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Re: Openshot interview fr


Hello Olivier,

I'm Helen, and I too joined recently. I thought I would write and
introduce myself.

I am a former research scientist. I worked in the 1990s on developing
digital image processing methods and mathematics, especially for
automated visual identification systems.

Je suis un acrobate aérienne au sein d'une communauté troupe de cirque. 
J'enseigne tissus lisse, corde lisse et trapèze.
Nous sommes les marchands de bon heure! :-)

My French is rather poor, and limited to phrases used in Contemporary
Circus. This is because French is the first language in Cirque
Contemporain. But I can read enough French to be able to navigate around
french websites.

It is a number of years since I last did any programming. I am therefore
concentrating only on the documentation for OpenShot. The help of an
active journalist such as yourself, will be very welcome. Most of my
publications have been in the scientific world.

I look forward to working with you.


On Mon, 2009-07-13 at 15:42 -0500, Jonathan Thomas wrote:
> Olivier,
> I clicked "Voir le magazine" and found the photos.  I will come up
> with a good photo for you.  Yes, I would be happy for you to join our
> team.  You can join at https://launchpad.net/~openshot.developers.
> Helen has already started work on a manual for OpenShot.  Once you
> join the team, you can work with Helen on the manual and French
> translations.  If you've already put some thought into the manual,
> please share that with us (to the
> openshot.developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mailing list).
> The gettext stuff still needs a bit of my time before it's ready.
> It's really high on my list, but might be another week or so before
> it's ready for translations.  Also, I'm planning on using LaunchPad to
> host the translation process, but I have no idea how good that will
> work.  It's also how the manual will be translated (i.e. in
> LaunchPad)... hopefully.
> The new features are already committed to LaunchPad (OpenShot version
> 0.9.0), but I haven't told anybody about them yet.  I will be blogging
> about the new features over the next few days.  It's too much stuff to
> list in this email, but it includes Audio fade in, fade out, volume,
> video key frames, animation, improved compositing / transitions, and
> more!  I will probably reveal these features day by day with
> screenshots, so don't tell anyone about them yet. =)
> If your video is not too big, you can probably just email it to me.  I
> would recommend mp4, libx264, libfaac.
> Thanks,
> -Jonathan
> On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 3:23 PM, Olivier Girard <eolinwen@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>         Don't worry, it's not important. I have tried to "tchat" with
>         your this mornig (for you) with gtalk. But you are not wake up
>         i suppose
>         Ok for the theme , we can imagine differents things. It will
>         be beautifull, people like when it's cutolizable.
>         Thanks for inspector.py but you can send it by mail.
>         For the magazine you musts click on "Voir le magazine" under
>         the picture. And after going to the good page.
>         For the photo it's ok.
>         For the link, it's not for me but i'm thinking there is a
>         problem with gcc and perhaps mmx2. 
>         With the ppa (and deb of course) it will not be necessary to
>         have a spécial version of ffmpeg and certainly we won't have
>         this problem. At least,that it must be have a spécial
>         version ? for have avcdh ? 
>         You implant anothers some features. what are they ? Can i
>         know ? 
>         I'm thinking that i will must modified my article but it's
>         awesone. 
>         Me, i have finished the interview(good explications), i'm
>         writing the article which come with, i'm in contact with
>         Olivier Saraja, i'm reading this
>         http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/gettext.html#Creating to understand why i can have all the words. And i have begin the French Manuel of Openshot. Do you want to see it ? it's only few ideas, i have done some few films to present you soon my first film with "Fripouille". The most hard it will be the screenshot.
>         What's the format for , and how give you the video ? 
>         Do you know the format, the codecs video and audio in output
>         and in input. For me it's working for (i have tried): 
>         - audio :   wav, mp3, ogg, aac
>         - video : flv, xvid, quicktime
>         -format : avi and mov
>          I have an another last question. Can i be in the team like
>         the others
>         here ?https://launchpad.net/~openshot.developers/+members#active?
>         Do you want me ?
>         So good night (for me)
>         2009/7/13 Jonathan Thomas <jonathan.oomph@xxxxxxxxx>
>                 Sorry, I've been really busy trying to finish up some
>                 new features.  I'm trying to reply to all my emails,
>                 but they keep piling up.  Yes, OpenShot has a /themes/
>                 folder, and it's possible to skin the timeline and
>                 buttons.  Eventually I will create a 2nd skin, to show
>                 off the themes.
>                 I haven't forgot about the inspector.py.  I've found
>                 my old computer (with the files), so it's just a
>                 matter of finding time to turn it on and get them...
>                 and then post them.  I'll let you know once I've fixed
>                 the download link.
>                 I looked at those 2 links you send me (for the
>                 photos), but I didn't see any photos.  Just a picture
>                 of the magaine issues.  If you need a photo of me, I
>                 can send you one soon.  
>                 I agree that a section of the blog dedicated to links
>                 about OpenShot would be great!  It's on "the list".
>                 Thanks,
>                 -Jonathan
>                 On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 4:37 PM, Olivier Girard
>                 <eolinwen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>                         Perhaps, i have certainly find why we have
>                         some problems on some installation . Think to
>                         helen and fredthfrenchi, i have an idea but i
>                         can try today. I must changes (switch) Hard
>                         Drive and system on my 2sd computer and i will
>                         tried. It's the wizard which in fault. I said
>                         now or not ??? 
>                         I'm almost sur that your computer which a
>                         version of OpenShot work well is a .........64
>                         bits like helen and fredthefrenchi. Me i was
>                         using Openshot on a 32 bits. It's my opinion
>                         but i'll tried tomorrow to confirm or to
>                         unconfirm my impression. I'm thinking that a
>                         good idea to tell people , if it's work or
>                         not, their configuration like i have post on
>                         the ubuntu forum to describe some few
>                         informations (normally, you have the link) .
>                         That's a good idea about .DEB  and ppa, and it
>                         can resolve a lot of problem i m thinking. I
>                         can't yelp you for this task, my tests were
>                         out. But if i can learn, i'm agree for .And i
>                         stay tuned of courses. 
>                         Ok for writing an article (but i don't give a
>                         date like debian creators, when it's ready and
>                         after i'll purpose all (article and interview)
>                         after. Linux Pratique magazine is publised all
>                         the two months (mai/june, march/april,.....)
>                         About customization. 
>                         I have seen on launchpad that you have a
>                         folder call Themes with a blue theme. So i was
>                         thinking that people have different taste and
>                         want perhaps create anothers buttons, colors
>                         (yellow, black, red, green, gray.....) or
>                         another theme like macos, vista,....We can
>                         image all and nothing.
>                         Thanks for the logos (wonderfull) and to see
>                         for inspector.py . It's a good exercise for me
>                         and i need to have this type of utility (i
>                         have one "videotype" but it's out and it's in
>                         perl and i want to developpe something in
>                         python). It will be a good exercise because i
>                         want to developp (at least try) to create a
>                         simple programm with a player and with
>                         gstreamer to catch streams  of one camera,
>                         it's a big problem. When i 'll have the time
>                         and the possibilities.
>                         It's why i ask you the last time how you do
>                         with OpenShot. With kdenlive you must have
>                         dvgrab to install or else yoou can't import on
>                         the hard drive.
>                         I suggest another thing : you must create a
>                         categorie call "link about OpenShot" which
>                         have all about openshot (forum, blogs,
>                         magazines, all the news in the world in all
>                         languages whitch speak about Openshot....).
>                         I have done some virtualization (i use
>                         virtualbox) but it's on my 2sd computer. I
>                         have a big week (4 days) and i swith like i
>                         have said at the begin. So i can virtualize an
>                         ubuntu jaunty but i'm not sure about what you
>                         want to do . You want to send me a "special
>                         version" or i must done "a special version"?
>                         For the interview, perhaps you could give a
>                         photo about you like here
>                         http://www.linux-pratique.com/index.php/2009/04/30/linux-pratique-n%C2%B053-maijuin-2009-chez-votre-marchand-de-journaux and here http://www.linux-pratique.com/index.php/2009/06/26/linux-pratique-n%C2%B054-juilletaout-2009-chez-votre-marchand-de-journaux pages 36 and 22. 
>                         For the translation i have use 3 methodes but
>                         the better he 's yours. The others have given
>                         to me small files ;POT. The problem is for
>                         create this file, i have only translate with
>                         on file .py.About launchpad, really i don't
>                         know how it's work. Remarq, i've never report
>                         a bug in my "linux life" (=4 years).But i'm
>                         learning.
>                         I must have a good configuration which she is
>                         working and after, you'll seen soon my little
>                         cat "Fripouille" on the web!!!!!!
>                         I've just look at the french forum (ubuntu)
>                         and "fouoduroi have just post that i have
>                         asked and his configuration is on 32 bits. I'm
>                         thinking more and more than the problem is
>                         here.
>                         So i'm thinking that i haven't forgotten
>                         something for this time,so i'm going to
>                         sleep. 
>                         Good bye at tomorrow and i talk you soon me
>                         too. Nice to meet you. 
>                         2009/7/10 Jonathan Thomas
>                         <jonathan.oomph@xxxxxxxxx>
>                                 Olivier,
>                                 I have tried to explain the technical
>                                 terms that didn't translate well.
>                                 Please let me know if I need to
>                                 explain them in more detail.  I also
>                                 attached some different logos for you
>                                 to use in the article.  These have
>                                 transparency, and I also attached an
>                                 Inkscape SVG file.  You might be able
>                                 to use them, since they are higher
>                                 quality images than the one you were
>                                 using.
>                                 I'm very excited about the possibility
>                                 of getting into the Linux Pratique
>                                 magazine.  It sounds like you have a
>                                 plan.  The more people that are
>                                 introduced to OpenShot, the better!
>                                 I don't understand your question about
>                                 customization of OpenShot.  You will
>                                 need to clarify. =)
>                                 I do have some good news for you.  I
>                                 am working hard on creating .DEB files
>                                 at the moment and a PPA.  To be
>                                 honest, I'm not the most experienced
>                                 person for creating .DEB files, but
>                                 I'm learning.  Hopefully I'll figure
>                                 it out, and make everyone happy!  Stay
>                                 tuned.
>                                 I agree with you that we need some
>                                 tutorials, tutorial videos, and
>                                 probably even a wiki.  Soon I will
>                                 take a look at the POT and PO files
>                                 for french translations.  I still need
>                                 to do some work to get it ready for
>                                 people to start translating.
>                                 Ultimately, I'm hoping to use
>                                 LaunchPad to host the translation
>                                 process (if it's any good).  Then you
>                                 could just login and start
>                                 translating. =)
>                                 I have been looking for the
>                                 inspector.py file.  I think it's on
>                                 one of my old computers in the back of
>                                 my closet.  I'll look tonight, and
>                                 hopefully I can find it.
>                                 Oh yeah, one more idea.  If we can't
>                                 get OpenShot working on your computer,
>                                 we might try creating a VirtualBox
>                                 image, and see if that might work.  I
>                                 could setup an image of ubuntu 9.04
>                                 with OpenShot working correctly, and
>                                 then you could drop that image in
>                                 VirtualBox and try it out.  Let's
>                                 leave this as a last resort though.
>                                 Talk to you soon.
>                                 -Jonathan
>                                 2009/7/8 Olivier Girard
>                                 <eolinwen@xxxxxxxxx>
>                                         Hello Jonathan
>                                         i have a lot of thinks to
>                                         speak.With this mail you have
>                                         4 files: the interviewfr, the
>                                         1er version of linuxgraphic,
>                                         the 2sd version of
>                                         linuxgraphic and the first
>                                         french translation of
>                                         OpenShot.
>                                          About interviewfr/:
>                                         If you will be better in
>                                         French me I will be better
>                                         in .....English. 
>                                         you are a lucky  man, a wife
>                                         two girls and
>                                         a .......beautiful white dog.
>                                         i have post some notes in the
>                                         interviewfr on 4 places. It's
>                                         technical termes and i don't
>                                         understand. Sorry.
>                                         I have translate 2 times the
>                                         interviewfr, the 1er words to
>                                         words (nearly) and the 2sd in
>                                         the context.
>                                         My opinium about what you want
>                                         to do with the interviewfr.
>                                         Initialy, i was wishing to
>                                         post in a blog (ie sum-up), an
>                                         i was waiting for a lot of the
>                                         french communauty and in
>                                         particular ubuntufr. I was
>                                         disapointed. But the objectif
>                                         is reach. We know Openshot and
>                                         people were speaking beetwen
>                                         them. look at this very
>                                         popular blog
>                                         http://philippe.scoffoni.net/lectures-libres-pour-le-week-end-22/ the message is passed. I know that a lot of people have read the post (olivier saraja said me , eric brun, cyrille borne,.....) and i am sure about 2 things ; we will have some post and test, and somebody will done an article or at least they know it and they try it (Linux Pratique,.....).
>                                         So for me  now, we must keep
>                                         this interview for the moment
>                                         and perhaps and certainly done
>                                         an article with. We could
>                                         propose this articles at a
>                                         magazine (i'm thinking about
>                                         LP) . This is done a big
>                                         impact in france and nobofy
>                                         couldn't  said i don't know
>                                         what is OpenShot. You don't
>                                         know but i france now (to 7 at
>                                         11) there are "les rencontres
>                                         mondiales du Logiciel Libre
>                                         2009" (it's an international
>                                         meeting about free software)
>                                         and Olivier, laurent , writers
>                                         of the magazine are at Nantes
>                                         and certainly will speaking
>                                         beetwenn them. I'm thinking
>                                         that i will write certainly an
>                                         another article to be with the
>                                         interview.
>                                         But it's my opiniun.and you ?
>                                         About blog          
>                                         I can said that people are
>                                         wainting a ppa (they want a
>                                         ppa and me too!!!!!) but if
>                                         you want to do the same thing
>                                         than the wizard you must done
>                                         a ppa for openshot,,freiror,
>                                         mlt ffmpeg. It will be better
>                                         for search the bugs i think ?
>                                         About OpenShot
>                                         Can you customize Openshot
>                                         because linuxgraphic is the
>                                         site of the graphics personns.
>                                         We could pass a message? 
>                                         OSVE have it the same
>                                         fonctions like Linux Video
>                                         Editor (lve), gopchop,
>                                         projectx, dvbcut or ttcut ?
>                                         (here it 's for me:!!!!) It
>                                         will be another big features
>                                         if it can.
>                                         My suggestions:
>                                         modifie or create an new
>                                         categorize tutoriaux papers
>                                         (pdf or odt) and vidéos
>                                         (explain a fonction with )
>                                         ask for everyone (that 's good
>                                         or not)
>                                         the distribution (ie ubuntu,
>                                         kubuntu....)
>                                         the type (32 or 64 bits)
>                                         the desktop (gnome, kde,..)
>                                         the choice (1,2 or 3) and if
>                                         ffmpeg was intalled by
>                                         repositorie or compilation
>                                         For the vidéo (like you) how
>                                         done to give you for
>                                         publication ?
>                                         what are the format of the
>                                         vidéo ? For the music free or
>                                         buy (=legal)?
>                                         I'm going to think about a
>                                         french manuel 
>                                         Todo (for me)
>                                         When i have seem that nobody
>                                         speak on ubuntufr, i was
>                                         thinking that it was a bad
>                                         categorize and i have  began
>                                         another post, a sort of base
>                                         of the documentation . I will
>                                         finish and i post it on the
>                                         multimedia categorize.
>                                         Finish the french traduction .
>                                         I have tried 3 differentes
>                                         version for creating my
>                                         file .POT and i not sure
>                                         that's good. You can see that
>                                         just that ?  I will want to
>                                         tried (with your notes) but it
>                                         doesn't work. i have wanted
>                                         tried spanish version but it
>                                         can' load. Before given
>                                         something, i want to tried
>                                         it , but how ?
>                                         Create a french manuel
>                                         (english version ?????)
>                                         create a video about the
>                                         visuals bugs (i haven't
>                                         forgotten)
>                                         create a manuel compilation of
>                                         ffmpeg about my hardy
>                                         And also (and it's the first
>                                         think to do )have a version of
>                                         OSE which is working great (if
>                                         i want to do an article, it is
>                                         important........)   
>                                         I'm thinking that i haven't
>                                         forgotten something. Ah yes!!!
>                                         Have you look about the file
>                                         inspector.py ?
>                                         Thank for all (and read my
>                                         worse english) 
>                                         If we can published an
>                                         article, i'll buy you an
>                                         another magazine for you, of
>                                         course....
>                                         I'm going to have more an more
>                                         time and  i 'am on holidays
>                                         the 24 for one mouth;
>                                         2009/7/2 Jonathan Thomas
>                                         <jonathan.oomph@xxxxxxxxx>
>                                                 Olivier,
>                                                 It was a lot of
>                                                 typing, but here is my
>                                                 completed interview.
>                                                 I hope I wasn't too
>                                                 wordy.  By the way,
>                                                 there was one mistake
>                                                 on your previous
>                                                 article:  about my
>                                                 history.  I don't
>                                                 program in C or C++.
>                                                 There is another
>                                                 Jonathan Thomas who is
>                                                 a member of the Gnome
>                                                 team (I think).  That
>                                                 is not me. =)  Just
>                                                 wanted to clear that
>                                                 up.
>                                                 As far as the
>                                                 interview, I think I
>                                                 understood all of the
>                                                 questions.  Please let
>                                                 me know if I need to
>                                                 clarify the meaning of
>                                                 anything.  Please let
>                                                 me know once you post
>                                                 this interview
>                                                 somewhere... I would
>                                                 love to check it out.
>                                                 I'll start brushing up
>                                                 on my French. =)
>                                                 By the way, is Linux
>                                                 Pratique a real
>                                                 printed magazine?  If
>                                                 so, I really want to
>                                                 get a copy if you are
>                                                 able to publish an
>                                                 article.  That would
>                                                 be great!  Good luck.
>                                                 Thanks,
>                                                 -Jonathan
>                                                 On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at
>                                                 4:40 PM, Jonathan
>                                                 Thomas
>                                                 <jonathan.oomph@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>                                                         Olivier,
>                                                         I received
>                                                         your questions
>                                                         and will work
>                                                         to answer them
>                                                         and get it
>                                                         back to your
>                                                         as soon as
>                                                         possible.
>                                                         Thanks,
>                                                         -Jonathan
>                                                         On Wed, Jul 1,
>                                                         2009 at 4:14
>                                                         PM, Olivier
>                                                         Girard
>                                                         <eolinwen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>                                                                 Hellor
>                                                                 jonathan How are you ? 
>                                                                 I have
>                                                                 finished to translate the interview. So with this email, you have a file create with openoffice. You can keep a version and send me another when you want. If you don't want to answer or if i have forgotten something or if you want developp a portion you done. And you can correct my vocabulary of course (and i hope too);
>                                                                 But
>                                                                 please
>                                                                 send
>                                                                 me a
>                                                                 mail
>                                                                 to
>                                                                 tell
>                                                                 me if
>                                                                 you
>                                                                 have
>                                                                 this ....mail (for confirm).
>                                                                 For
>                                                                 the
>                                                                 moment, I don't know if I post it on the blog or if I keep it and send it at The magazine Linux Pratique with an article write (I hope) by Laurent Bellegarde (Perhaps a dream). If it 's one , perhaps I'll create another but in all cases it's not for now.
>                                                                 Now
>                                                                 the
>                                                                 next
>                                                                 action
>                                                                 to do
>                                                                 is the
>                                                                 traduction. Certainly this week-end. I'll give you by mail or by another mean. Have you an idea ?   
>                                                                 I have
>                                                                 tried
>                                                                 to
>                                                                 take
>                                                                 some
>                                                                 snapshots to the wisual bug but i can (2 times) But I can record my desktop. i'll send when i'll have the time. 
>                                                                 Ho
>                                                                 another thing that i have mistake and it's umpolishe to my part. My name is Olivier Girard alias Cenwen,"an elf on the glace" (i love the lord of rings), i am married and I'am 39 year's old (soon 40 in autum). 
>                                                                 So
>                                                                 it's
>                                                                 late
>                                                                 and
>                                                                 it's
>                                                                 time
>                                                                 to
>                                                                 dream . Olivier
>                                                                 -- 
>                                                                 Cenwen
>                                                                 un
>                                                                 elfe
>                                                                 sur la
>                                                                 banquise
>                                         -- 
>                                         Cenwen un elfe sur la banquise
>                         -- 
>                         Cenwen un elfe sur la banquise
>         -- 
>         Cenwen un elfe sur la banquise
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