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Switching to GIT



As part of the migration to gn from gyp, Oxide checkouts are moving to a
new layout (Oxide will be checked out to a subdirectory of the Chromium
source). As part of this, Oxide is moving from bzr to git.

As of last night, the bzr branch lp:oxide/crmaster is deprecated - it
now lives at
AFAIK, I'm the only person using this branch (it's used to track
Chromium). At some point this week I'd like to also do the same for

This means there will be some changes to workflow - in particular,
checking out Oxide will be a bit different. Creating a new checkout
looks something like this:

    $ git clone
    $ ./oxide-tools/fetch_oxide <checkout_directory>

fetch_oxide has a few options, notably --cache and --branch.

Building is pretty much the same:

    $ mkdir <checkout_directory>/src/objdir && cd
<checkout_directory>/src/objdir && cmake .. && make

Keeping your checkout up-to-date works like this:

    $ cd <checkout_directory>/src/oxide
    $ git pull (or whatever workflow you prefer to use to update your
local branch)
    $ ./tools/update-checkout.py

The last command rewrites the gclient spec and runs gclient sync to
update Chromium.

It would be useful for anybody working with existing bzr checkouts of
Oxide to try this now to ensure that everything works ok. To checkout
the crmaster branch, you can pass "--branch crmaster" to fetch_oxide.

Many thanks
- Chris

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