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Some P2PSP (2013) implementation details


Hello P2PSP subscribers!

I would like to mention to some implementation details of the P2PSP of this
year (2013). Obviously, everything is almost equals implementation
conducted last year, but there are some changes that you might like to know
/ discuss.

First, the super-peer figure does not exist anymore. The super-peer has
been replaced by the drain, that unlike the super-peer does not send
anything to the cluster. Its main objective is that the cluster size does
not influence the amount of data that a peer has to send to the cluster.
Now, although the cluster has a single peer, it sends the same as if there
were 1000 peers.

Second, it has been incorporated a simple technique that should reduce the
time that lasts from a peer enters the cluster until it starts getting
blocks, especially if the cluster is large. Now, as the incomming peer
receives the list of peers from the splitter (in the 2013-implementationm
the splitter now the name of the source) sends a UDP packet without payload
(ie only the UDP header) to each of the peers that are in the cluster. When
a peer receives a UDP packet from another (regardless of the payload size),
the peer searches on his list of peers and if the sender is not in it, the
receiver peer adds the sender. Thus, the splitter blocks currently being
sent to the cluster (and that peers are broadcasting) should quickly reach
the peer that has just entered the cluster.

Third, one peer is only allowed for private network. If you want to install
on a private network more than one peer, you have to create a new cluster
on the private network.

Fourth, the peers sends a "goodbye" when leaving the cluster. These
messages are UDP packets with no payload. When a peer receives a packet of
this type and the sender is on his list of peers, then removes it from the
list. The splitter does the same.

The code that performs these operations can be found in:


Extra info at (implementation milestones):


and (white paper):


Happy (simple) streaming!

Vicente González Ruiz
Depto de Informática
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
Universidad de Almería

Carretera Sacramento S/N
04120, La Cañada de San Urbano
Almería, España

e-mail: vruiz@xxxxxx
tel: +34 950 015711
fax: +34 950 015486