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Message #00349
Version 0.9.41 Now Available
Hi everyone! I've finally wrapped up my changes on the "*effects*" module,
and have merged 2 of Andy's branches into this version as well. This is the
latest, greatest, bleeding-edge source code... waiting for everyone to give
it a try. I've tested these changes in VirtualBox, and it seems to work...
So hopefully that means I didn't forget to check in any new files.
Here are the "highlights":
- *Preview Video on Clip Properties* - Try before you buy (this was
needed to facilitate the effects module). Basically everything in the clip
properties screen can be previewed... if you like it, click *Apply*. If
you don't like it, change it or cancel the screen. Either way, it only
saves the changes when you click *Apply*.
- *33 Effects are now available* (just drag them onto a clip... use clip
properties to edit them)
- *Static Timeline* - highly requested feature
- *Bug Fixes* - many small bugs are now fixed
I will be spending the next few days blogging about all the newest
developments, including lots of screenshots, videos, etc... I will also be
promoting the PPA. =)
Here are the *full change logs* (since the last time I published):
Recent revisions
By *Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>* 3 minutes ago
Removing a unneeded file that breaks "effects"
159 <>.
By *Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>* 14 minutes ago
Modified to include new effect XML
and PNG files.
Bumped version to 0.9.40
158 <>.
By *Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>* 26 minutes ago
Fixed some bugs with saving and opening a project
that the static timeline broke.
Now when you open a project file, the timeline will
scroll back to 0,0 position
Added all of the filters I planned on adding for
version 1.0 of OpenShot. There are now 30 video
effects and 3 audio effects. Total of 33 effects.
Here is a full list of effects now available:
blur.xml glow.xml old_lines.xml sobel.xml
brightness.xml greyscale.xml phaser.xml tcolor.xml
burningtv.xml hue.xml pitch.xml threshold.xml
charcoal.xml pixelate.xml two_layer.xml
chroma_key.xml invert.xml remove_blue.xml water_rain.xml
deinterlace.xml mirror.xml remove_green.xml wave.xml
distort.xml old_dust.xml remove_red.xml white_balance.xml
echo.xml old_film.xml scan_lines.xml
gamma.xml old_grain.xml sepia.xml
Bumping to version 0.9.40
157 <>.
By *Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>* 4 hours ago
Integrating Andy's static timeline branch into OpenShot!
This is a highly requested feature, and it seems to work
Also, I fixed a few bugs with icons on some of the new
effect windows.
Bumped to version 0.9.39
156 <>.
By *Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>* 5 hours ago
Bumped version to 0.9.38
Finished integrating the core effect framework into
OpenShot. There is now an /effects/ folder which
holds an XML file for each effect as well as an icon.
It has been designed to easily allow for more effects
to be added in, without having to touch the program.
The clip properties now has an effect tab, which
dynamically lists the effects on a clip, and allows
the user to add new effects, remove them, re-order
them, and change settings on each one.
However, the user just has to drop an effect on a
clip for it's default values to be applied. All
effects are designed to work without needing to
adjust a single property.
So far, I have 4 effects added, but many more to come
shortly. Also, I need to find a better way to
integrate the descriptions of the effects, and effect
settings into the GUI. They are hidden currently.
155 <>.
By *Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>* on 2009-09-25
Added a new effects list to a clip object.
Added a new "effect" class, which stores the
key and value of each parameter for an effect.
Added a method to get a list of detailed effect
properties, that is easily iterable... for the
user interface. A new /effects/ folder has been
created, and it's now bound into the effects tree.
154 <>.
By *Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>* on 2009-09-21
Merging Andy's branch:
Cleaned up the Track context menu, added icons,
and added a "rename track" feature.
I made 1 small change to integrate the translations
into the code.
Bumped to version 0.9.37
153 <>.
By *Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>* on 2009-09-21
added tree effects class, to populate the effects tree.
152 <>.
By *Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>* on 2009-09-20
Version bumped to 0.9.36
Added a new method to the clip class, to generate
a special xml document for preview purposes. Also
added some overrides into the clip GenerateXML method,
to allow for the new clip properties preview window.
Added a new video preview window into the clip
properties window. This allows you to preview
any settings on this screen safely, without
messing up your video project. This was a BIG feature,
and is being added to support effects... since there
is a lot of trial & error involved for the user.
Follow ups