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Re: [Question #244479]: cannot load migrated database under version 7


> this is an example of line to illustrate the problem:
> 2014-02-21 15:07:12,604 20160 ERROR OU_61_light_res_test_migrate1 openerp.osv.orm: Can't find field 'context_tz' in the following view parts composing the view of object model 'res.users':
>  * res.users.form

Yes, but this is the migration log, isn't it? These errors will occur
during the migration because the views are validated against the
datamodel before all changes to the datamodel have been processed.

If you get the same errors when you log on to the migrated database,
then you may have custom views that contain references to these obsolete
fields. In any case, it would be interesting if you could scan your
database and find out where the reference comes from.
