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Re: Change trunk contents to lp:~marten-de-vries/openteacher/module-based


Hello *,

Cas Widdershoven schreef op ma 28-03-2011 om 21:26 [+0200]: 
> Op 28-03-11 21:17, Marten de Vries schreef:
> Please do so! Please move it to the trunk :P
After Milan also accepted this change on IRC (and by mail, however that
mail didn't reach this list), it's now reality.

The slightly adjusted branch structure:

- lp:openteacher - The new module based version of OpenTeacher, that
will be the base for OpenTeacher 3.x
- lp:openteacher/2.x - This branch isn't changed, it's still the current
line of development for the 2.x series.
- lp:~openteachermaintainers/openteacher/3.x-prototype ; this is the
branch that was trunk before the change, and contains all the work done
fast after starting development for OpenTeacher 3.

OK, time to change my local directory structure to reflect this
change :)

Marten de Vries
