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Re: AttributeError: "virDomain instance has no attribute 'reset'"



I'm running on Ubuntu 11.10 (GNU/Linux 3.0.0-12-server x86_64)
When I tried to upgrade I got the following message

libvirt-bin is already the newest version.
libvirt0 is already the newest version.
python-libvirt is already the newest version.

Which package should I upgrade/install ?


From: Vishvananda Ishaya [mailto:vishvananda@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 12:13 AM
To: Vaze, Mandar
Subject: Re: AttributeError: "virDomain instance has no attribute 'reset'"

the reset command was only recently added to libvirt, so your version is probably just to old. We have discussed adding a fallback of shutting down and restarting the domain if reset is not defined, but no one has implemented it yet.


On Jun 21, 2012, at 5:56 AM, Vaze, Mandar wrote:


I recently merged my code with master after a few weeks.
Now I'm getting the error mentioned in the subject line during reboot.
I looked at the history and this change is done in the following commit by you.

I also realized that you have defined reset() method in fakelibvirt for testing  - so may be tests pass OK.
I'm using libvirt_type=kvm

Do I need to update any library (python or otherwise) for this change ?
Any other suggestions to troubleshoot this ?


Here is relevant snippet from my debug session :

> /opt/stack/nova/nova/virt/libvirt/connection.py(847)_hard_reboot()
-> virt_dom.reset(0)
(Pdb) dir(virt_dom)
['ID', 'OSType', 'UUID', 'UUIDString', 'XMLDesc', '__del__', '__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', '_conn', '_o', 'abortJob', 'attachDevice', 'attachDeviceFlags', 'autostart', 'blkioParameters', 'blockInfo', 'blockPeek', 'blockStats', 'connect', 'coreDump', 'create', 'createWithFlags', 'destroy', 'detachDevice', 'detachDeviceFlags', 'hasCurrentSnapshot', 'hasManagedSaveImage', 'info', 'injectNMI', 'interfaceStats', 'isActive', 'isPersistent', 'isUpdated', 'jobInfo', 'managedSave', 'managedSaveRemove', 'maxMemory', 'maxVcpus', 'memoryParameters', 'memoryPeek', 'memoryStats', 'migrate', 'migrate2', 'migrateSetMaxDowntime', 'migrateSetMaxSpeed', 'migrateToURI', 'migrateToURI2', 'name', 'openConsole', 'pinVcpu', 'reboot', 'resume', 'revertToSnapshot', 'save', 'schedulerParameters', 'schedulerParametersFlags', 'schedulerType', 'screenshot', 'setAutostart', 'setBlkioParameters', 'setMaxMemory', 'setMemory', 'setMemoryFlags', 'setMemoryParameters', 'setSchedulerParameters', 'setSchedulerParametersFlags', 'setVcpus', 'setVcpusFlags', 'shutdown', 'snapshotCreateXML', 'snapshotCurrent', 'snapshotListNames', 'snapshotLookupByName', 'snapshotNum', 'state', 'suspend', 'undefine', 'updateDeviceFlags', 'vcpus', 'vcpusFlags']
(Pdb) type( virt_dom)
<type 'instance'>
(Pdb) type(virt_dom)
<type 'instance'>
(Pdb) n
AttributeError: "virDomain instance has no attribute 'reset'"

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