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Re: Cross-zone instance identifiers in EC2 API - Is it worth the effort?


Devin, agree with you 100% that the EC2 and OS APIs are presentation/view layer. I also think that there is way too much view/control and policy dependencies buried down in the core nova-* services.  The core services like nova-compute shouldn't be using things like EC2 instance-id, instance-type, flavor, etc.  they should be dealing with a more abstract pool of resources hosts, instances, networks, etc.  

Brian Schott, CTO
Nimbis Services, Inc.
ph: 443-274-6064  fx: 443-274-6060

On Jul 9, 2011, at 8:19 PM, Devin Carlen wrote:

> Yes - and this is a perfect example of why it's important for people to think of the EC2 and OpenStack API's not as mid-layer APIs in some stack. These APIs are actually presentation layers.  Currently there is far too much core logic happening in the EC2 API for sure.  At this tier, there shouldn't be anything other than data transforming and API specific muck going on.
> Nova is currently missing a classic middle tier, and this is why it gets difficult to circle back and add support for security groups to the OpenStack API.  There's no common layer that both APIs rely on.
> This way you end up with a middle tier that is a super set of both OpenStack and EC2 APIs, and then exposing functionality in one API or the other is truly just a presentation issue, because by forcing the core to be implemented in a common layer, you force the person(s) implementing the feature to deal with the bigger picture, and not favor one API over the other.

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