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Re: Keystone client


On Fri, Dec 16 2011, Dolph Mathews wrote:

> Yes (and there's actually more than 2 floating around, in various states);
> we're moving towards providing a single client, independent of keystone,
> which can be consumed by other projects (including keystone itself).
> There's no milestone target for this effort yet, but:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/keystone-client

Thanks Dolph, I missed that blueprint.

Now I think it would be cool if a decision could be done about the
library Gabriel wrote.

Since it's used by horizon, it seems obvious that it should be
integrated as an official OpenStack component, but, eh… anyone's call?

Julien Danjou
// eNovance                      http://enovance.com
// ✉ julien.danjou@xxxxxxxxxxxx  ☎ +33 1 49 70 99 81

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