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Re: [Merge] lp:~gerald-britton/openlp/newbugs into lp:openlp


On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 5:58 PM, Jonathan Corwin <j@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Review: Needs Fixing
> Btw I also agree with the indenty stuff too, but can only review based on the existing standards!

true enough, though here,  what "needs fixing" is the standard, not the patch.

>But that's a discussion for another place. Back to the matter in hand...
> If I go to the Song Import, and select Songs of Fellowship, it tells me that I haven't got OpenOffice installed.

Funny, I don't have OpenOffice either, but don't get this error.  In
any case, the patch does not change that part of the code, so I
supposed you've stumbled across something new and unrelated.

>However I have (LibreOffice), and in trunk I can select this option fine.

...as can I!

>I looked in the debug log, but couldn't see any clues.

Not surprising.  The error detection in the importers is not as strong
as it can be.

> The Generic Document import however does work, and imports a file fine with LibreOffice.

It doesn't work for me with a bad file, but then I haven't worked on
that importer yet!

So, I conclude that you've stumbled across a new bug that is unrelated
to my work so far, though once this patch is merged, I'll be happy to
take a look at it.

> --
> https://code.launchpad.net/~gerald-britton/openlp/newbugs/+merge/62780
> You are the owner of lp:~gerald-britton/openlp/newbugs.

Gerald Britton

Your team OpenLP Core is subscribed to branch lp:openlp.
