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Re: openupgrade-addons-extra


On 03/13/2012 10:54 AM, Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:
 Can you please start a new project openupgrade-addons-extra?

 I will need to add migrations to some of the -extra modules.

 But I want to be able to stack branches instead of re-pushing 500MB
 every time I want to create a branch based on top of addons-extra.

 Also do you do any magic in picking the migrations folder version
 number? It would be great if you could do these for addons-extra at

(Replying to the mailing list)

Since extra-addons is deprecated (and a good thing too) I just made a


I see there is no 6.1 branch, so it is based on

Did not want to create the migration folders, as that would suggest that
we aim at migrating all modules in this repository. The migration folder
names are simply the OpenERP major release target version (e.g. '6.1') +
'.' + the version from the manifest of the target version of the module.
That will trigger the scripts to run if installed version is anything
lower than that or indeed NULL(!).
