatchUtils.execute(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
 0x4119677c: istate->_mdx          = 0x411967d4
 0x41196780: istate->_stack        = 0x41196758
 0x41196784: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196788: istate->_result       = 0x51623c50
 0x4119678c: (istate->_result)     = 0x41204c88
 0x41196790: (istate->_result)     = 0x63008242
 0x41196794: istate->_prev_link    = 0x411967d8
 0x41196798: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x4119679c: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196768
 0x411967a0: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196754
 0x411967a4: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196768
 0x411967a8: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196768
 0x411967ac: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411967b0: next_frame            = 0x41196824

 0x411967b4: local[9]              = 0x00000000
 0x411967b8: local[8]              = 0x00000000
 0x411967bc: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x411967c0: local[6]              = 0x00000000
 0x411967c4: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x411967c8: local[4]              = 0x4537f330
 0x411967cc: local[3]              = 0x45384e80
 0x411967d0: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x411967d4: local[1]              = 0x4dd938f8
 0x411967d8: local[0]              = 0x51623c50
 0x411967dc: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411967e0: istate->_bcp          = 0x6300688e (bci 22)
 0x411967e4: istate->_locals       = 0x41196838
 0x411967e8: istate->_constants    = 0x630fc9e0
 0x411967ec: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform()V
 0x411967f0: istate->_mdx          = 0x41196838
 0x411967f4: istate->_stack        = 0x411967d4
 0x411967f8: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411967fc: istate->_result       = 0x6310e1a0
 0x41196800: (istate->_result)     = 0x411967dc
 0x41196804: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41196808: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x4119680c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196810: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411967dc
 0x41196814: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411967cc
 0x41196818: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411967dc
 0x4119681c: istate->_self_link    = 0x411967dc
 0x41196820: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196824: next_frame            = 0x41196884

 0x41196828: local[4]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119682c: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196830: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196834: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196838: local[0]              = 0x51623c50
 0x4119683c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196840: istate->_bcp          = 0x6300bfc3 (bci 179)
 0x41196844: istate->_locals       = 0x4119689c
 0x41196848: istate->_constants    = 0x63055fb8
 0x4119684c: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute()V
 0x41196850: istate->_mdx          = 0x630157c0
 0x41196854: istate->_stack        = 0x41196834
 0x41196858: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x4119685c: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41196860: (istate->_result)     = 0x62e96308
 0x41196864: (istate->_result)     = 0x411968a8
 0x41196868: istate->_prev_link    = 0x62fc3188
 0x4119686c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196870: istate->_stack_base   = 0x4119683c
 0x41196874: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196824
 0x41196878: istate->_monitor_base = 0x4119683c
 0x4119687c: istate->_self_link    = 0x4119683c
 0x41196880: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196884: next_frame            = 0x411968e8

 0x41196888: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119688c: local[4]              = 0x51623c50
 0x41196890: local[3]              = 0x51623c50
 0x41196894: local[2]              = 0x00000007
 0x41196898: local[1]              = 0x513ee250
 0x4119689c: local[0]              = 0x513ee220
 0x411968a0: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411968a4: istate->_bcp          = 0x6300c11b (bci 11)
 0x411968a8: istate->_locals       = 0x411968f8
 0x411968ac: istate->_constants    = 0x63055fb8
 0x411968b0: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks()V
 0x411968b4: istate->_mdx          = 0x411968f8
 0x411968b8: istate->_stack        = 0x41196898
 0x411968bc: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411968c0: istate->_result       = 0x4119689c
 0x411968c4: (istate->_result)     = 0x411968a4
 0x411968c8: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x411968cc: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41196880
 0x411968d0: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411968d4: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411968a0
 0x411968d8: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196890
 0x411968dc: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411968a0
 0x411968e0: istate->_self_link    = 0x411968a0
 0x411968e4: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411968e8: next_frame            = 0x41196944

 0x411968ec: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x411968f0: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x411968f4: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x411968f8: local[0]              = 0x513ee220
 0x411968fc: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196900: istate->_bcp          = 0x630137d9 (bci 145)
 0x41196904: istate->_locals       = 0x41196968
 0x41196908: istate->_constants    = 0x630194f0
 0x4119690c: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Ljava/util/Vector;)V
 0x41196910: istate->_mdx          = 0x62df8d10
 0x41196914: istate->_stack        = 0x411968f4
 0x41196918: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x4119691c: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41196920: (istate->_result)     = 0x411968ec
 0x41196924: (istate->_result)     = 0x411968d0
 0x41196928: istate->_prev_link    = 0x411968ec
 0x4119692c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196930: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411968fc
 0x41196934: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411968e8
 0x41196938: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411968fc
 0x4119693c: istate->_self_link    = 0x411968fc
 0x41196940: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196944: next_frame            = 0x411969b4

 0x41196948: local[8]              = 0x449b01c8
 0x4119694c: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196950: local[6]              = 0x00000001
 0x41196954: local[5]              = 0x513ee220
 0x41196958: local[4]              = 0x513ee2e0
 0x4119695c: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196960: local[2]              = 0x513ee2d0
 0x41196964: local[1]              = 0x513ee2b0
 0x41196968: local[0]              = 0x513ee260
 0x4119696c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196970: istate->_bcp          = 0x632aea5b (bci 11)
 0x41196974: istate->_locals       = 0x411969c0
 0x41196978: istate->_constants    = 0x632aecd8
 0x4119697c: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.helper.SingleCheckExecutor.executeTargets(Lorg/apache/tools/ant/Project;[Ljava/lang/String;)V
 0x41196980: istate->_mdx          = 0x41196948
 0x41196984: istate->_stack        = 0x41196960
 0x41196988: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x4119698c: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41196990: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41196994: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41196998: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x4119699c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411969a0: istate->_stack_base   = 0x4119696c
 0x411969a4: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196954
 0x411969a8: istate->_monitor_base = 0x4119696c
 0x411969ac: istate->_self_link    = 0x4119696c
 0x411969b0: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411969b4: next_frame            = 0x41196a0c

 0x411969b8: local[2]              = 0x513ee2f8
 0x411969bc: local[1]              = 0x513ee260
 0x411969c0: local[0]              = 0x4ddc50a8
 0x411969c4: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411969c8: istate->_bcp          = 0x630131e5 (bci 29)
 0x411969cc: istate->_locals       = 0x41196a14
 0x411969d0: istate->_constants    = 0x630194f0
 0x411969d4: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Ljava/util/Vector;)V
 0x411969d8: istate->_mdx          = 0x00000000
 0x411969dc: istate->_stack        = 0x411969b4
 0x411969e0: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411969e4: istate->_result       = 0x411969b0
 0x411969e8: (istate->_result)     = 0x411969a0
 0x411969ec: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x411969f0: istate->_prev_link    = 0x411969bc
 0x411969f4: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411969f8: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411969c4
 0x411969fc: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411969b0
 0x41196a00: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411969c4
 0x41196a04: istate->_self_link    = 0x411969c4
 0x41196a08: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196a0c: next_frame            = 0x41196a60

 0x41196a10: local[1]              = 0x513ee308
 0x41196a14: local[0]              = 0x513ee260
 0x41196a18: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196a1c: istate->_bcp          = 0x632d914c (bci 684)
 0x41196a20: istate->_locals       = 0x41196a98
 0x41196a24: istate->_constants    = 0x632da5f8
 0x41196a28: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Ant.execute()V
 0x41196a2c: istate->_mdx          = 0x411969f0
 0x41196a30: istate->_stack        = 0x41196a0c
 0x41196a34: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196a38: istate->_result       = 0x41196a88
 0x41196a3c: (istate->_result)     = 0x44818810
 0x41196a40: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41196a44: istate->_prev_link    = 0x44952170
 0x41196a48: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196a4c: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196a18
 0x41196a50: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196a04
 0x41196a54: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196a18
 0x41196a58: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196a18
 0x41196a5c: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196a60: next_frame            = 0x41196ae4

 0x41196a64: local[13]             = 0x00000000
 0x41196a68: local[12]             = 0x00000000
 0x41196a6c: local[11]             = 0x00000000
 0x41196a70: local[10]             = 0x00000000
 0x41196a74: local[9]              = 0x44835fe0
 0x41196a78: local[8]              = 0x44a464e8
 0x41196a7c: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196a80: local[6]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196a84: local[5]              = 0x513ee380
 0x41196a88: local[4]              = 0x513ee398
 0x41196a8c: local[3]              = 0x513ee308
 0x41196a90: local[2]              = 0x513ee380
 0x41196a94: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196a98: local[0]              = 0x513ee328
 0x41196a9c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196aa0: istate->_bcp          = 0x632d67da (bci 74)
 0x41196aa4: istate->_locals       = 0x41196ae8
 0x41196aa8: istate->_constants    = 0x632d71d0
 0x41196aac: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.CallTarget.execute()V
 0x41196ab0: istate->_mdx          = 0x41196a70
 0x41196ab4: istate->_stack        = 0x41196a94
 0x41196ab8: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196abc: istate->_result       = 0x00000002
 0x41196ac0: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196b14
 0x41196ac4: (istate->_result)     = 0x50d1b750
 0x41196ac8: istate->_prev_link    = 0x44959b10
 0x41196acc: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196ad0: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196a9c
 0x41196ad4: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196a88
 0x41196ad8: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196a9c
 0x41196adc: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196a9c
 0x41196ae0: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196ae4: next_frame            = 0x41196b34

 0x41196ae8: local[0]              = 0x513ee3b0
 0x41196aec: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196af0: istate->_bcp          = 0x63008831 (bci 25)
 0x41196af4: istate->_locals       = 0x41196b3c
 0x41196af8: istate->_constants    = 0x630fd198
 0x41196afc: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute()V
 0x41196b00: istate->_mdx          = 0x41196acc
 0x41196b04: istate->_stack        = 0x41196ae4
 0x41196b08: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196b0c: istate->_result       = 0x41196acc
 0x41196b10: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000002
 0x41196b14: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196b68
 0x41196b18: istate->_prev_link    = 0x50d1b750
 0x41196b1c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196b20: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196aec
 0x41196b24: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196ae0
 0x41196b28: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196aec
 0x41196b2c: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196aec
 0x41196b30: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196b34: next_frame            = 0x41196b88

 0x41196b38: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196b3c: local[0]              = 0x513ee3e8
 0x41196b40: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196b44: istate->_bcp          = 0x63676c5c (bci 36)
 0x41196b48: istate->_locals       = 0x41196b94
 0x41196b4c: istate->_constants    = 0x63676e28
 0x41196b50: istate->_method       = sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor44.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41196b54: istate->_mdx          = 0x41196b98
 0x41196b58: istate->_stack        = 0x41196b38
 0x41196b5c: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196b60: istate->_result       = 0x41196b20
 0x41196b64: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000002
 0x41196b68: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41196b6c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x50d8e8d0
 0x41196b70: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196b74: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196b40
 0x41196b78: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196b28
 0x41196b7c: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196b40
 0x41196b80: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196b40
 0x41196b84: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196b88: next_frame            = 0x41196be0

 0x41196b8c: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196b90: local[1]              = 0x513ee3e8
 0x41196b94: local[0]              = 0x50d04ca0
 0x41196b98: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196b9c: istate->_bcp          = 0x631b14d6 (bci 6)
 0x41196ba0: istate->_locals       = 0x41196bec
 0x41196ba4: istate->_constants    = 0x631b1770
 0x41196ba8: istate->_method       = sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41196bac: istate->_mdx          = 0x62e91c50
 0x41196bb0: istate->_stack        = 0x41196b88
 0x41196bb4: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196bb8: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41196bbc: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196b88
 0x41196bc0: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196b78
 0x41196bc4: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41196b88
 0x41196bc8: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196bcc: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196b98
 0x41196bd0: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196b88
 0x41196bd4: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196b98
 0x41196bd8: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196b98
 0x41196bdc: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196be0: next_frame            = 0x41196c38

 0x41196be4: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196be8: local[1]              = 0x513ee3e8
 0x41196bec: local[0]              = 0x50d04ca8
 0x41196bf0: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196bf4: istate->_bcp          = 0x62e1ae81 (bci 57)
 0x41196bf8: istate->_locals       = 0x41196c48
 0x41196bfc: istate->_constants    = 0x62e62530
 0x41196c00: istate->_method       = java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41196c04: istate->_mdx          = 0x41196c48
 0x41196c08: istate->_stack        = 0x41196be0
 0x41196c0c: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196c10: istate->_result       = 0x44952138
 0x41196c14: (istate->_result)     = 0x44860648
 0x41196c18: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41196c1c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x63008349
 0x41196c20: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196c24: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196bf0
 0x41196c28: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196bd8
 0x41196c2c: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196bf0
 0x41196c30: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196bf0
 0x41196c34: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196c38: next_frame            = 0x41196c94

 0x41196c3c: local[3]              = 0x50d04ca8
 0x41196c40: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196c44: local[1]              = 0x513ee3e8
 0x41196c48: local[0]              = 0x513ee430
 0x41196c4c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196c50: istate->_bcp          = 0x631c56ae (bci 518)
 0x41196c54: istate->_locals       = 0x41196cbc
 0x41196c58: istate->_constants    = 0x631c59c0
 0x41196c5c: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.dispatch.DispatchUtils.execute(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
 0x41196c60: istate->_mdx          = 0x41196cb8
 0x41196c64: istate->_stack        = 0x41196c3c
 0x41196c68: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196c6c: istate->_result       = 0x44860648
 0x41196c70: (istate->_result)     = 0x41204c88
 0x41196c74: (istate->_result)     = 0x63008242
 0x41196c78: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41196cbc
 0x41196c7c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196c80: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196c4c
 0x41196c84: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196c38
 0x41196c88: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196c4c
 0x41196c8c: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196c4c
 0x41196c90: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196c94: next_frame            = 0x41196d08

 0x41196c98: local[9]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196c9c: local[8]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196ca0: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196ca4: local[6]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196ca8: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196cac: local[4]              = 0x44952138
 0x41196cb0: local[3]              = 0x513ee430
 0x41196cb4: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196cb8: local[1]              = 0x4dd938f8
 0x41196cbc: local[0]              = 0x513ee3e8
 0x41196cc0: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196cc4: istate->_bcp          = 0x6300688e (bci 22)
 0x41196cc8: istate->_locals       = 0x41196d1c
 0x41196ccc: istate->_constants    = 0x630fc9e0
 0x41196cd0: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform()V
 0x41196cd4: istate->_mdx          = 0x41196d1c
 0x41196cd8: istate->_stack        = 0x41196cb8
 0x41196cdc: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196ce0: istate->_result       = 0x6310e1a0
 0x41196ce4: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196cc0
 0x41196ce8: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41196cec: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x41196cf0: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196cf4: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196cc0
 0x41196cf8: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196cb0
 0x41196cfc: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196cc0
 0x41196d00: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196cc0
 0x41196d04: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196d08: next_frame            = 0x41196d68

 0x41196d0c: local[4]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196d10: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196d14: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196d18: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196d1c: local[0]              = 0x513ee3e8
 0x41196d20: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196d24: istate->_bcp          = 0x6300bfc3 (bci 179)
 0x41196d28: istate->_locals       = 0x41196d80
 0x41196d2c: istate->_constants    = 0x63055fb8
 0x41196d30: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute()V
 0x41196d34: istate->_mdx          = 0x630157c0
 0x41196d38: istate->_stack        = 0x41196d18
 0x41196d3c: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196d40: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41196d44: (istate->_result)     = 0x62e96308
 0x41196d48: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196d8c
 0x41196d4c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x62fc3188
 0x41196d50: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196d54: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196d20
 0x41196d58: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196d08
 0x41196d5c: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196d20
 0x41196d60: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196d20
 0x41196d64: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196d68: next_frame            = 0x41196dcc

 0x41196d6c: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196d70: local[4]              = 0x513ee3e8
 0x41196d74: local[3]              = 0x513ee3e8
 0x41196d78: local[2]              = 0x00000003
 0x41196d7c: local[1]              = 0x513ee4b0
 0x41196d80: local[0]              = 0x513ee480
 0x41196d84: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196d88: istate->_bcp          = 0x6300c11b (bci 11)
 0x41196d8c: istate->_locals       = 0x41196ddc
 0x41196d90: istate->_constants    = 0x63055fb8
 0x41196d94: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks()V
 0x41196d98: istate->_mdx          = 0x41196ddc
 0x41196d9c: istate->_stack        = 0x41196d7c
 0x41196da0: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196da4: istate->_result       = 0x41196d80
 0x41196da8: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196d88
 0x41196dac: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41196db0: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41196d64
 0x41196db4: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196db8: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196d84
 0x41196dbc: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196d74
 0x41196dc0: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196d84
 0x41196dc4: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196d84
 0x41196dc8: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196dcc: next_frame            = 0x41196e28

 0x41196dd0: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196dd4: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196dd8: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196ddc: local[0]              = 0x513ee480
 0x41196de0: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196de4: istate->_bcp          = 0x630137d9 (bci 145)
 0x41196de8: istate->_locals       = 0x41196e4c
 0x41196dec: istate->_constants    = 0x630194f0
 0x41196df0: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Ljava/util/Vector;)V
 0x41196df4: istate->_mdx          = 0x62df8d10
 0x41196df8: istate->_stack        = 0x41196dd8
 0x41196dfc: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196e00: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41196e04: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196dd0
 0x41196e08: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196db4
 0x41196e0c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41196dd0
 0x41196e10: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196e14: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196de0
 0x41196e18: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196dcc
 0x41196e1c: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196de0
 0x41196e20: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196de0
 0x41196e24: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196e28: next_frame            = 0x41196e98

 0x41196e2c: local[8]              = 0x4485f5f0
 0x41196e30: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196e34: local[6]              = 0x00000001
 0x41196e38: local[5]              = 0x513ee480
 0x41196e3c: local[4]              = 0x513ee540
 0x41196e40: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196e44: local[2]              = 0x513ee530
 0x41196e48: local[1]              = 0x513ee510
 0x41196e4c: local[0]              = 0x513ee4c0
 0x41196e50: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196e54: istate->_bcp          = 0x632aea5b (bci 11)
 0x41196e58: istate->_locals       = 0x41196ea4
 0x41196e5c: istate->_constants    = 0x632aecd8
 0x41196e60: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.helper.SingleCheckExecutor.executeTargets(Lorg/apache/tools/ant/Project;[Ljava/lang/String;)V
 0x41196e64: istate->_mdx          = 0x41196e2c
 0x41196e68: istate->_stack        = 0x41196e44
 0x41196e6c: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196e70: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41196e74: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41196e78: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41196e7c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x41196e80: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196e84: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196e50
 0x41196e88: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196e38
 0x41196e8c: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196e50
 0x41196e90: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196e50
 0x41196e94: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196e98: next_frame            = 0x41196ef0

 0x41196e9c: local[2]              = 0x513ee558
 0x41196ea0: local[1]              = 0x513ee4c0
 0x41196ea4: local[0]              = 0x4ddc50a8
 0x41196ea8: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196eac: istate->_bcp          = 0x630131e5 (bci 29)
 0x41196eb0: istate->_locals       = 0x41196ef8
 0x41196eb4: istate->_constants    = 0x630194f0
 0x41196eb8: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Ljava/util/Vector;)V
 0x41196ebc: istate->_mdx          = 0x00000000
 0x41196ec0: istate->_stack        = 0x41196e98
 0x41196ec4: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196ec8: istate->_result       = 0x41196e94
 0x41196ecc: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196e84
 0x41196ed0: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41196ed4: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41196ea0
 0x41196ed8: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196edc: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196ea8
 0x41196ee0: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196e94
 0x41196ee4: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196ea8
 0x41196ee8: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196ea8
 0x41196eec: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196ef0: next_frame            = 0x41196f44

 0x41196ef4: local[1]              = 0x513ee568
 0x41196ef8: local[0]              = 0x513ee4c0
 0x41196efc: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196f00: istate->_bcp          = 0x632d914c (bci 684)
 0x41196f04: istate->_locals       = 0x41196f7c
 0x41196f08: istate->_constants    = 0x632da5f8
 0x41196f0c: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Ant.execute()V
 0x41196f10: istate->_mdx          = 0x41196edc
 0x41196f14: istate->_stack        = 0x41196ef0
 0x41196f18: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196f1c: istate->_result       = 0x41196edc
 0x41196f20: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000002
 0x41196f24: (istate->_result)     = 0x447e0728
 0x41196f28: istate->_prev_link    = 0x447e0c60
 0x41196f2c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196f30: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196efc
 0x41196f34: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196ee8
 0x41196f38: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196efc
 0x41196f3c: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196efc
 0x41196f40: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196f44: next_frame            = 0x41196fc8

 0x41196f48: local[13]             = 0x00000000
 0x41196f4c: local[12]             = 0x00000000
 0x41196f50: local[11]             = 0x00000000
 0x41196f54: local[10]             = 0x00000000
 0x41196f58: local[9]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196f5c: local[8]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196f60: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196f64: local[6]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196f68: local[5]              = 0x4f3945b0
 0x41196f6c: local[4]              = 0x513ee5f8
 0x41196f70: local[3]              = 0x513ee568
 0x41196f74: local[2]              = 0x513ee5e0
 0x41196f78: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196f7c: local[0]              = 0x513ee588
 0x41196f80: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196f84: istate->_bcp          = 0x6367455a (bci 138)
 0x41196f88: istate->_locals       = 0x41196fe8
 0x41196f8c: istate->_constants    = 0x63675b28
 0x41196f90: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.SubAnt.execute(Ljava/io/File;Ljava/io/File;)V
 0x41196f94: istate->_mdx          = 0x62eff405
 0x41196f98: istate->_stack        = 0x41196f78
 0x41196f9c: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41196fa0: istate->_result       = 0x62eff440
 0x41196fa4: (istate->_result)     = 0x62f02718
 0x41196fa8: (istate->_result)     = 0x41196f80
 0x41196fac: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x41196fb0: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41196fb4: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196f80
 0x41196fb8: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196f70
 0x41196fbc: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196f80
 0x41196fc0: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196f80
 0x41196fc4: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41196fc8: next_frame            = 0x41197034

 0x41196fcc: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196fd0: local[6]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196fd4: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196fd8: local[4]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196fdc: local[3]              = 0x513ee5e0
 0x41196fe0: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41196fe4: local[1]              = 0x513ee610
 0x41196fe8: local[0]              = 0x511b0288
 0x41196fec: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41196ff0: istate->_bcp          = 0x63674199 (bci 169)
 0x41196ff4: istate->_locals       = 0x41197058
 0x41196ff8: istate->_constants    = 0x63675b28
 0x41196ffc: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.SubAnt.execute()V
 0x41197000: istate->_mdx          = 0x41196fe0
 0x41197004: istate->_stack        = 0x41196fdc
 0x41197008: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x4119700c: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41197010: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000002
 0x41197014: (istate->_result)     = 0x4119706c
 0x41197018: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x4119701c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41197020: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41196fec
 0x41197024: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41196fd8
 0x41197028: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41196fec
 0x4119702c: istate->_self_link    = 0x41196fec
 0x41197030: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41197034: next_frame            = 0x411970a4

 0x41197038: local[8]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119703c: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197040: local[6]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197044: local[5]              = 0x513ee610
 0x41197048: local[4]              = 0x00000009
 0x4119704c: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197050: local[2]              = 0x00000011
 0x41197054: local[1]              = 0x511b02e0
 0x41197058: local[0]              = 0x511b0288
 0x4119705c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41197060: istate->_bcp          = 0x63008831 (bci 25)
 0x41197064: istate->_locals       = 0x411970ac
 0x41197068: istate->_constants    = 0x630fd198
 0x4119706c: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute()V
 0x41197070: istate->_mdx          = 0x4119703c
 0x41197074: istate->_stack        = 0x41197054
 0x41197078: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x4119707c: istate->_result       = 0x4119703c
 0x41197080: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000002
 0x41197084: (istate->_result)     = 0x411970d8
 0x41197088: istate->_prev_link    = 0x50d1b750
 0x4119708c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41197090: istate->_stack_base   = 0x4119705c
 0x41197094: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41197050
 0x41197098: istate->_monitor_base = 0x4119705c
 0x4119709c: istate->_self_link    = 0x4119705c
 0x411970a0: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411970a4: next_frame            = 0x411970f8

 0x411970a8: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x411970ac: local[0]              = 0x4f3a4420
 0x411970b0: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411970b4: istate->_bcp          = 0x63676c5c (bci 36)
 0x411970b8: istate->_locals       = 0x41197104
 0x411970bc: istate->_constants    = 0x63676e28
 0x411970c0: istate->_method       = sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor44.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x411970c4: istate->_mdx          = 0x41197108
 0x411970c8: istate->_stack        = 0x411970a8
 0x411970cc: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411970d0: istate->_result       = 0x41197090
 0x411970d4: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000002
 0x411970d8: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x411970dc: istate->_prev_link    = 0x50d8e8d0
 0x411970e0: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411970e4: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411970b0
 0x411970e8: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41197098
 0x411970ec: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411970b0
 0x411970f0: istate->_self_link    = 0x411970b0
 0x411970f4: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411970f8: next_frame            = 0x41197150

 0x411970fc: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197100: local[1]              = 0x4f3a4420
 0x41197104: local[0]              = 0x50d04ca0
 0x41197108: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x4119710c: istate->_bcp          = 0x631b14d6 (bci 6)
 0x41197110: istate->_locals       = 0x4119715c
 0x41197114: istate->_constants    = 0x631b1770
 0x41197118: istate->_method       = sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x4119711c: istate->_mdx          = 0x62e91c50
 0x41197120: istate->_stack        = 0x411970f8
 0x41197124: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41197128: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x4119712c: (istate->_result)     = 0x411970f8
 0x41197130: (istate->_result)     = 0x411970e8
 0x41197134: istate->_prev_link    = 0x411970f8
 0x41197138: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x4119713c: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41197108
 0x41197140: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411970f8
 0x41197144: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41197108
 0x41197148: istate->_self_link    = 0x41197108
 0x4119714c: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41197150: next_frame            = 0x411971a8

 0x41197154: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197158: local[1]              = 0x4f3a4420
 0x4119715c: local[0]              = 0x50d04ca8
 0x41197160: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41197164: istate->_bcp          = 0x62e1ae81 (bci 57)
 0x41197168: istate->_locals       = 0x411971b8
 0x4119716c: istate->_constants    = 0x62e62530
 0x41197170: istate->_method       = java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41197174: istate->_mdx          = 0x411971b8
 0x41197178: istate->_stack        = 0x41197150
 0x4119717c: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41197180: istate->_result       = 0x44928d78
 0x41197184: (istate->_result)     = 0x4f3a63e0
 0x41197188: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x4119718c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x63008349
 0x41197190: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41197194: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41197160
 0x41197198: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41197148
 0x4119719c: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41197160
 0x411971a0: istate->_self_link    = 0x41197160
 0x411971a4: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411971a8: next_frame            = 0x41197204

 0x411971ac: local[3]              = 0x50d04ca8
 0x411971b0: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x411971b4: local[1]              = 0x4f3a4420
 0x411971b8: local[0]              = 0x511b0330
 0x411971bc: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411971c0: istate->_bcp          = 0x631c56ae (bci 518)
 0x411971c4: istate->_locals       = 0x4119722c
 0x411971c8: istate->_constants    = 0x631c59c0
 0x411971cc: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.dispatch.DispatchUtils.execute(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
 0x411971d0: istate->_mdx          = 0x41197228
 0x411971d4: istate->_stack        = 0x411971ac
 0x411971d8: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411971dc: istate->_result       = 0x4f3a63e0
 0x411971e0: (istate->_result)     = 0x41204c88
 0x411971e4: (istate->_result)     = 0x63008242
 0x411971e8: istate->_prev_link    = 0x4119722c
 0x411971ec: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411971f0: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411971bc
 0x411971f4: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411971a8
 0x411971f8: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411971bc
 0x411971fc: istate->_self_link    = 0x411971bc
 0x41197200: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41197204: next_frame            = 0x41197278

 0x41197208: local[9]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119720c: local[8]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197210: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197214: local[6]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197218: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119721c: local[4]              = 0x44928d78
 0x41197220: local[3]              = 0x511b0330
 0x41197224: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197228: local[1]              = 0x4dd938f8
 0x4119722c: local[0]              = 0x4f3a4420
 0x41197230: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41197234: istate->_bcp          = 0x6300688e (bci 22)
 0x41197238: istate->_locals       = 0x4119728c
 0x4119723c: istate->_constants    = 0x630fc9e0
 0x41197240: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform()V
 0x41197244: istate->_mdx          = 0x4119728c
 0x41197248: istate->_stack        = 0x41197228
 0x4119724c: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41197250: istate->_result       = 0x6310e1a0
 0x41197254: (istate->_result)     = 0x41197230
 0x41197258: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x4119725c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x41197260: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41197264: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41197230
 0x41197268: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41197220
 0x4119726c: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41197230
 0x41197270: istate->_self_link    = 0x41197230
 0x41197274: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41197278: next_frame            = 0x411972d8

 0x4119727c: local[4]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197280: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197284: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197288: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119728c: local[0]              = 0x4f3a4420
 0x41197290: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41197294: istate->_bcp          = 0x6300bfc3 (bci 179)
 0x41197298: istate->_locals       = 0x411972f0
 0x4119729c: istate->_constants    = 0x63055fb8
 0x411972a0: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute()V
 0x411972a4: istate->_mdx          = 0x630157c0
 0x411972a8: istate->_stack        = 0x41197288
 0x411972ac: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411972b0: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x411972b4: (istate->_result)     = 0x62e96308
 0x411972b8: (istate->_result)     = 0x411972fc
 0x411972bc: istate->_prev_link    = 0x62fc3188
 0x411972c0: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411972c4: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41197290
 0x411972c8: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41197278
 0x411972cc: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41197290
 0x411972d0: istate->_self_link    = 0x41197290
 0x411972d4: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411972d8: next_frame            = 0x4119733c

 0x411972dc: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x411972e0: local[4]              = 0x4f3a4420
 0x411972e4: local[3]              = 0x4f3a4420
 0x411972e8: local[2]              = 0x00000003
 0x411972ec: local[1]              = 0x4f38fbe0
 0x411972f0: local[0]              = 0x4f398070
 0x411972f4: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411972f8: istate->_bcp          = 0x6300c11b (bci 11)
 0x411972fc: istate->_locals       = 0x4119734c
 0x41197300: istate->_constants    = 0x63055fb8
 0x41197304: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks()V
 0x41197308: istate->_mdx          = 0x4119734c
 0x4119730c: istate->_stack        = 0x411972ec
 0x41197310: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41197314: istate->_result       = 0x411972f0
 0x41197318: (istate->_result)     = 0x411972f8
 0x4119731c: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41197320: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x41197324: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41197328: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411972f4
 0x4119732c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411972e4
 0x41197330: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411972f4
 0x41197334: istate->_self_link    = 0x411972f4
 0x41197338: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x4119733c: next_frame            = 0x41197398

 0x41197340: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197344: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197348: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119734c: local[0]              = 0x4f398070
 0x41197350: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41197354: istate->_bcp          = 0x630137d9 (bci 145)
 0x41197358: istate->_locals       = 0x411973bc
 0x4119735c: istate->_constants    = 0x630194f0
 0x41197360: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Ljava/util/Vector;)V
 0x41197364: istate->_mdx          = 0x62df8d10
 0x41197368: istate->_stack        = 0x41197348
 0x4119736c: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41197370: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41197374: (istate->_result)     = 0x41197340
 0x41197378: (istate->_result)     = 0x41197324
 0x4119737c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41197340
 0x41197380: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41197384: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41197350
 0x41197388: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x4119733c
 0x4119738c: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41197350
 0x41197390: istate->_self_link    = 0x41197350
 0x41197394: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41197398: next_frame            = 0x41197408

 0x4119739c: local[8]              = 0x4f3a62f0
 0x411973a0: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x411973a4: local[6]              = 0x00000001
 0x411973a8: local[5]              = 0x4f398070
 0x411973ac: local[4]              = 0x4f38fc20
 0x411973b0: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x411973b4: local[2]              = 0x4f38fc10
 0x411973b8: local[1]              = 0x4f38fbf0
 0x411973bc: local[0]              = 0x4f38fae0
 0x411973c0: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411973c4: istate->_bcp          = 0x632aea5b (bci 11)
 0x411973c8: istate->_locals       = 0x41197414
 0x411973cc: istate->_constants    = 0x632aecd8
 0x411973d0: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.helper.SingleCheckExecutor.executeTargets(Lorg/apache/tools/ant/Project;[Ljava/lang/String;)V
 0x411973d4: istate->_mdx          = 0x4119739c
 0x411973d8: istate->_stack        = 0x411973b4
 0x411973dc: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411973e0: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x411973e4: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x411973e8: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x411973ec: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x411973f0: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411973f4: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411973c0
 0x411973f8: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411973a8
 0x411973fc: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411973c0
 0x41197400: istate->_self_link    = 0x411973c0
 0x41197404: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41197408: next_frame            = 0x41197460

 0x4119740c: local[2]              = 0x4f38fc38
 0x41197410: local[1]              = 0x4f38fae0
 0x41197414: local[0]              = 0x4ddc50a8
 0x41197418: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x4119741c: istate->_bcp          = 0x630131e5 (bci 29)
 0x41197420: istate->_locals       = 0x41197468
 0x41197424: istate->_constants    = 0x630194f0
 0x41197428: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Ljava/util/Vector;)V
 0x4119742c: istate->_mdx          = 0x00000000
 0x41197430: istate->_stack        = 0x41197408
 0x41197434: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41197438: istate->_result       = 0x41197404
 0x4119743c: (istate->_result)     = 0x411973f4
 0x41197440: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41197444: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41197410
 0x41197448: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x4119744c: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41197418
 0x41197450: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41197404
 0x41197454: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41197418
 0x41197458: istate->_self_link    = 0x41197418
 0x4119745c: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41197460: next_frame            = 0x411974b4

 0x41197464: local[1]              = 0x4f38fc48
 0x41197468: local[0]              = 0x4f38fae0
 0x4119746c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41197470: istate->_bcp          = 0x632d914c (bci 684)
 0x41197474: istate->_locals       = 0x411974ec
 0x41197478: istate->_constants    = 0x632da5f8
 0x4119747c: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Ant.execute()V
 0x41197480: istate->_mdx          = 0x62ea5cf9
 0x41197484: istate->_stack        = 0x41197460
 0x41197488: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x4119748c: istate->_result       = 0x62ea5d20
 0x41197490: (istate->_result)     = 0x62e76d60
 0x41197494: (istate->_result)     = 0x41197474
 0x41197498: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x4119749c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411974a0: istate->_stack_base   = 0x4119746c
 0x411974a4: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41197458
 0x411974a8: istate->_monitor_base = 0x4119746c
 0x411974ac: istate->_self_link    = 0x4119746c
 0x411974b0: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411974b4: next_frame            = 0x41197538

 0x411974b8: local[13]             = 0x00000000
 0x411974bc: local[12]             = 0x00000000
 0x411974c0: local[11]             = 0x00000000
 0x411974c4: local[10]             = 0x00000000
 0x411974c8: local[9]              = 0x00000000
 0x411974cc: local[8]              = 0x00000000
 0x411974d0: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x411974d4: local[6]              = 0x00000000
 0x411974d8: local[5]              = 0x4dcb1da8
 0x411974dc: local[4]              = 0x4f38fcd8
 0x411974e0: local[3]              = 0x4f38fc48
 0x411974e4: local[2]              = 0x4f38fcc0
 0x411974e8: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x411974ec: local[0]              = 0x4f38fc68
 0x411974f0: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411974f4: istate->_bcp          = 0x63008831 (bci 25)
 0x411974f8: istate->_locals       = 0x41197540
 0x411974fc: istate->_constants    = 0x630fd198
 0x41197500: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute()V
 0x41197504: istate->_mdx          = 0x411974d0
 0x41197508: istate->_stack        = 0x411974e8
 0x4119750c: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41197510: istate->_result       = 0x411974d0
 0x41197514: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000002
 0x41197518: (istate->_result)     = 0x4119756c
 0x4119751c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x4eeb69d8
 0x41197520: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41197524: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411974f0
 0x41197528: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411974e4
 0x4119752c: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411974f0
 0x41197530: istate->_self_link    = 0x411974f0
 0x41197534: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41197538: next_frame            = 0x4119758c

 0x4119753c: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197540: local[0]              = 0x4dd56f78
 0x41197544: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41197548: istate->_bcp          = 0x63340ffc (bci 36)
 0x4119754c: istate->_locals       = 0x41197598
 0x41197550: istate->_constants    = 0x633411c8
 0x41197554: istate->_method       = sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor26.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41197558: istate->_mdx          = 0x4119759c
 0x4119755c: istate->_stack        = 0x4119753c
 0x41197560: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41197564: istate->_result       = 0x41197524
 0x41197568: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000002
 0x4119756c: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41197570: istate->_prev_link    = 0x4ef117b0
 0x41197574: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41197578: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41197544
 0x4119757c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x4119752c
 0x41197580: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41197544
 0x41197584: istate->_self_link    = 0x41197544
 0x41197588: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x4119758c: next_frame            = 0x411975e4

 0x41197590: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197594: local[1]              = 0x4dd56f78
 0x41197598: local[0]              = 0x4ee92d38
 0x4119759c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411975a0: istate->_bcp          = 0x631b14d6 (bci 6)
 0x411975a4: istate->_locals       = 0x411975f0
 0x411975a8: istate->_constants    = 0x631b1770
 0x411975ac: istate->_method       = sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x411975b0: istate->_mdx          = 0x62e91c50
 0x411975b4: istate->_stack        = 0x4119758c
 0x411975b8: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411975bc: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x411975c0: (istate->_result)     = 0x4119758c
 0x411975c4: (istate->_result)     = 0x4119757c
 0x411975c8: istate->_prev_link    = 0x4119758c
 0x411975cc: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411975d0: istate->_stack_base   = 0x4119759c
 0x411975d4: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x4119758c
 0x411975d8: istate->_monitor_base = 0x4119759c
 0x411975dc: istate->_self_link    = 0x4119759c
 0x411975e0: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411975e4: next_frame            = 0x4119763c

 0x411975e8: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x411975ec: local[1]              = 0x4dd56f78
 0x411975f0: local[0]              = 0x4ee92d40
 0x411975f4: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411975f8: istate->_bcp          = 0x62e1ae81 (bci 57)
 0x411975fc: istate->_locals       = 0x4119764c
 0x41197600: istate->_constants    = 0x62e62530
 0x41197604: istate->_method       = java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
 0x41197608: istate->_mdx          = 0x4119764c
 0x4119760c: istate->_stack        = 0x411975e4
 0x41197610: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41197614: istate->_result       = 0x441b6290
 0x41197618: (istate->_result)     = 0x4dd588c8
 0x4119761c: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41197620: istate->_prev_link    = 0x63008349
 0x41197624: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41197628: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411975f4
 0x4119762c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411975dc
 0x41197630: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411975f4
 0x41197634: istate->_self_link    = 0x411975f4
 0x41197638: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x4119763c: next_frame            = 0x41197698

 0x41197640: local[3]              = 0x4ee92d40
 0x41197644: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197648: local[1]              = 0x4dd56f78
 0x4119764c: local[0]              = 0x4f38fcf0
 0x41197650: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41197654: istate->_bcp          = 0x631c56ae (bci 518)
 0x41197658: istate->_locals       = 0x411976c0
 0x4119765c: istate->_constants    = 0x631c59c0
 0x41197660: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.dispatch.DispatchUtils.execute(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
 0x41197664: istate->_mdx          = 0x411976bc
 0x41197668: istate->_stack        = 0x41197640
 0x4119766c: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41197670: istate->_result       = 0x4dd588c8
 0x41197674: (istate->_result)     = 0x41204c88
 0x41197678: (istate->_result)     = 0x63008242
 0x4119767c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x411976c0
 0x41197680: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41197684: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41197650
 0x41197688: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x4119763c
 0x4119768c: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41197650
 0x41197690: istate->_self_link    = 0x41197650
 0x41197694: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41197698: next_frame            = 0x4119770c

 0x4119769c: local[9]              = 0x00000000
 0x411976a0: local[8]              = 0x00000000
 0x411976a4: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x411976a8: local[6]              = 0x00000000
 0x411976ac: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x411976b0: local[4]              = 0x441b6290
 0x411976b4: local[3]              = 0x4f38fcf0
 0x411976b8: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x411976bc: local[1]              = 0x4dd938f8
 0x411976c0: local[0]              = 0x4dd56f78
 0x411976c4: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411976c8: istate->_bcp          = 0x6300688e (bci 22)
 0x411976cc: istate->_locals       = 0x41197720
 0x411976d0: istate->_constants    = 0x630fc9e0
 0x411976d4: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform()V
 0x411976d8: istate->_mdx          = 0x41197720
 0x411976dc: istate->_stack        = 0x411976bc
 0x411976e0: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411976e4: istate->_result       = 0x6310e1a0
 0x411976e8: (istate->_result)     = 0x411976c4
 0x411976ec: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x411976f0: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x411976f4: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411976f8: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411976c4
 0x411976fc: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411976b4
 0x41197700: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411976c4
 0x41197704: istate->_self_link    = 0x411976c4
 0x41197708: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x4119770c: next_frame            = 0x4119776c

 0x41197710: local[4]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197714: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197718: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x4119771c: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197720: local[0]              = 0x4dd56f78
 0x41197724: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41197728: istate->_bcp          = 0x6300bfc3 (bci 179)
 0x4119772c: istate->_locals       = 0x41197784
 0x41197730: istate->_constants    = 0x63055fb8
 0x41197734: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute()V
 0x41197738: istate->_mdx          = 0x630157c0
 0x4119773c: istate->_stack        = 0x4119771c
 0x41197740: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41197744: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41197748: (istate->_result)     = 0x62e88315
 0x4119774c: (istate->_result)     = 0x41197790
 0x41197750: istate->_prev_link    = 0x630343b8
 0x41197754: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41197758: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41197724
 0x4119775c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x4119770c
 0x41197760: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41197724
 0x41197764: istate->_self_link    = 0x41197724
 0x41197768: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x4119776c: next_frame            = 0x411977d0

 0x41197770: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197774: local[4]              = 0x4dd56f78
 0x41197778: local[3]              = 0x4dd56f78
 0x4119777c: local[2]              = 0x00000002
 0x41197780: local[1]              = 0x4dd1ac10
 0x41197784: local[0]              = 0x4dd3f4e0
 0x41197788: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x4119778c: istate->_bcp          = 0x6300c11b (bci 11)
 0x41197790: istate->_locals       = 0x411977e0
 0x41197794: istate->_constants    = 0x63055fb8
 0x41197798: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks()V
 0x4119779c: istate->_mdx          = 0x411977e0
 0x411977a0: istate->_stack        = 0x41197780
 0x411977a4: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411977a8: istate->_result       = 0x41197780
 0x411977ac: (istate->_result)     = 0x4119778c
 0x411977b0: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x411977b4: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x411977b8: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411977bc: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41197788
 0x411977c0: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41197778
 0x411977c4: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41197788
 0x411977c8: istate->_self_link    = 0x41197788
 0x411977cc: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411977d0: next_frame            = 0x4119782c

 0x411977d4: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x411977d8: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x411977dc: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x411977e0: local[0]              = 0x4dd3f4e0
 0x411977e4: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411977e8: istate->_bcp          = 0x630137d9 (bci 145)
 0x411977ec: istate->_locals       = 0x41197850
 0x411977f0: istate->_constants    = 0x630194f0
 0x411977f4: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Ljava/util/Vector;)V
 0x411977f8: istate->_mdx          = 0x63014dcb
 0x411977fc: istate->_stack        = 0x411977dc
 0x41197800: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41197804: istate->_result       = 0x63014e10
 0x41197808: (istate->_result)     = 0x41197858
 0x4119780c: (istate->_result)     = 0x411977e0
 0x41197810: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x41197814: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41197818: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411977e4
 0x4119781c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411977d0
 0x41197820: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411977e4
 0x41197824: istate->_self_link    = 0x411977e4
 0x41197828: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x4119782c: next_frame            = 0x4119789c

 0x41197830: local[8]              = 0x4dd52988
 0x41197834: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197838: local[6]              = 0x00000001
 0x4119783c: local[5]              = 0x4dd3f4e0
 0x41197840: local[4]              = 0x4ddee338
 0x41197844: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197848: local[2]              = 0x4ddee328
 0x4119784c: local[1]              = 0x4ddbbb08
 0x41197850: local[0]              = 0x4dc95aa8
 0x41197854: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41197858: istate->_bcp          = 0x6301365b (bci 27)
 0x4119785c: istate->_locals       = 0x411978a8
 0x41197860: istate->_constants    = 0x630194f0
 0x41197864: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTarget(Ljava/lang/String;)V
 0x41197868: istate->_mdx          = 0x00000000
 0x4119786c: istate->_stack        = 0x41197848
 0x41197870: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41197874: istate->_result       = 0x4119784c
 0x41197878: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x4119787c: (istate->_result)     = 0x4dd4ade8
 0x41197880: istate->_prev_link    = 0x4119784c
 0x41197884: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41197888: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41197854
 0x4119788c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x4119783c
 0x41197890: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41197854
 0x41197894: istate->_self_link    = 0x41197854
 0x41197898: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x4119789c: next_frame            = 0x411978f4

 0x411978a0: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x411978a4: local[1]              = 0x4dcb5180
 0x411978a8: local[0]              = 0x4dc95aa8
 0x411978ac: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411978b0: istate->_bcp          = 0x632ae469 (bci 17)
 0x411978b4: istate->_locals       = 0x4119790c
 0x411978b8: istate->_constants    = 0x632ae7e0
 0x411978bc: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.helper.DefaultExecutor.executeTargets(Lorg/apache/tools/ant/Project;[Ljava/lang/String;)V
 0x411978c0: istate->_mdx          = 0x62e749b0
 0x411978c4: istate->_stack        = 0x411978a0
 0x411978c8: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x411978cc: istate->_result       = 0x41197894
 0x411978d0: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x411978d4: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x411978d8: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41197898
 0x411978dc: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x411978e0: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411978ac
 0x411978e4: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x4119789c
 0x411978e8: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411978ac
 0x411978ec: istate->_self_link    = 0x411978ac
 0x411978f0: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411978f4: next_frame            = 0x41197958

 0x411978f8: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x411978fc: local[4]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197900: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197904: local[2]              = 0x4ddbbb30
 0x41197908: local[1]              = 0x4dc95aa8
 0x4119790c: local[0]              = 0x4ddbbb28
 0x41197910: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41197914: istate->_bcp          = 0x630131e5 (bci 29)
 0x41197918: istate->_locals       = 0x41197960
 0x4119791c: istate->_constants    = 0x630194f0
 0x41197920: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Ljava/util/Vector;)V
 0x41197924: istate->_mdx          = 0x62fc3348
 0x41197928: istate->_stack        = 0x41197900
 0x4119792c: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41197930: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41197934: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000002
 0x41197938: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x4119793c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41197908
 0x41197940: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41197944: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41197910
 0x41197948: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411978fc
 0x4119794c: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41197910
 0x41197950: istate->_self_link    = 0x41197910
 0x41197954: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41197958: next_frame            = 0x411979ac

 0x4119795c: local[1]              = 0x4dcb2ff8
 0x41197960: local[0]              = 0x4dc95aa8
 0x41197964: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41197968: istate->_bcp          = 0x62fd78db (bci 723)
 0x4119796c: istate->_locals       = 0x411979ec
 0x41197970: istate->_constants    = 0x62fe04e8
 0x41197974: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Main.runBuild(Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)V
 0x41197978: istate->_mdx          = 0x00000000
 0x4119797c: istate->_stack        = 0x41197958
 0x41197980: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41197984: istate->_result       = 0x00000000
 0x41197988: (istate->_result)     = 0x41197954
 0x4119798c: (istate->_result)     = 0x41197948
 0x41197990: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41197954
 0x41197994: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41197998: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41197964
 0x4119799c: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41197948
 0x411979a0: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41197964
 0x411979a4: istate->_self_link    = 0x41197964
 0x411979a8: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x411979ac: next_frame            = 0x41197a38

 0x411979b0: local[15]             = 0x00000000
 0x411979b4: local[14]             = 0x00000000
 0x411979b8: local[13]             = 0x00000000
 0x411979bc: local[12]             = 0x00000000
 0x411979c0: local[11]             = 0x00000000
 0x411979c4: local[10]             = 0x00000000
 0x411979c8: local[9]              = 0x4ddbbb40
 0x411979cc: local[8]              = 0x00000000
 0x411979d0: local[7]              = 0x4dc95c68
 0x411979d4: local[6]              = 0x4dc95c48
 0x411979d8: local[5]              = 0x4dc95c28
 0x411979dc: local[4]              = 0x00000000
 0x411979e0: local[3]              = 0x4dc95aa8
 0x411979e4: local[2]              = 0x4dc95c18
 0x411979e8: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x411979ec: local[0]              = 0x4dc95be0
 0x411979f0: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x411979f4: istate->_bcp          = 0x62fd5a54 (bci 84)
 0x411979f8: istate->_locals       = 0x41197a58
 0x411979fc: istate->_constants    = 0x62fe04e8
 0x41197a00: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.Main.startAnt([Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Properties;Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)V
 0x41197a04: istate->_mdx          = 0x62deba4c
 0x41197a08: istate->_stack        = 0x411979e4
 0x41197a0c: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41197a10: istate->_result       = 0x62debae8
 0x41197a14: (istate->_result)     = 0x62e62e18
 0x41197a18: (istate->_result)     = 0x411979f4
 0x41197a1c: istate->_prev_link    = 0x00000000
 0x41197a20: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41197a24: istate->_stack_base   = 0x411979f0
 0x41197a28: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x411979e0
 0x41197a2c: istate->_monitor_base = 0x411979f0
 0x41197a30: istate->_self_link    = 0x411979f0
 0x41197a34: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41197a38: next_frame            = 0x41197aa4

 0x41197a3c: local[7]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197a40: local[6]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197a44: local[5]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197a48: local[4]              = 0x00000001
 0x41197a4c: local[3]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197a50: local[2]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197a54: local[1]              = 0x4dc95c88
 0x41197a58: local[0]              = 0x4dc95be0
 0x41197a5c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41197a60: istate->_bcp          = 0x62fbbba7 (bci 703)
 0x41197a64: istate->_locals       = 0x41197b08
 0x41197a68: istate->_constants    = 0x62fbd010
 0x41197a6c: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.run([Ljava/lang/String;)I
 0x41197a70: istate->_mdx          = 0x41197ab4
 0x41197a74: istate->_stack        = 0x41197a48
 0x41197a78: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41197a7c: istate->_result       = 0x62e63d98
 0x41197a80: (istate->_result)     = 0x62de40a0
 0x41197a84: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41197a88: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41197a58
 0x41197a8c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41197a90: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41197a5c
 0x41197a94: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41197a44
 0x41197a98: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41197a5c
 0x41197a9c: istate->_self_link    = 0x41197a5c
 0x41197aa0: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41197aa4: next_frame            = 0x41197b54

 0x41197aa8: local[24]             = 0x00000000
 0x41197aac: local[23]             = 0x4dc95be0
 0x41197ab0: local[22]             = 0x00000000
 0x41197ab4: local[21]             = 0x00000000
 0x41197ab8: local[20]             = 0x4dc95e88
 0x41197abc: local[19]             = 0x4dc958e0
 0x41197ac0: local[18]             = 0x4dc95e78
 0x41197ac4: local[17]             = 0x4dc95e10
 0x41197ac8: local[16]             = 0x4dc95df8
 0x41197acc: local[15]             = 0x4dc95de8
 0x41197ad0: local[14]             = 0x4dc95d88
 0x41197ad4: local[13]             = 0x4dc95d78
 0x41197ad8: local[12]             = 0x00000000
 0x41197adc: local[11]             = 0x00000000
 0x41197ae0: local[10]             = 0x4dc95c88
 0x41197ae4: local[9]              = 0x4dc95d60
 0x41197ae8: local[8]              = 0x4dc95d48
 0x41197aec: local[7]              = 0x4dc95d30
 0x41197af0: local[6]              = 0x4dc95d18
 0x41197af4: local[5]              = 0x4dc95d00
 0x41197af8: local[4]              = 0x4dc95ce8
 0x41197afc: local[3]              = 0x4dc95cd0
 0x41197b00: local[2]              = 0x4dc95cb8
 0x41197b04: local[1]              = 0x4dc95ca0
 0x41197b08: local[0]              = 0x4dc95c98
 0x41197b0c: istate->_thread       = 0x41204c88
 0x41197b10: istate->_bcp          = 0x62fbb5aa (bci 10)
 0x41197b14: istate->_locals       = 0x41197b60
 0x41197b18: istate->_constants    = 0x62fbd010
 0x41197b1c: istate->_method       = org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
 0x41197b20: istate->_mdx          = 0x41197c60
 0x41197b24: istate->_stack        = 0x41197b00
 0x41197b28: istate->_msg          = 0x00000000
 0x41197b2c: istate->_result       = 0x00000001
 0x41197b30: (istate->_result)     = 0x00000000
 0x41197b34: (istate->_result)     = 0x404483a8
 0x41197b38: istate->_prev_link    = 0x41342140
 0x41197b3c: istate->_oop_temp     = 0x00000000
 0x41197b40: istate->_stack_base   = 0x41197b0c
 0x41197b44: istate->_stack_limit  = 0x41197afc
 0x41197b48: istate->_monitor_base = 0x41197b0c
 0x41197b4c: istate->_self_link    = 0x41197b0c
 0x41197b50: frame_type            = INTERPRETER_FRAME
 0x41197b54: next_frame            = 0x41197b6c

 0x41197b58: local[2]              = 0x4dc95c98
 0x41197b5c: local[1]              = 0x00000000
 0x41197b60: local[0]              = 0x4dc95ca0
 0x41197b64: call_wrapper          = 0x41197be8
 0x41197b68: frame_type            = ENTRY_FRAME
 0x41197b6c: next_frame            = 0x00000000

---------------  P R O C E S S  ---------------

Java Threads: ( => current thread )
  0x412dbf80 JavaThread "Service Thread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=29056, stack(0x679b0000,0x67b30000)]
  0x412da478 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=29055, stack(0x67830000,0x679b0000)]
  0x412943e8 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=29054, stack(0x67580000,0x67700000)]
  0x41292a30 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=29053, stack(0x67400000,0x67580000)]
=>0x41204c88 JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_Java, id=29051, stack(0x4101a000,0x41199000)]

Other Threads:
  0x4128c450 VMThread [stack: 0x671e2000,0x67261000] [id=29052]
  0x412ddc78 WatcherThread [stack: 0x67b31000,0x67bb0000] [id=29057]

VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)

VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None

 def new generation   total 119296K, used 41163K [0x433e0000, 0x4b540000, 0x4dc80000)
  eden space 106112K,  31% used [0x433e0000, 0x454d26a8, 0x49b80000)
  from space 13184K,  56% used [0x4a860000, 0x4afa0848, 0x4b540000)
  to   space 13184K,   0% used [0x49b80000, 0x49b80000, 0x4a860000)
 tenured generation   total 264780K, used 188297K [0x4dc80000, 0x5df13000, 0x62de0000)
   the space 264780K,  71% used [0x4dc80000, 0x59462518, 0x59462600, 0x5df13000)
 compacting perm gen  total 9984K, used 9836K [0x62de0000, 0x637a0000, 0x66de0000)
   the space 9984K,  98% used [0x62de0000, 0x6377b0d0, 0x6377b200, 0x637a0000)
No shared spaces configured.

Card table byte_map: [0x66de0000,0x66efe000] byte_map_base: 0x66bc6100

Polling page: 0x4008f000

Code Cache  [0x41342000, 0x4136a000, 0x43342000)
 total_blobs=109 nmethods=0 adapters=101 free_code_cache=32696Kb largest_free_block=33480896

Compilation events (0 events):
No events

GC Heap History (10 events):
Event: 2690.325 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=224 (full 12):
 def new generation   total 119296K, used 112598K [0x433e0000, 0x4b540000, 0x4dc80000)
  eden space 106112K,  99% used [0x433e0000, 0x49b7ffe8, 0x49b80000)
  from space 13184K,  49% used [0x49b80000, 0x4a1d5a90, 0x4a860000)
  to   space 13184K,   0% used [0x4a860000, 0x4a860000, 0x4b540000)
 tenured generation   total 264780K, used 174671K [0x4dc80000, 0x5df13000, 0x62de0000)
   the space 264780K,  65% used [0x4dc80000, 0x58713f20, 0x58714000, 0x5df13000)
 compacting perm gen  total 9216K, used 9155K [0x62de0000, 0x636e0000, 0x66de0000)
   the space 9216K,  99% used [0x62de0000, 0x636d0f50, 0x636d1000, 0x636e0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 2690.811 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=225 (full 12):
 def new generation   total 119296K, used 11199K [0x433e0000, 0x4b540000, 0x4dc80000)
  eden space 106112K,   0% used [0x433e0000, 0x433e0000, 0x49b80000)
  from space 13184K,  84% used [0x4a860000, 0x4b34ff40, 0x4b540000)
  to   space 13184K,   0% used [0x49b80000, 0x49b80000, 0x4a860000)
 tenured generation   total 264780K, used 174671K [0x4dc80000, 0x5df13000, 0x62de0000)
   the space 264780K,  65% used [0x4dc80000, 0x58713f20, 0x58714000, 0x5df13000)
 compacting perm gen  total 9216K, used 9155K [0x62de0000, 0x636e0000, 0x66de0000)
   the space 9216K,  99% used [0x62de0000, 0x636d0f50, 0x636d1000, 0x636e0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 2825.224 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=225 (full 12):
 def new generation   total 119296K, used 117311K [0x433e0000, 0x4b540000, 0x4dc80000)
  eden space 106112K,  99% used [0x433e0000, 0x49b7fff0, 0x49b80000)
  from space 13184K,  84% used [0x4a860000, 0x4b34ff40, 0x4b540000)
  to   space 13184K,   0% used [0x49b80000, 0x49b80000, 0x4a860000)
 tenured generation   total 264780K, used 174671K [0x4dc80000, 0x5df13000, 0x62de0000)
   the space 264780K,  65% used [0x4dc80000, 0x58713f20, 0x58714000, 0x5df13000)
 compacting perm gen  total 9216K, used 9155K [0x62de0000, 0x636e0000, 0x66de0000)
   the space 9216K,  99% used [0x62de0000, 0x636d0f50, 0x636d1000, 0x636e0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 2825.873 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=226 (full 12):
 def new generation   total 119296K, used 8072K [0x433e0000, 0x4b540000, 0x4dc80000)
  eden space 106112K,   0% used [0x433e0000, 0x433e0000, 0x49b80000)
  from space 13184K,  61% used [0x49b80000, 0x4a362018, 0x4a860000)
  to   space 13184K,   0% used [0x4a860000, 0x4a860000, 0x4b540000)
 tenured generation   total 264780K, used 180653K [0x4dc80000, 0x5df13000, 0x62de0000)
   the space 264780K,  68% used [0x4dc80000, 0x58ceb468, 0x58ceb600, 0x5df13000)
 compacting perm gen  total 9216K, used 9155K [0x62de0000, 0x636e0000, 0x66de0000)
   the space 9216K,  99% used [0x62de0000, 0x636d0f50, 0x636d1000, 0x636e0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 2959.297 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=226 (full 12):
 def new generation   total 119296K, used 114184K [0x433e0000, 0x4b540000, 0x4dc80000)
  eden space 106112K,  99% used [0x433e0000, 0x49b7fff8, 0x49b80000)
  from space 13184K,  61% used [0x49b80000, 0x4a362018, 0x4a860000)
  to   space 13184K,   0% used [0x4a860000, 0x4a860000, 0x4b540000)
 tenured generation   total 264780K, used 180653K [0x4dc80000, 0x5df13000, 0x62de0000)
   the space 264780K,  68% used [0x4dc80000, 0x58ceb468, 0x58ceb600, 0x5df13000)
 compacting perm gen  total 9216K, used 9155K [0x62de0000, 0x636e0000, 0x66de0000)
   the space 9216K,  99% used [0x62de0000, 0x636d0f50, 0x636d1000, 0x636e0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 2959.742 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=227 (full 12):
 def new generation   total 119296K, used 4887K [0x433e0000, 0x4b540000, 0x4dc80000)
  eden space 106112K,   0% used [0x433e0000, 0x433e0000, 0x49b80000)
  from space 13184K,  37% used [0x4a860000, 0x4ad25c88, 0x4b540000)
  to   space 13184K,   0% used [0x49b80000, 0x49b80000, 0x4a860000)
 tenured generation   total 264780K, used 185520K [0x4dc80000, 0x5df13000, 0x62de0000)
   the space 264780K,  70% used [0x4dc80000, 0x591ac278, 0x591ac400, 0x5df13000)
 compacting perm gen  total 9216K, used 9155K [0x62de0000, 0x636e0000, 0x66de0000)
   the space 9216K,  99% used [0x62de0000, 0x636d0f50, 0x636d1000, 0x636e0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 3093.375 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=227 (full 12):
 def new generation   total 119296K, used 110999K [0x433e0000, 0x4b540000, 0x4dc80000)
  eden space 106112K,  99% used [0x433e0000, 0x49b7ffa8, 0x49b80000)
  from space 13184K,  37% used [0x4a860000, 0x4ad25c88, 0x4b540000)
  to   space 13184K,   0% used [0x49b80000, 0x49b80000, 0x4a860000)
 tenured generation   total 264780K, used 185520K [0x4dc80000, 0x5df13000, 0x62de0000)
   the space 264780K,  70% used [0x4dc80000, 0x591ac278, 0x591ac400, 0x5df13000)
 compacting perm gen  total 9216K, used 9155K [0x62de0000, 0x636e0000, 0x66de0000)
   the space 9216K,  99% used [0x62de0000, 0x636d0f50, 0x636d1000, 0x636e0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 3093.790 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=228 (full 12):
 def new generation   total 119296K, used 6993K [0x433e0000, 0x4b540000, 0x4dc80000)
  eden space 106112K,   0% used [0x433e0000, 0x433e0000, 0x49b80000)
  from space 13184K,  53% used [0x49b80000, 0x4a254670, 0x4a860000)
  to   space 13184K,   0% used [0x4a860000, 0x4a860000, 0x4b540000)
 tenured generation   total 264780K, used 185520K [0x4dc80000, 0x5df13000, 0x62de0000)
   the space 264780K,  70% used [0x4dc80000, 0x591ac278, 0x591ac400, 0x5df13000)
 compacting perm gen  total 9216K, used 9155K [0x62de0000, 0x636e0000, 0x66de0000)
   the space 9216K,  99% used [0x62de0000, 0x636d0f50, 0x636d1000, 0x636e0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 3228.609 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=228 (full 12):
 def new generation   total 119296K, used 113105K [0x433e0000, 0x4b540000, 0x4dc80000)
  eden space 106112K,  99% used [0x433e0000, 0x49b7ffb0, 0x49b80000)
  from space 13184K,  53% used [0x49b80000, 0x4a254670, 0x4a860000)
  to   space 13184K,   0% used [0x4a860000, 0x4a860000, 0x4b540000)
 tenured generation   total 264780K, used 185520K [0x4dc80000, 0x5df13000, 0x62de0000)
   the space 264780K,  70% used [0x4dc80000, 0x591ac278, 0x591ac400, 0x5df13000)
 compacting perm gen  total 9216K, used 9155K [0x62de0000, 0x636e0000, 0x66de0000)
   the space 9216K,  99% used [0x62de0000, 0x636d0f50, 0x636d1000, 0x636e0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 3229.192 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=229 (full 12):
 def new generation   total 119296K, used 7426K [0x433e0000, 0x4b540000, 0x4dc80000)
  eden space 106112K,   0% used [0x433e0000, 0x433e0000, 0x49b80000)
  from space 13184K,  56% used [0x4a860000, 0x4afa0848, 0x4b540000)
  to   space 13184K,   0% used [0x49b80000, 0x49b80000, 0x4a860000)
 tenured generation   total 264780K, used 188297K [0x4dc80000, 0x5df13000, 0x62de0000)
   the space 264780K,  71% used [0x4dc80000, 0x59462518, 0x59462600, 0x5df13000)
 compacting perm gen  total 9216K, used 9155K [0x62de0000, 0x636e0000, 0x66de0000)
   the space 9216K,  99% used [0x62de0000, 0x636d0f50, 0x636d1000, 0x636e0000)
No shared spaces configured.

Deoptimization events (0 events):
No events

Internal exceptions (10 events):
Event: 3265.536 Thread 0x41204c88 Threw 0x45481768 at /openjdk-7-7u25-2.3.12/build/openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp:1235
Event: 3265.536 Thread 0x41204c88 Threw 0x454827c0 at /openjdk-7-7u25-2.3.12/build/openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp:1235
Event: 3265.545 Thread 0x41204c88 Threw 0x4548cb88 at /openjdk-7-7u25-2.3.12/build/openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp:1235
Event: 3265.546 Thread 0x41204c88 Threw 0x4548dcf8 at /openjdk-7-7u25-2.3.12/build/openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp:1235
Event: 3265.550 Thread 0x41204c88 Threw 0x45494c90 at /openjdk-7-7u25-2.3.12/build/openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp:1235
Event: 3265.551 Thread 0x41204c88 Threw 0x45495e68 at /openjdk-7-7u25-2.3.12/build/openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp:1235
Event: 3265.567 Thread 0x41204c88 Threw 0x454a0858 at /openjdk-7-7u25-2.3.12/build/openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp:1235
Event: 3265.568 Thread 0x41204c88 Threw 0x454a17d8 at /openjdk-7-7u25-2.3.12/build/openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp:1235
Event: 3265.731 Thread 0x41204c88 Threw 0x454c56a0 at /openjdk-7-7u25-2.3.12/build/openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/classfile/systemDictionary.cpp:179
Event: 3265.731 Thread 0x41204c88 Threw 0x454c5b28 at /openjdk-7-7u25-2.3.12/build/openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/classfile/systemDictionary.cpp:179

Events (10 events):
Event: 3265.871 loading class 0x687e0b20
Event: 3265.871 loading class 0x687e0b20 done
Event: 3265.872 loading class 0x687e1fa0
Event: 3265.872 loading class 0x687e1fa0 done
Event: 3265.872 loading class 0x687e1f58
Event: 3265.872 loading class 0x687e1f58 done
Event: 3265.873 loading class 0x687e1f10
Event: 3265.873 loading class 0x687e1f10 done
Event: 3265.873 loading class 0x687e1ce0
Event: 3265.873 loading class 0x687e1ce0 done

Dynamic libraries:
00008000-00009000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6951781    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/bin/java
00010000-00011000 r--p 00000000 08:02 6951781    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/bin/java
00011000-00012000 rw-p 00001000 08:02 6951781    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/bin/java
00bd3000-00bf4000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0          [heap]
4006b000-4008a000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6436672    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ld-2.17.so
4008a000-4008f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
4008f000-40090000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0 
40090000-40091000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
40091000-40092000 r--p 00000000 08:02 6884266    /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_IDENTIFICATION
40092000-40093000 r--p 0001f000 08:02 6436672    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ld-2.17.so
40093000-40094000 rw-p 00020000 08:02 6436672    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ld-2.17.so
40094000-4009f000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6951719    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libverify.so
4009f000-400a7000 ---p 0000b000 08:02 6951719    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libverify.so
400a7000-400a8000 r--p 0000b000 08:02 6951719    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libverify.so
400a8000-400a9000 rw-p 0000c000 08:02 6951719    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libverify.so
400a9000-400aa000 r--p 00000000 08:02 1786372    /usr/lib/locale/unm_US/LC_MEASUREMENT
400aa000-400ab000 r--p 00000000 08:02 1786385    /usr/lib/locale/unm_US/LC_TELEPHONE
400ab000-400ac000 r--p 00000000 08:02 1786382    /usr/lib/locale/unm_US/LC_ADDRESS
400ac000-400c0000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6436673    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libpthread-2.17.so
400c0000-400c7000 ---p 00014000 08:02 6436673    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libpthread-2.17.so
400c7000-400c8000 r--p 00013000 08:02 6436673    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libpthread-2.17.so
400c8000-400c9000 rw-p 00014000 08:02 6436673    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libpthread-2.17.so
400c9000-400cb000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
400cb000-400d7000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6951717    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/jli/libjli.so
400d7000-400de000 ---p 0000c000 08:02 6951717    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/jli/libjli.so
400de000-400df000 r--p 0000b000 08:02 6951717    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/jli/libjli.so
400df000-400e0000 rw-p 0000c000 08:02 6951717    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/jli/libjli.so
400e0000-400f5000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6419097    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libz.so.1.2.8
400f5000-400fc000 ---p 00015000 08:02 6419097    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libz.so.1.2.8
400fc000-400fd000 r--p 00014000 08:02 6419097    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libz.so.1.2.8
400fd000-400fe000 rw-p 00015000 08:02 6419097    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libz.so.1.2.8
400fe000-40100000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6436667    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libdl-2.17.so
40100000-40107000 ---p 00002000 08:02 6436667    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libdl-2.17.so
40107000-40108000 r--p 00001000 08:02 6436667    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libdl-2.17.so
40108000-40109000 rw-p 00002000 08:02 6436667    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libdl-2.17.so
40109000-4022e000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6436684    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc-2.17.so
4022e000-40236000 ---p 00125000 08:02 6436684    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc-2.17.so
40236000-40238000 r--p 00125000 08:02 6436684    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc-2.17.so
40238000-40239000 rw-p 00127000 08:02 6436684    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc-2.17.so
40239000-4023c000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
4023c000-4025c000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6418533    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgcc_s.so.1
4025c000-40263000 ---p 00020000 08:02 6418533    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgcc_s.so.1
40263000-40264000 rw-p 0001f000 08:02 6418533    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgcc_s.so.1
40264000-40653000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6951674    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/server/libjvm.so
40653000-4065b000 ---p 003ef000 08:02 6951674    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/server/libjvm.so
4065b000-40669000 r--p 003ef000 08:02 6951674    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/server/libjvm.so
40669000-4067a000 rw-p 003fd000 08:02 6951674    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/server/libjvm.so
4067a000-406d6000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
406d6000-40795000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 266685     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libstdc++.so.6.0.18
40795000-4079c000 ---p 000bf000 08:02 266685     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libstdc++.so.6.0.18
4079c000-407a0000 r--p 000be000 08:02 266685     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libstdc++.so.6.0.18
407a0000-407a2000 rw-p 000c2000 08:02 266685     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libstdc++.so.6.0.18
407a2000-407a8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
407a8000-40810000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6436674    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libm-2.17.so
40810000-40817000 ---p 00068000 08:02 6436674    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libm-2.17.so
40817000-40818000 r--p 00067000 08:02 6436674    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libm-2.17.so
40818000-40819000 rw-p 00068000 08:02 6436674    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libm-2.17.so
40819000-41019000 rwxp 00000000 00:00 0 
41019000-4101d000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
4101d000-41199000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
41199000-4119f000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6436670    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/librt-2.17.so
4119f000-411a6000 ---p 00006000 08:02 6436670    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/librt-2.17.so
411a6000-411a7000 r--p 00005000 08:02 6436670    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/librt-2.17.so
411a7000-411a8000 rw-p 00006000 08:02 6436670    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/librt-2.17.so
411a8000-411cb000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6951723    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libjava.so
411cb000-411d2000 ---p 00023000 08:02 6951723    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libjava.so
411d2000-411d3000 r--p 00022000 08:02 6951723    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libjava.so
411d3000-411d4000 rw-p 00023000 08:02 6951723    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libjava.so
411d4000-411dc000 rw-s 00000000 08:02 6832135    /tmp/hsperfdata_root/29049
411dc000-411e3000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6951708    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libzip.so
411e3000-411ea000 ---p 00007000 08:02 6951708    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libzip.so
411ea000-411eb000 r--p 00006000 08:02 6951708    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libzip.so
411eb000-411ec000 rw-p 00007000 08:02 6951708    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libzip.so
411ec000-411f2000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6436678    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libnss_compat-2.17.so
411f2000-411fa000 ---p 00006000 08:02 6436678    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libnss_compat-2.17.so
411fa000-411fb000 r--p 00006000 08:02 6436678    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libnss_compat-2.17.so
411fb000-411fc000 rw-p 00007000 08:02 6436678    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libnss_compat-2.17.so
411fc000-411fd000 r--p 00000000 08:02 1725963    /usr/lib/locale/yi_US.utf8/LC_NAME
411fd000-411fe000 r--p 00000000 08:02 6869984    /usr/lib/locale/ik_CA/LC_PAPER
411fe000-411ff000 r--p 00000000 08:02 6884108    /usr/lib/locale/ug_CN/LC_MESSAGES/SYS_LC_MESSAGES
411ff000-41200000 r--p 00000000 08:02 6884265    /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_MONETARY
41200000-412f9000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
412f9000-41300000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
41300000-41311000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6436666    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libnsl-2.17.so
41311000-41318000 ---p 00011000 08:02 6436666    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libnsl-2.17.so
41318000-41319000 r--p 00010000 08:02 6436666    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libnsl-2.17.so
41319000-4131a000 rw-p 00011000 08:02 6436666    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libnsl-2.17.so
4131a000-4131c000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
4131c000-41325000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6436668    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libnss_nis-2.17.so
41325000-4132c000 ---p 00009000 08:02 6436668    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libnss_nis-2.17.so
4132c000-4132d000 r--p 00008000 08:02 6436668    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libnss_nis-2.17.so
4132d000-4132e000 rw-p 00009000 08:02 6436668    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libnss_nis-2.17.so
4132e000-41339000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6436654    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libnss_files-2.17.so
41339000-41340000 ---p 0000b000 08:02 6436654    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libnss_files-2.17.so
41340000-41341000 r--p 0000a000 08:02 6436654    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libnss_files-2.17.so
41341000-41342000 rw-p 0000b000 08:02 6436654    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libnss_files-2.17.so
41342000-4136a000 rwxp 00000000 00:00 0 
4136a000-43342000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
43342000-43343000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
43343000-433c2000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
433c2000-433c9000 r--s 00000000 08:02 293681     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/gconv/gconv-modules.cache
433c9000-433ca000 r--p 00000000 08:02 6884267    /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_TIME
433ca000-433cb000 r--p 00000000 08:02 6869833    /usr/lib/locale/en_NZ.utf8/LC_NUMERIC
433cb000-433cc000 r--s 00002000 08:02 6923063    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-common/jre/lib/ext/dnsns.jar
433cc000-433d0000 r--s 00031000 08:02 6923064    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-common/jre/lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar
433d0000-433d3000 r--s 00087000 08:02 6923065    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-common/jre/lib/ext/localedata.jar
433d3000-433d7000 r--s 0003b000 08:02 6923066    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-common/jre/lib/ext/sunpkcs11.jar
433d7000-433da000 r--s 0000f000 08:02 6923067    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-common/jre/lib/ext/pulse-java.jar
433da000-433db000 r--s 00012000 08:02 6923068    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-common/jre/lib/ext/zipfs.jar
433db000-433dc000 r--s 00007000 08:02 7864567    /usr/share/java/java-atk-wrapper.jar
433dc000-433dd000 r--s 00004000 08:02 6527730    /usr/share/java/ant-launcher-1.9.1.jar
433dd000-433df000 r--s 00015000 08:02 6525833    /usr/share/java/xml-resolver-1.2.jar
433df000-433e0000 r--s 00002000 08:02 6527773    /usr/share/java/ant-apache-regexp-1.9.1.jar
433e0000-4b540000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
4b540000-4dc80000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
4dc80000-5df13000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
5df13000-62de0000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
62de0000-637a0000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
637a0000-66de0000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
66de0000-66e21000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
66e21000-66e34000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
66e34000-66eb6000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
66eb6000-66edd000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
66edd000-66ee2000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
66ee2000-66efd000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
66efd000-66f80000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
66f80000-66fa7000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
66fa7000-66fac000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
66fac000-66fc8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
66fc8000-67175000 r--s 01ca8000 08:02 6951652    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/rt.jar
67175000-671e1000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
671e1000-671e2000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
671e2000-67261000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
67261000-672a0000 r--p 00000000 08:02 6869725    /usr/lib/locale/en_DK.utf8/LC_CTYPE
672a0000-672c8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
672c8000-672d1000 r--s 000bb000 08:02 6918717    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-common/jre/lib/resources.jar
672d1000-672da000 r--s 00031000 08:02 6525838    /usr/share/java/xml-apis-1.4.01.jar
672da000-672f3000 r--s 00132000 08:02 6527717    /usr/share/java/xercesImpl-2.11.0.jar
672f3000-672f8000 r--s 00010000 08:02 6525836    /usr/share/java/xml-apis-ext-1.4.01.jar
672f8000-672fa000 r--s 00001000 08:02 6527767    /usr/share/java/ant-apache-log4j-1.9.1.jar
672fa000-672fb000 r--s 00002000 08:02 6527765    /usr/share/java/ant-jmf-1.9.1.jar
672fb000-672fe000 r--s 00014000 08:02 6527761    /usr/share/java/ant-commons-net-1.9.1.jar
672fe000-672ff000 r--s 00003000 08:02 6527764    /usr/share/java/ant-apache-bcel-1.9.1.jar
672ff000-67300000 r--s 00003000 08:02 6527763    /usr/share/java/ant-jdepend-1.9.1.jar
67300000-67379000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
67379000-67400000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
67400000-67403000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
67403000-67580000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
67580000-67583000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
67583000-67700000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
67700000-67830000 r--p 00000000 08:02 6869730    /usr/lib/locale/en_DK.utf8/LC_COLLATE
67830000-67833000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
67833000-679b0000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
679b0000-679b3000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
679b3000-67b30000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
67b30000-67b31000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
67b31000-67bb0000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
67bb0000-67bb9000 r--s 00031000 08:02 6525838    /usr/share/java/xml-apis-1.4.01.jar
67bb9000-67bbb000 r--s 0000a000 08:02 6527777    /usr/share/java/ant-jsch-1.9.1.jar
67bbb000-67bbc000 r--s 00002000 08:02 6527778    /usr/share/java/ant-apache-bsf-1.9.1.jar
67bbc000-67bbd000 r--s 00001000 08:02 6527766    /usr/share/java/ant-apache-xalan2-1.9.1.jar
67bbd000-67bbf000 r--s 00002000 08:02 6527771    /usr/share/java/ant-junit4-1.9.1.jar
67bbf000-67bc0000 r--s 00002000 08:02 6527776    /usr/share/java/ant-antlr-1.9.1.jar
67bc0000-67bc3000 r--s 00018000 08:02 6514157    /usr/share/java/junit-3.8.2.jar
67bc3000-67bc6000 r--s 00019000 08:02 6527775    /usr/share/java/ant-junit-1.9.1.jar
67bc6000-67bc7000 r--s 00004000 08:02 6527730    /usr/share/java/ant-launcher-1.9.1.jar
67bc7000-67bc8000 r--s 00002000 08:02 6527768    /usr/share/java/ant-apache-resolver-1.9.1.jar
67bc8000-67bc9000 r--s 00002000 08:02 6527762    /usr/share/java/ant-commons-logging-1.9.1.jar
67bc9000-67be7000 r--s 001ca000 08:02 6527731    /usr/share/java/ant-1.9.1.jar
67be7000-67be9000 r--s 00004000 08:02 6527774    /usr/share/java/ant-testutil-1.9.1.jar
67be9000-67bea000 r--s 00003000 08:02 6527770    /usr/share/java/ant-javamail-1.9.1.jar
67bea000-67beb000 r--s 00002000 08:02 6527769    /usr/share/java/ant-apache-oro-1.9.1.jar
67beb000-67bed000 r--s 00002000 08:02 6527772    /usr/share/java/ant-swing-1.9.1.jar
67bed000-67bf0000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 266699     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgmodule-2.0.so.0.3600.1
67bf0000-67bf7000 ---p 00003000 08:02 266699     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgmodule-2.0.so.0.3600.1
67bf7000-67bf8000 r--p 00002000 08:02 266699     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgmodule-2.0.so.0.3600.1
67bf8000-67bf9000 rw-p 00003000 08:02 266699     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgmodule-2.0.so.0.3600.1
67bf9000-67bfd000 r--s 0004c000 08:02 6918718    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-common/jre/lib/jsse.jar
67bfd000-67bff000 r--s 00013000 08:02 7614610    /eclipse-3.8.1/build/eclipse-3.8.1-src/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.build/lib/pdebuild-ant.jar
67c00000-67dff000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
67dff000-67e00000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
67e00000-67e6b000 r--s 00688000 08:02 6949662    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/lib/tools.jar
67e6b000-67e79000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6951698    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libnio.so
67e79000-67e80000 ---p 0000e000 08:02 6951698    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libnio.so
67e80000-67e81000 r--p 0000d000 08:02 6951698    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libnio.so
67e81000-67e82000 rw-p 0000e000 08:02 6951698    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libnio.so
67e82000-67e96000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6951690    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libnet.so
67e96000-67e9d000 ---p 00014000 08:02 6951690    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libnet.so
67e9d000-67e9e000 r--p 00013000 08:02 6951690    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libnet.so
67e9e000-67e9f000 rw-p 00014000 08:02 6951690    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-armhf/jre/lib/arm/libnet.so
67e9f000-67ea2000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
67ea2000-67eaf000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
67eb7000-67ed2000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6436636    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libselinux.so.1
67ed2000-67ed9000 ---p 0001b000 08:02 6436636    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libselinux.so.1
67ed9000-67eda000 r--p 0001a000 08:02 6436636    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libselinux.so.1
67eda000-67edb000 rw-p 0001b000 08:02 6436636    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libselinux.so.1
67edb000-67eed000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6436658    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libresolv-2.17.so
67eed000-67ef4000 ---p 00012000 08:02 6436658    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libresolv-2.17.so
67ef4000-67ef5000 r--p 00011000 08:02 6436658    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libresolv-2.17.so
67ef5000-67ef6000 rw-p 00012000 08:02 6436658    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libresolv-2.17.so
67ef6000-67ef8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
67f00000-68000000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
68000000-6811c000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 266698     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgio-2.0.so.0.3600.1
6811c000-68123000 ---p 0011c000 08:02 266698     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgio-2.0.so.0.3600.1
68123000-68125000 r--p 0011b000 08:02 266698     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgio-2.0.so.0.3600.1
68125000-68127000 rw-p 0011d000 08:02 266698     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgio-2.0.so.0.3600.1
68127000-6816c000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 266697     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgobject-2.0.so.0.3600.1
6816c000-68174000 ---p 00045000 08:02 266697     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgobject-2.0.so.0.3600.1
68174000-68175000 r--p 00045000 08:02 266697     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgobject-2.0.so.0.3600.1
68175000-68176000 rw-p 00046000 08:02 266697     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgobject-2.0.so.0.3600.1
68176000-68258000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6436614    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libglib-2.0.so.0.3600.1
68258000-6825f000 ---p 000e2000 08:02 6436614    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libglib-2.0.so.0.3600.1
6825f000-68260000 r--p 000e1000 08:02 6436614    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libglib-2.0.so.0.3600.1
68260000-68261000 rw-p 000e2000 08:02 6436614    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libglib-2.0.so.0.3600.1
68261000-68267000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 266695     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libffi.so.6.0.1
68267000-6826e000 ---p 00006000 08:02 266695     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libffi.so.6.0.1
6826e000-6826f000 r--p 00005000 08:02 266695     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libffi.so.6.0.1
6826f000-68270000 rw-p 00006000 08:02 266695     /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libffi.so.6.0.1
68270000-682ab000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 6421328    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libpcre.so.3.13.1
682ab000-682b2000 ---p 0003b000 08:02 6421328    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libpcre.so.3.13.1
682b2000-682b3000 rw-p 0003a000 08:02 6421328    /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libpcre.so.3.13.1
682b3000-682b6000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
682b6000-68433000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
68433000-68436000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
68436000-685b3000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
685b3000-685c0000 r--s 00107000 08:02 6918706    /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-common/jre/lib/rhino.jar
68600000-686fe000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
686fe000-68700000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
68700000-687fe000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
687fe000-68800000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
68800000-68855000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
68855000-68903000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
68903000-68a80000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
80750000-beb05000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0          [stack]
ffff0000-ffff1000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0          [vectors]

VM Arguments:
jvm_args: -Dant.home=/usr/share/ant -Dant.library.dir=/usr/share/ant/lib 
java_command: org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher -cp  provision.cvs
Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD

Environment Variables:

Signal Handlers:
SIGSEGV: [libjvm.so+0x3a0f44], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGBUS: [libjvm.so+0x3a0f44], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGFPE: [libjvm.so+0x2dbbe0], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGPIPE: [libjvm.so+0x2dbbe0], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGXFSZ: [libjvm.so+0x2dbbe0], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGILL: [libjvm.so+0x2dbbe0], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGUSR1: SIG_DFL, sa_mask[0]=0x00000000, sa_flags=0x00000000
SIGUSR2: [libjvm.so+0x2dbdd4], sa_mask[0]=0x00000000, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGHUP: [libjvm.so+0x2dc564], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGINT: [libjvm.so+0x2dc564], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGTERM: [libjvm.so+0x2dc564], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGQUIT: [libjvm.so+0x2dc564], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004

---------------  S Y S T E M  ---------------


uname:Linux 3.2.0-4-mx5 #1 Debian 3.2.39-2 armv7l
libc:glibc 2.17 NPTL 2.17 
rlimit: STACK infinity, CORE 0k, NPROC 8054, NOFILE 4096, AS infinity
load average:1.07 1.05 1.04

MemTotal:        1035652 kB
MemFree:           39808 kB
Buffers:           59372 kB
Cached:           458656 kB
SwapCached:          852 kB
Active:           440452 kB
Inactive:         457692 kB
Active(anon):     188044 kB
Inactive(anon):   192144 kB
Active(file):     252408 kB
Inactive(file):   265548 kB
Unevictable:           0 kB
Mlocked:               0 kB
HighTotal:        524288 kB
HighFree:           6952 kB
LowTotal:         511364 kB
LowFree:           32856 kB
SwapTotal:       4931580 kB
SwapFree:        4916516 kB
Dirty:               968 kB
Writeback:             0 kB
AnonPages:        379312 kB
Mapped:            11732 kB
Shmem:                28 kB
Slab:              89340 kB
SReclaimable:      80292 kB
SUnreclaim:         9048 kB
KernelStack:         800 kB
PageTables:         1820 kB
NFS_Unstable:          0 kB
Bounce:                0 kB
WritebackTmp:          0 kB
CommitLimit:     5449404 kB
Committed_AS:    1828504 kB
VmallocTotal:     319488 kB
VmallocUsed:        1452 kB
VmallocChunk:     316520 kB

CPU:total 1 

Processor	: ARMv7 Processor rev 5 (v7l)
BogoMIPS	: 996.14
Features	: swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls 
CPU implementer	: 0x41
CPU architecture: 7
CPU variant	: 0x2
CPU part	: 0xc08
CPU revision	: 5

Hardware	: Freescale MX53 LOCO Board
Revision	: 53321
Serial		: 0000000000000000

Memory: 4k page, physical 1035652k(39808k free), swap 4931580k(4916516k free)

vm_info: OpenJDK Zero VM (23.7-b01) for linux-arm-vfp JRE (1.7.0_25-b30), built on Aug  7 2013 22:41:28 by "root" with gcc 4.7.3

time: Thu Aug  8 10:21:57 2013
elapsed time: 3266 seconds