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Bug#718431: icedtea6-plugin: No version compatible with openjdk-6-jre 6b27-1.12.6-1~deb6u1 available


    Thanks for your answer!
AFAIK oldstable should be still maintained up to February 6th 2014, should I report a bug to Iceweasel for having Iceweasel 17 in oldstable?
    I am a bit hesitant for that, whats your opinion?
    Thanks a lot man!
    Have a nice day.
P.s.: I know I know, I must update soon, I am clearing my priority work queue and start upgrading and testing, but I think it will take me at least a couple of months for that if not more, I guess there are others in the same situation... thanks for your consideration!

El 09/08/13 11:13, Moritz Muehlenhoff escribió:
On Thu, Aug 08, 2013 at 03:38:52PM -0300, Ivan Baldo wrote:
   Moritz, you did the upload to oldstable, could you please take a look
at this issue?
See the changelog:
openjdk-6 (6b20-1.10~pre2-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low
   * Remove the plugin and javaws from the packaging, removed upstream.

icedtea-web could be backported to oldstable and introduced in the 6.0.8
point release.

I won't work on that since Iceweasel in oldstable has been
end-of-lifed anyway (see http://www.debian.org/security/2013/dsa-2716)


Ivan Baldo - ibaldo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx - http://ibaldo.codigolibre.net/
From Montevideo, Uruguay, at the south of South America.
Freelance programmer and GNU/Linux system administrator, hire me!
Alternatives: ibaldo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - http://go.to/ibaldo
