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documentation plans


Hi all -
I've been studying the existing web properties and want to provide some
predictability in the documentation - what you can expect to find where. For
tech docs, I see three potential locations.

   1. Sphinx (nova.openstack.org and swift.openstack.org)
   2. Wiki (wiki.openstack.org)
   3. Website (openstack.org)

Based on the existing architecture, I would propose:

   - Preserve swift.openstack.org and nova.openstack.org for developer
   and conceptual information.
   -  Point to the developer docs with links on the wiki but also write a
   lot of tutorials on the wiki.
   - Set up community docs with constant updates on the wiki.
   - Provide official docs with a release number assigned as releases revise
   on the openstack.org site.

I'm thinking these assignments give us good, flexible options because we
then cater to specific audiences - openstack.org site for
bizdev/users/deployers, nova.openstack.org and swift.openstack.org for
developers, and wiki.openstack.org for tutorials as well as pointers to
other locations and project planning.

I'd love your ideas and feedback on this approach - either write back on
this thread or find me on IRC, or I can set up a call.

I also have to say, now is the best time to write your way to understanding
- we have fresh perspectives and a code freeze, an ideal combo. If you're
not feeling particularly creative or you don't want to start with a fresh
page, start with http://wiki.openstack.org/Documentation  which offers an
outline and links to pages.

Last but not least, I've set up an OpenStack-doc group
so we can meet regularly to coordinate doc efforts. I need like-minded
community doc peeps to bounce these ideas off of. :) Thanks to Nachi Ueno
for joining - contact me off-list with your mailing address and I'll send
you a t-shirt. Woo!

 *Anne Gentle*
OpenStack Content Stacker
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