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shall openstack use Openfiler(iscsi target) as volume service?




There is an question always trouble me ,shall openstack use Openfiler(iscsi
target) as volume service?

Openfiler is a free iscsi software base on centos use ietd to create iscsi
target that can run on a standalone computer.

I saw we can use volume_driver="nova.volume.driver.ISCSIDriver" and
cooperating with such as following items to connect ISCSI:


# iscsi_helper="ietadm"

# iscsi_ip_address="$my_ip"

# iscsi_num_targets=100

# iscsi_port=3260

# iscsi_target_prefix="iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:"

# num_iscsi_scan_tries="3"


My question is I could not find the way to tell volume driver the username
and password to access Openfiler for creating lun.

So, does it mean openstack could not connect a independent iscsi target host
running tgtd or ietd, just like nexenta?






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