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Re: supporting oqgraph in MariaDB 5.5.32


Hello Tom,

Having worked on Maria only the last half year, I am probably only qualified
to answer your later questions, so working backwards:

> When I tried to drop the storage/oqgraph directory from the
> "10.0-oqgraph3-varchar" into the tree from the "pkg-mariadb" repo
> I get the following errors:
> http://paste.debian.net/40979/
> What would you recommend is the best way to proceed to build
> oqgraph v3 against MariaDB 5.5.32 and boost 1.54?

Looking at your paste-bin, it appears that the errors are due to changes in
the internal storage engine API that occured between 5.5 and 10.0. I was beset
with similar errors when I recently merged several months worth of progress
from the lp:maria/10.0 branch into the oqgraph v3 branch...
I am now addressing this, starting by doing what you did - I forked
pkg-mariadb and copied storage/oqgraph over the top, and am currently working
through fixing the build issues with #ifdefs.

Hopefully this will then let v3 work with both 5.5.32 and 10.0 by simply
forking the storage/oqgraph directory.

If I can get it running I'll ask for a pull request from my github. Then I'll
merge my changes back to launchpad.  Whether it runs without failing any
rgeression tests remain to be seen, I dont know what other changes have
happened to 10.0.4 that might have an impact

>Finally I would like to test oqgraph as built to verify
>that it indeed works correctly. Arjen said in IRC that
>" v3 has a fairly comprehensive testsuite including a stored
>proc that can generate a considerable sized graph (deterministically)".
>However I do not understand how to run that test.  Can you
>please clarify?

The way I run the test suite is by doing an in-place build of maria, then

    mysql-test/mysql-test-run --suite=oqgraph

There is a test mysql-test/suite/oqgraph/social.tets, I am guessing this is
what Arjen is referring to, it creates a 10000 node multi-linked graph.

You can run individually with

    mysql-test/mysql-test-run oqgraph.social

I am unsure how this would be run in the debian packaging environment.  To
date I have done all my development in a local build.  To do development, I
simply do the following in the source tree:

    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake .. -DWITH_EXTRA_CHARSETS=complex
    mysql-test/mysql-test-run --suite=oqgraph

The way I tested with boost 1.54 was to install boost locally so as not to
conflict with the Wheezy dpkg, then

    cmake .. -DWITH_EXTRA_CHARSETS=complex

I will need to see if I can backport 1.54 against wheezy to see how it goes
against the sid packaging

On 16/09/13 12:45, Tom Marble wrote:
> All:
> I'm trying to help package MariaDB 5.5.32 for Debian.


Twitter: @pastcompute
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