Can anyone else confirm whether RGB Parade works or crashes? On my
Ubuntu 11.10 test image, it has version 1.1.22git20091109 of frei0r.
That seems pretty old, right?
On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 4:33 PM, Andy Finch <we.rocked.in79@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:we.rocked.in79@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hmm, well it works on Mint 11 (which is based on 11.04) with the
standard frei0r. I added it as I thought it might be useful in
tandem with the other colour correction effects which were added,
but maybe it's best to remove it if you're having problems. The
icon was a scaled down version of the histogram output that you
get when you apply the effect.
On 21 September 2011 21:30, Jonathan Thomas
<jonathan.oomph@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:jonathan.oomph@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
I have fixed a few more small bugs, related to labels on
folders, and a undo / redo issue with labels. I have updated
the translations, bumped the version to 1.4.0~beta2, and the
Daily PPA is being updated right now (which will probably take
30 minutes to an hour to finish). We now have 10 languages
100% translated, with more to come.
Note: *RGB Parade *crashes on every version of
Ubuntu I've tried, using the default version of Frei0r. And
the icon looks a bit odd shaped, and does strange things to
the effects tree. Any thoughts?
We still need lots of testing, so please take a few minutes at
the minimum and run through some of the features using our
newest code (or the Daily PPA).
On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 1:49 AM, Andy Finch
<we.rocked.in79@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:we.rocked.in79@xxxxxxxxx>>
That's good news - probably save a ton of bug reports :-)
On 20 September 2011 23:11, Jonathan Thomas
<mailto:jonathan.oomph@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
I was successful getting a feature freeze exception
for MLT 0.7.4-3, and it has now been synced! Just
wanted to share the good news.
On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 3:36 PM, Jonathan Thomas
<mailto:jonathan.oomph@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hi everyone!
I have solved an error on Ubuntu 11.10 by adding a
new dependency to our Debian packaging:
*_gtk2-engines-pixbuf_*. This package prevents
all sorts of "pixbuf" theme engine errors when
OpenShot launches on some desktops (specifically
Ubuntu 11.10). Also, I have updated the "Sync MLT
bug report with *pbuilder build logs* and *install
logs*, and subscribed the "*Ubuntu Release*" team
to it. Hopefully, I have done everything
correctly to get a feature freeze exception for
MLT. I have also emailed the *LaunchPad
Translators* mailing list asking for additional
translation help. Since yesterday, they have
completed 4 additional languages!
Of course, once we release OpenShot 1.4 (scheduled
for this Friday, September 23rd... but possibly
Saturday, September 24th), I will submit another
sync request w/ feature freeze exception for
OpenShot 1.4. The ultimate goal is to have MLT
0.7.4-3 and OpenShot 1.4 both in Ubuntu 11.10 when
they launch on October 13th.
If you are a member of the *OpenShot Developers
team*, please help us test and reply to this email
with your results. We have 30 active members, and
I fear not many are actually helping us. =( This
can be our greatest release ever, but we need lots
more testing in these final 3 days.
Don't forget about the new *Daily PPA*
It's a perfect way to test the newest release.
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