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Re: How do I join?


2011/12/4 Miguel Alejandro González <maggonzz@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hello,
> I recently found out about the academic initiative
> http://wiki.openstack.org/AcademicInitiative, maybe I can help. I am a
> master student from ITESM in Monterrey, Mexico and I'm in need for a
> research topic, heh. My advisor and I were thinking about the cloud anyway,
> we already have 6 node OpenStack deployment here on campus.
> But maybe you can help me, to find a more narrowed area to work on, to help
> OpenStack anyway. I was thinking about maybe leader election or security. Do
> you know who I can talk with about this?

Hi Miguel,

I think a great first step would be for you to come up with more
specific ideas and then seek out a mentor (or mentors) in the
OpenStack development community.

Can you be more specific by the types of research you are thinking of
in particular, what types of work would fall under "leader election"
or "security"?

Also, what type of research are you hoping to do? Empirical,
development, exploratory, etc.?

How much guidance would you expect to need? What time commit are you
able to put into such a project?

Hope these questions help to get you started.


Todd Deshane

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