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Andy's branch has been merged


Hi everyone!
Just a quick heads up.  There has been lots of activity on the trunk
recently.  I have just merged Andy's (andy-1.2) branch into the trunk.  It
adds many new features that need to be tested, as well as some new

The new features are:

   - New "Replace Clip" right click menu
   - Export frame of video: CTRL + D
   - Import Transition (File > Import Transition...) - This is restricted to
   PNG images right now, but works great.
   - Resize and Razor mode should not be able to click the mute / visible
   buttons on clips
   - New translation strings on LaunchPad
   - New audio effects: bass and treble

I still have a few more patches to commit, but version 1.2.0 is getting very
close to being finished.

Really soon we need to start collecting the following from the OpenShot

   - Any new themes
   - Any new title templates (SVG)
   - Any blender templates (and I need to update the blender code to work
   with 2.5 beta... the Python API is still unstable)
