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Re: Deleting a volume stuck in "attaching" state?


On 06/20/2012 11:52 AM, Lars Kellogg-Stedman wrote:
A strategy we are making in Nova (WIP) is to allow instance
termination no matter what. Perhaps a similar strategy could be
adopted for volumes too? Thanks,

The 'nova-manage volume delete ...' solution worked just fine in this
case...but in general, as a consumer of the software, we would really
prefer to be able to delete things regardless of their state using
established tools, rather than manipulating the database directly.
I'm always worried that I'll screw something up due to my incomplete
understanding of the database schema.

Agreed. I think that the DELETE API calls should support a "force" parameter that would stop any pending operation, cleanup any mess, and delete the resource.

The fact that nova-manage volume delete works is really just because the nova-manage tool talks directly to the database, and I know that Vish and others are keen to have all tools speak only the REST APIs and not any backdoor interfaces or database queries directly...


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