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Message #00140
Re: Design, implementation and integration of a graphical user interface for the Peer in the P2PSP python implementation.
The GSOC proposal for *Design, implementation and integration of a
graphical user interface for the Peer *and the corresponding scripts
mentioned in the proposal are available in the following link.
please send me some feedback regarding the proposal or any suggestions you
want to add in the sample gui etc.
On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 4:29 AM, Cristóbal Medina López <
cristobalmedinalopez@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi there,
> El mar., 17 de marzo de 2015 a las 19:13, Krishna Teja Perannagari (<
> krishnatejaperannagari@xxxxxxxxx>) escribió:
>> i have been working on the above suggestions and was able to incorporate
>> a basic video player in peer.py it is made using wx and libvlc python
>> bindings. Here is the short video demo
>> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMebBng1n5U&feature=youtu.be> of the
>> script.
> It looks good!
>> By just one command we can launch both the peer and gui. when you
>> mentioned a single executable instead of command line do you mean to
>> bundle the p2psp in the form of exe and deb packages that can be installed
>> easily in clients machine running windows and debian based systems or just
>> launch gui automatically when peer is invoked as done in video
> The idea is to run an only python file. You should have every parameter
> used in the P2PSP command line implementation, including the player, all in
> one window.
>> And also to make the peer more user friendly it would be good if we can
>> list all available channels, the number of peers, the downspeed, upspeed,
>> health similar to how they display it in utorrent client. I wanted to know
>> if the already existing p2psp script gives these datails as i haven't come
>> across them in the scripts and there was a seperate idea regarding this in
>> gsoc idea list.
> When you run the peer in debug mode, you can get some of them. :)
> Regards.
>> On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 1:51 AM, Cristóbal Medina López <
>> cristobalmedinalopez@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi Krishna,
>>> El dom., 8 de marzo de 2015 a las 18:21, Krishna Teja Perannagari (<
>>> krishnatejaperannagari@xxxxxxxxx>) escribió:
>>>> hi my name is krishna i wanted to know a bit more about the project and
>>>> the expected outcomes.Recently i ran the p2psp server in my system and went
>>>> through the python bindings of videolan.The p2psp streams the video say in
>>>> url http://xyz.com/abc.mp4. Currently the peer has to open this video
>>>> using the command vlc http://xyz.com/abc.mp4.
>>>> The project aim is to make the user use only one command xterm e
>>>> "./peer.py splitter_host" and make them play the video
>>>> player too without the requirements of any vlc pre installed. We have to
>>>> code the player using python and vlc.py(videolan python binding) and then
>>>> the script has to be linked to the peer.py.
>>> The purpose of this work is to get a GUI for the P2PSP instead of using
>>> the command line. The idea is to run an executable and see everything in
>>> one window: the player, the controls, the peers list, etc.
>>> We think that an easy way is to use LibVLC. However, any other
>>> suggestion about multimedia libraries is welcome.
>>>> Am i missing something and are there any more additions that we can
>>>> work on in case the project gets completed because already the vlc api
>>>> documentation is well written.Also i wanted to ask if we can use other
>>>> modules that come with python for ui for making buttons like gtk, pygtk
>>> Of course, you can use pyGtk, pyQt (in fact, you can use any free
>>> software tool that you consider appropriate). Have a look at these
>>> exampes:
>>> http://git.videolan.org/?p=vlc/bindings/python.git;a=tree;f=examples;hb=HEAD
>>> .
>>> Regards!
>>>> --
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>> --
>> krishna teja perannagari
krishna teja perannagari
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