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Re: RFC: Plugin framework draft


On 5/21/12 7:53 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
Andrew Bogott wrote:
Remaining tasks:

- Extending rootwrap (or, specifically, getting gluster into sudo somehow)
I started looking into the security model around adding run-as-root
commands. You obviously can't rely on code run as the nova user to "plug
in" new run-as-root commands, as it would defeat the security model.

I still need to polish the model, but the idea would be to rely on a
root-owned configuration directory (think /etc/nova/rootwrap.d) in which
the filters would be described. The directory would be specified
directly on the root_helper option, and authorized by the sudoers file.
The filters configuration files would replace the current static
rootwrap.{compute,network...} files.

So a plug-in that wants to add nova run-as-root commands would just have
to drop an extra file in that directory, as part of its install.

That sounds perfectly reasonable.

I don't immediately know the proper way to do that using pip and setup.py, but since they run as root it should be trivial to create a new file at install time. I can only hope that there's an equivalent option during uninstall.
