openstack-academia team mailing list archive
openstack-academia team
Mailing list archive
Message #00004
Re: How do I join?
Well Todd,
I was thinking about leader election or master election, let's say the
controller node ( the one with keystone, glance or mysql) fails and the
other nodes need to elect a new controller nodes among them with algorithms
- Chang-Robert
- Hirschberg Sinclair
- Peterson
- Paxos
You know, maybe OpenStack needs something like Apache Zookeeper in the
Hadoop ecosystem.
Security Issues, I meant any problems that OpenStack needs to resolve like
user privilege escalation, but I think that's already being taken care of.
I also heard that you will integrate the Cloud Audit api into OpenStack but
haven't seen any news about this.
So those are some ideas I have but I was expecting to help resolve some
problems openstack is having or at least do the research on how to resolve
those problems. I'd want to do a development research but I guess
exploratory is fine. I only have a year to do this thesis anyway.
About guidance? Maybe a mentor to get into the code quickly and to get
questions answered more quickly. About time? As I said earlier you can have
me for a full year..
2011/12/4 Todd Deshane <todd.deshane@xxxxxxx>
> 2011/12/4 Miguel Alejandro González <maggonzz@xxxxxxxxx>:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I recently found out about the academic initiative
> >, maybe I can help. I am a
> > master student from ITESM in Monterrey, Mexico and I'm in need for a
> > research topic, heh. My advisor and I were thinking about the cloud
> anyway,
> > we already have 6 node OpenStack deployment here on campus.
> >
> > But maybe you can help me, to find a more narrowed area to work on, to
> help
> > OpenStack anyway. I was thinking about maybe leader election or
> security. Do
> > you know who I can talk with about this?
> Hi Miguel,
> I think a great first step would be for you to come up with more
> specific ideas and then seek out a mentor (or mentors) in the
> OpenStack development community.
> Can you be more specific by the types of research you are thinking of
> in particular, what types of work would fall under "leader election"
> or "security"?
> Also, what type of research are you hoping to do? Empirical,
> development, exploratory, etc.?
> How much guidance would you expect to need? What time commit are you
> able to put into such a project?
> Hope these questions help to get you started.
> Thanks,
> Todd
> --
> Todd Deshane