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Re: lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-addons/l10n_it_6.1_fixes into lp:openobject-addons


Sorry for the late Olivier, did not receive mail notifications about this...

I'll try to explain our approach.

These change is mainly needed by 'account_vat_period_end_statement'[1], but the issue can be generalized for every fiscal payment.

The 2605 account is not associated to any tax, so it is not moved at invoice confirmation. Indeed, it contains the VAT total amount to pay at the end of a fiscal period. We set it as 'payable' as it always contains debits and the due date of its move lines can be used to see the fiscal deadlines through 'account_due_list'[2], for instance. Every line will always have to be reconciled with payments to the tax authority.

Do you advise a better way to handle fiscal payments and relative deadlines?

A note about fiscal year closing: we usually use the 'account_fiscal_year_closing'[3] module so we don't need the automatisms related to account user_type (account_fiscal_year_closing needs more manual operations)

[1] http://apps.openerp.com/addon/6376
[2] http://apps.openerp.com/addon/6374
[3] http://apps.openerp.com/addon/6345
Your team OpenERP Italia core devs is subscribed to branch lp:~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-addons/l10n_it_6.1_fixes.
