I'm configuring a single-node installation of the Grizzly release and
I am having some strange issues with the Quantum agents.
The install using quantum-linuxbridge-agent, quantum-l3-agent, and
quantum-dhcp-agent. Each on is logging the error:
Failed reporting state!
The end of the stack trace indicates that the number arguments to some
call was incorrect.
dhcp-agent: TypeError: <lambda>() takes exactly 2 arguments (3
l3_agent: TypeError: <lambda>() takes exactly 2 arguments (3
linuxbridge-agent: TypeError: <lambda>() takes exactly 2 arguments (3
The services are connecting to the RabbitMQ server. Does this indicate
a mismatch in some driver that sites between the agents and the
RabbitMQ server?
Has anyone else seen this type of error before?
The packages I'm using are openstack-quantum-2013.1-3.el6.noarch and
Any suggestions will be appreciated.