I'm happy to announce that swift 1.4.6 has been released today. We've added
some great new features in this release and fixed several outstanding bugs. The
full changelog is below, but I'd like to highlight a few key points.
Swift 1.4.6 includes new middleware that adds the ability to upload objects to
a swift cluster using an HTML form POST. Now you can create a form on a
webpage that will directly upload content into a swift cluster without the need
to proxy the traffic through your webserver. You can find documentation for
this middleware at http://swift.openstack.org/misc.html#module-swift.common.middleware.formpost.
In conjunction with the FormPOST middleware, we also now have a TempURL
middlware that allows you to use URLs with temporary access to objects. Read
the docs at http://swift.openstack.org/misc.html#module-swift.common.middleware.tempurl.