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Oxide call notes - 4 October 2016


*1. Release Roadmap*

   - 1.17.9 being uploaded to a silo for landing
   - Looking at the upstream release calendar
   - Proposal to schedule upcoming OTA's in sync with Oxide

*2. Upcoming Features & Bugs Fixes*

   - 1.18 fix of note: https://bugs.launchpad.net/oxide/1.18/+bug/1625484
   - on convergence scrollbars : the switch is transparent, and
   non-destructive; testing shows that quite a few websites behave correctly;
   Facebook is one counter-example where
      - design decision : oxide will not reload the page automatically, nor
      should the app, as it is a destructive operation
      - switching scrollbars between the 2 form-factor mostly takes a
      re-layout, not reloading
      - the switch can only be transparent on responsive web sites
   - Webbrowser-app landed with multi-window support; works as a snap on
   Unity 7; work ongoing to have it also work as a snap under Unity8
   - Some scrolling optimizations also upcoming for pathologic sites using
   a lot of push-state / navigation events

*3. Feature Planning & Discussions*

   - HW video decoding ? Still ongoing
   - related: will need to arbitrate access to the HW, either via MH proxy
   API or another system level service; this in turn will require a good
   strategy to avoid ABI breaks; Santosh to look into that as a continuation
   of the HW video decoding work