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Oxide call notes - 9 June


1. Releases

1.8.0 build missing media-hub headers (and the feature as a consequence)

2. Features
- Persistence of permissions - ie bug #1428754; will provide a temporary
fix to unblock other branches requiring that permission control feature
- series of branches getting ready for features like Do-Not-Track, datalist
support, some autofill-related branch
- basic auth support branch also in merge proposal
- fullscreen video support - initial feedback is that it moves mediasource
control outside of Oxide, and that may break with JS code managing
mediasource elements programatically; the alternative is that media-hub
develops some support for that, but that's quite another story

3. Bugs
Webview FS property is intercepted by the view whereas it should not - bug
to be filed

4. Misc.
Ongoing discussion about how to deal with 2 alternative builds and how to
manage the transition from the current packages; and speed up builds.
Memory usage and OOM killer thread to be re-pinged as well.

Follow ups