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[Merge] lp:~raoul-snyman/openlp/bug-1136278 into lp:openlp


Raoul Snyman has proposed merging lp:~raoul-snyman/openlp/bug-1136278 into lp:openlp.

Requested reviews:
  OpenLP Core (openlp-core)
Related bugs:
  Bug #1136278 in OpenLP: "DB upgrade tracebacks"

For more details, see:

Try to fix bug #1136278 by detecting if the upgrades have already run
Your team OpenLP Core is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~raoul-snyman/openlp/bug-1136278 into lp:openlp.
=== modified file 'openlp/core/lib/db.py'
--- openlp/core/lib/db.py	2014-03-11 19:01:09 +0000
+++ openlp/core/lib/db.py	2014-03-18 21:12:38 +0000
@@ -93,10 +93,11 @@
-    metadata_table = Table('metadata', metadata,
-                           Column('key', types.Unicode(64), primary_key=True),
-                           Column('value', types.UnicodeText(), default=None)
-                           )
+    metadata_table = Table(
+        'metadata', metadata,
+        Column('key', types.Unicode(64), primary_key=True),
+        Column('value', types.UnicodeText(), default=None)
+    )
     mapper(Metadata, metadata_table)
     version_meta = session.query(Metadata).get('version')
@@ -137,7 +138,6 @@
     :param plugin_name: The name of the plugin to remove the database for
     :param db_file_name: The database file name. Defaults to None resulting in the plugin_name being used.
-    db_file_path = None
     if db_file_name:
         db_file_path = os.path.join(AppLocation.get_section_data_path(plugin_name), db_file_name)

=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/upgrade.py'
--- openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/upgrade.py	2013-12-24 08:56:50 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/upgrade.py	2014-03-18 21:12:38 +0000
@@ -31,10 +31,8 @@
 import logging
-from sqlalchemy import Table, func, select, insert
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 __version__ = 1
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 def upgrade_1(session, metadata):
@@ -43,136 +41,4 @@
     This upgrade renames a number of keys to a single naming convention.
-    metadata_table = Table('metadata', metadata, autoload=True)
-    # Copy "Version" to "name" ("version" used by upgrade system)
-    # TODO: Clean up in a subsequent release of OpenLP (like 2.0 final)
-    session.execute(insert(metadata_table).values(
-        key='name',
-        value=select(
-            [metadata_table.c.value],
-            metadata_table.c.key == 'Version'
-        ).as_scalar()
-    ))
-    # Copy "Copyright" to "copyright"
-    # TODO: Clean up in a subsequent release of OpenLP (like 2.0 final)
-    session.execute(insert(metadata_table).values(
-        key='copyright',
-        value=select(
-            [metadata_table.c.value],
-            metadata_table.c.key == 'Copyright'
-        ).as_scalar()
-    ))
-    # Copy "Permissions" to "permissions"
-    # TODO: Clean up in a subsequent release of OpenLP (like 2.0 final)
-    session.execute(insert(metadata_table).values(
-        key='permissions',
-        value=select(
-            [metadata_table.c.value],
-            metadata_table.c.key == 'Permissions'
-        ).as_scalar()
-    ))
-    # Copy "Bookname language" to "book_name_language"
-    # TODO: Clean up in a subsequent release of OpenLP (like 2.0 final)
-    value_count = session.execute(
-        select(
-            [func.count(metadata_table.c.value)],
-            metadata_table.c.key == 'Bookname language'
-        )
-    ).scalar()
-    if value_count > 0:
-        session.execute(insert(metadata_table).values(
-            key='book_name_language',
-            value=select(
-                [metadata_table.c.value],
-                metadata_table.c.key == 'Bookname language'
-            ).as_scalar()
-        ))
-    # Copy "download source" to "download_source"
-    # TODO: Clean up in a subsequent release of OpenLP (like 2.0 final)
-    value_count = session.execute(
-        select(
-            [func.count(metadata_table.c.value)],
-            metadata_table.c.key == 'download source'
-        )
-    ).scalar()
-    log.debug('download source: %s', value_count)
-    if value_count > 0:
-        session.execute(insert(metadata_table).values(
-            key='download_source',
-            value=select(
-                [metadata_table.c.value],
-                metadata_table.c.key == 'download source'
-            ).as_scalar()
-        ))
-    # Copy "download name" to "download_name"
-    # TODO: Clean up in a subsequent release of OpenLP (like 2.0 final)
-    value_count = session.execute(
-        select(
-            [func.count(metadata_table.c.value)],
-            metadata_table.c.key == 'download name'
-        )
-    ).scalar()
-    log.debug('download name: %s', value_count)
-    if value_count > 0:
-        session.execute(insert(metadata_table).values(
-            key='download_name',
-            value=select(
-                [metadata_table.c.value],
-                metadata_table.c.key == 'download name'
-            ).as_scalar()
-        ))
-    # Copy "proxy server" to "proxy_server"
-    # TODO: Clean up in a subsequent release of OpenLP (like 2.0 final)
-    value_count = session.execute(
-        select(
-            [func.count(metadata_table.c.value)],
-            metadata_table.c.key == 'proxy server'
-        )
-    ).scalar()
-    log.debug('proxy server: %s', value_count)
-    if value_count > 0:
-        session.execute(insert(metadata_table).values(
-            key='proxy_server',
-            value=select(
-                [metadata_table.c.value],
-                metadata_table.c.key == 'proxy server'
-            ).as_scalar()
-        ))
-    # Copy "proxy username" to "proxy_username"
-    # TODO: Clean up in a subsequent release of OpenLP (like 2.0 final)
-    value_count = session.execute(
-        select(
-            [func.count(metadata_table.c.value)],
-            metadata_table.c.key == 'proxy username'
-        )
-    ).scalar()
-    log.debug('proxy username: %s', value_count)
-    if value_count > 0:
-        session.execute(insert(metadata_table).values(
-            key='proxy_username',
-            value=select(
-                [metadata_table.c.value],
-                metadata_table.c.key == 'proxy username'
-            ).as_scalar()
-        ))
-    # Copy "proxy password" to "proxy_password"
-    # TODO: Clean up in a subsequent release of OpenLP (like 2.0 final)
-    value_count = session.execute(
-        select(
-            [func.count(metadata_table.c.value)],
-            metadata_table.c.key == 'proxy password'
-        )
-    ).scalar()
-    log.debug('proxy password: %s', value_count)
-    if value_count > 0:
-        session.execute(insert(metadata_table).values(
-            key='proxy_password',
-            value=select(
-                [metadata_table.c.value],
-                metadata_table.c.key == 'proxy password'
-            ).as_scalar()
-        ))
-    # TODO: Clean up in a subsequent release of OpenLP (like 2.0 final)
-    #session.execute(delete(metadata_table)\
-    #    .where(metadata_table.c.key == u'dbversion'))
-    session.commit()
+    log.info('No upgrades to perform')

=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/songs/lib/upgrade.py'
--- openlp/plugins/songs/lib/upgrade.py	2013-12-24 08:56:50 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/songs/lib/upgrade.py	2014-03-18 21:12:38 +0000
@@ -30,12 +30,15 @@
 The :mod:`upgrade` module provides a way for the database and schema that is the
 backend for the Songs plugin
+import logging
 from sqlalchemy import Column, types
+from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError
 from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func, false, null, text
 from openlp.core.lib.db import get_upgrade_op
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 __version__ = 3
@@ -50,14 +53,20 @@
     In order to facilitate this one-to-many relationship, a song_id column is
     added to the media_files table, and a weight column so that the media
     files can be ordered.
+    :param session:
+    :param metadata:
-    op = get_upgrade_op(session)
-    op.drop_table('media_files_songs')
-    op.add_column('media_files', Column('song_id', types.Integer(), server_default=null()))
-    op.add_column('media_files', Column('weight', types.Integer(), server_default=text('0')))
-    if metadata.bind.url.get_dialect().name != 'sqlite':
-        # SQLite doesn't support ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT
-        op.create_foreign_key('fk_media_files_song_id', 'media_files', 'songs', ['song_id', 'id'])
+    try:
+        op = get_upgrade_op(session)
+        op.drop_table('media_files_songs')
+        op.add_column('media_files', Column('song_id', types.Integer(), server_default=null()))
+        op.add_column('media_files', Column('weight', types.Integer(), server_default=text('0')))
+        if metadata.bind.url.get_dialect().name != 'sqlite':
+            # SQLite doesn't support ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT
+            op.create_foreign_key('fk_media_files_song_id', 'media_files', 'songs', ['song_id', 'id'])
+    except OperationalError:
+        log.info('Upgrade 1 has already been run')
 def upgrade_2(session, metadata):
@@ -66,9 +75,12 @@
     This upgrade adds a create_date and last_modified date to the songs table
-    op = get_upgrade_op(session)
-    op.add_column('songs', Column('create_date', types.DateTime(), default=func.now()))
-    op.add_column('songs', Column('last_modified', types.DateTime(), default=func.now()))
+    try:
+        op = get_upgrade_op(session)
+        op.add_column('songs', Column('create_date', types.DateTime(), default=func.now()))
+        op.add_column('songs', Column('last_modified', types.DateTime(), default=func.now()))
+    except OperationalError:
+        log.info('Upgrade 2 has already been run')
 def upgrade_3(session, metadata):
@@ -77,9 +89,11 @@
     This upgrade adds a temporary song flag to the songs table
-    op = get_upgrade_op(session)
-    if metadata.bind.url.get_dialect().name == 'sqlite':
-        op.add_column('songs', Column('temporary', types.Boolean(create_constraint=False), server_default=false()))
-    else:
-        op.add_column('songs', Column('temporary', types.Boolean(), server_default=false()))
+    try:
+        op = get_upgrade_op(session)
+        if metadata.bind.url.get_dialect().name == 'sqlite':
+            op.add_column('songs', Column('temporary', types.Boolean(create_constraint=False), server_default=false()))
+        else:
+            op.add_column('songs', Column('temporary', types.Boolean(), server_default=false()))
+    except OperationalError:
+        log.info('Upgrade 3 has already been run')

=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/songusage/lib/upgrade.py'
--- openlp/plugins/songusage/lib/upgrade.py	2013-12-24 08:56:50 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/songusage/lib/upgrade.py	2014-03-18 21:12:38 +0000
@@ -30,10 +30,14 @@
 The :mod:`upgrade` module provides a way for the database and schema that is the
 backend for the SongsUsage plugin
+import logging
+from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError
+from sqlalchemy import Column, types
 from openlp.core.lib.db import get_upgrade_op
-from sqlalchemy import Column, types
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 __version__ = 1
@@ -42,7 +46,13 @@
     Version 1 upgrade.
     This upgrade adds two new fields to the songusage database
+    :param session: SQLAlchemy Session object
+    :param metadata: SQLAlchemy MetaData object
-    op = get_upgrade_op(session)
-    op.add_column('songusage_data', Column('plugin_name', types.Unicode(20), server_default=''))
-    op.add_column('songusage_data', Column('source', types.Unicode(10), server_default=''))
+    try:
+        op = get_upgrade_op(session)
+        op.add_column('songusage_data', Column('plugin_name', types.Unicode(20), server_default=''))
+        op.add_column('songusage_data', Column('source', types.Unicode(10), server_default=''))
+    except OperationalError:
+        log.info('Upgrade 1 has already taken place')

=== modified file 'tests/functional/openlp_core_lib/test_db.py'
--- tests/functional/openlp_core_lib/test_db.py	2013-12-24 08:56:50 +0000
+++ tests/functional/openlp_core_lib/test_db.py	2014-03-18 21:12:38 +0000
@@ -29,13 +29,14 @@
 Package to test the openlp.core.lib package.
+import os
 from unittest import TestCase
 from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool
 from sqlalchemy.orm.scoping import ScopedSession
 from sqlalchemy import MetaData
-from openlp.core.lib.db import init_db, get_upgrade_op
+from openlp.core.lib.db import init_db, get_upgrade_op, delete_database
 from tests.functional import patch, MagicMock
@@ -110,3 +111,44 @@
+    def delete_database_without_db_file_name_test(self):
+        """
+        Test that the ``delete_database`` function removes a database file, without the file name parameter
+        """
+        # GIVEN: Mocked out AppLocation class and delete_file method, a test plugin name and a db location
+        with patch('openlp.core.lib.db.AppLocation') as MockedAppLocation, \
+                patch('openlp.core.lib.db.delete_file') as mocked_delete_file:
+            MockedAppLocation.get_section_data_path.return_value = 'test-dir'
+            mocked_delete_file.return_value = True
+            test_plugin = 'test'
+            test_location = os.path.join('test-dir', test_plugin)
+            # WHEN: delete_database is run without a database file
+            result = delete_database(test_plugin)
+            # THEN: The AppLocation.get_section_data_path and delete_file methods should have been called
+            MockedAppLocation.get_section_data_path.assert_called_with(test_plugin)
+            mocked_delete_file.assert_called_with(test_location)
+            self.assertTrue(result, 'The result of delete_file should be True (was rigged that way)')
+    def delete_database_with_db_file_name_test(self):
+        """
+        Test that the ``delete_database`` function removes a database file, with the file name supplied
+        """
+        # GIVEN: Mocked out AppLocation class and delete_file method, a test plugin name and a db location
+        with patch('openlp.core.lib.db.AppLocation') as MockedAppLocation, \
+                patch('openlp.core.lib.db.delete_file') as mocked_delete_file:
+            MockedAppLocation.get_section_data_path.return_value = 'test-dir'
+            mocked_delete_file.return_value = False
+            test_plugin = 'test'
+            test_db_file = 'mydb.sqlite'
+            test_location = os.path.join('test-dir', test_db_file)
+            # WHEN: delete_database is run without a database file
+            result = delete_database(test_plugin, test_db_file)
+            # THEN: The AppLocation.get_section_data_path and delete_file methods should have been called
+            MockedAppLocation.get_section_data_path.assert_called_with(test_plugin)
+            mocked_delete_file.assert_called_with(test_location)
+            self.assertFalse(result, 'The result of delete_file should be False (was rigged that way)')

Follow ups