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November Update


Hi team!
Here is a quick update for everyone, since I've been a bit quiet recently.

*New Version:*
I have quite a few patches that need to be merged, and some translation
updates for version *1.4.1*.  I really need to focus on this version for a
few days, and get the release prepared.  Our GTK 3 branch of OpenShot has
been impacted by an issue with Gobject introspection and GooCanvas (as I
understand it).  Hopefully this will be resolved soon.

*Framework  Update:*
Things have been on hold for a few days, as I've been preparing my final SCALE
10X <http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale10x> presentations (I'm submitting
2 this year).  One of the presentations is about this framework...

*New Social Networks:*
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/OpenShotVideo
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/115577717102257907169/

I've been using our Facebook page <http://www.facebook.com/openshot> to
post most of my updates recently.  If you have a Facebook account, please
be sure you are a "fan" of this page, so you can participate in daily

I will be adding a new page on www.openshot.org soon, to try and sell
sponsorships.  These sponsors will "eventually" bring some larger donation
amounts to me, which I plan on using to bring together our team for events
like SCALE (and other events).  I would love to be able to pay for airfare
and hotel expenses for our best contributors once a year, to bring our team
together and really make some progress!  The basic idea is... if a company
sends our project a large sum of money, we will reward them with a blog
post announcement, and a logo on our sponsors page, as well as a badge for
their website.
