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Re: [Merge] lp:~orangeshirt/openlp/bibles into lp:openlp


Review: Needs Fixing
Hello Armin,

A few things:

- The information dialog only shows once. Wouldn't it be better that is opens on each start up (unless there are not bibles to upgrade)? I worry that people click "No" or do not have the time to upgrade all and then they are stuck not knowing where/how to upgrade the rest.

- The method find_old_database should probably renamed to something like is_old_database. find_old_database suggests it returns a list of bible. Also you should be a bit more precise what old means. E. g.
        Returns ``True`` if it is a bible database, which has been created
        prior to 1.9.6.
(The `` is a way of formatting things)

- When I import a few bibles and cancel at the last bible all bibles which I just upgraded are "reset". Instead all bibles which have been upgraded should not be reset, only the one which is currently being upgraded.

- I get a traceback when I do a text search with two bibles e. g. http://www.openlp.org/files/frw/Luther_1545.sqlite and http://www.openlp.org/files/frw/Syriac_Peshitta_NT.sqlite (note that last one only has the new testament).

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/andreas/Projekte/openlp/tmp/openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/mediaitem.py", line 638, in onQuickSearchButton
  File "/home/andreas/Projekte/openlp/tmp/openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/db.py", line 399, in get_verses
    log.debug(u'OpenLP failed to find book %s', book)
NameError: global name 'book' is not defined

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